We sincerely thank everyone, voters and non-voters alike, who took the time to provide feedback. We carefully reviewed all constructive input before resubmitting NNS Labs Season 3. It was also inspiring to see such strong support and unity from voters and communities around a common vision.
One of our main goals is to create unity in the nouniverse, not only among communities but also among people. Which is why we are addressing here some feedback from the previous prop hoping to clear all doubts.
1. Funding request. Rather than shortening the proposal’s duration from 12 months to 6 or compromising the quality of outputs, we decided to absorb the reduction internally. Which is why we went from our previous ask of $576k to $398k.
We are firmly committed to both completing our vision and ensuring we reach self-sustainability within the year.
By taking off 30% from the ask, we aim to alleviate doubts, make the request more palatable for everyone, and reduce the DAO's risk while delivering even greater value in return.
2. This is not a memecoin prop. This prop is about NNS Labs and our mission of creating vertical products to increase onboarding and inflow for communities. NOGS has admittedly experienced more utility and adoption growth compared to our other products, but it is still only a fraction of our pipeline. As its utility and infrastructure grows, the term “memecoin” is probably getting misleading and reductive. On this matter, we are constantly getting feedbacks and ideas from nouners and we’re working on a more fitting placement.
3. Adapting and evolving. We’ve always seen our ability to adapt and evolve quickly, while still delivering according to the market and trends as a strength of ours, not a weakness. Just as we edit and evolve our products following feedback from the community, to make sure we provide what the nounish ecosystem actually wants, we believe staying alert and receptive to how the ecosystem shifts and evolve it’s paramount for a constant-evolving reality like Nouns. One of our goals is to stay (and remain) relevant, but most importantly we don’t want the DAO to invest into something that risks becoming obsolete due to lack of flexibility.
4. NOGS evolution: A couple of feedback regarding NOGS launch, or better its evolution, took us by surprise, so we want to clarify our stance. Ever since the launch of the very first version in Summer 2023, we’ve constantly been in touch and collecting feedback from several communities and members of the ecosystem. Its first big update came after listening to these feedbacks for almost a year, when we realised its first structure was limited compared to what people wanted. NOGS as a fungible token was part of our second mandate, that's why we decided to evolve it following every input we received, no matter how small or crazy it might have seemed at the time.
What has never changed, however, is the fact that NOGS was never (and never will be) exclusively linked to NNS but to activity in the broader nounish ecosystem, which is why it has separate channels and communication.
Today, also thanks to all those input we received from the ecosystem, NOGS has an infrastructure that is already having a positive impact, of which the potential has yet to be fully exploited.
Noone can know what the future holds, today the DAO certainly isn’t the same DAO of two years ago. For this very reason, we’ll always remain receptive to the ecosystem, always trying to deliver to the best of our abilities.
That said, we hope this helps clarify our vision and our path forward.
NNS Labs is a development hub founded in 2022 and laser focused on the Nouns ecosystem.
Our mission is to create products and infrastructures that can allow Nouns and other communities to avoid relying only on auctions, leveraging a diverse set of (non forkable) revenue streams that evolves with the DAOs and the current metas.
Every product launched during our mandates works in synergy with the others, creating subsequent value and revenue streams so that the entire funded amount can be recovered, also adding further long term profit and exponential onboarding.
$NOGS, for one, is the first token in the Nouniverse to provide holders with tangible benefits through active participation in the nounish ecosystem.
NNS is an open source (GPLv3 licence) platform and first protocol to share 95% of its revenues with the community.
Noggles Club is our most recent experiment that instantly adds new utility to every nounish NFT and channel on Farcaster and boosts visibility for projects and builders.
After two successful six-month terms, we now propose a third and last 12-month mandate to complete this vision, intensifying NOGS and NNS development and building a core set of infrastructures with the goal not only allow the DAO to recover the whole funded amount, but also to support the growth of the nounish ecosystem forever.
In the last mandate, NOGS and NNS reached major milestones, including $2M+ liquidity, 75k holders, revenue assets like Resolver and Referral Rewards and .nouns names that will fund the NounsDAO treasury in the long term.
With the rebranding of NNS, the protocol now gives 95% of the revenue generated by the sales of the .⌐◨-◨ names back to the ecosystem, split between Referrals and Resolvers.
In this next mandate, we aim to expand NOGS and NNS, launch Noggles Club as a standalone platform and create new onboarding and revenue opportunities for the ecosystem.
Products will be open sourced under a GPLv3 licence following the same path of NNS.
We request a stream of $398k to drive these efforts over 12 months, focusing on development and community engagement.
Not considering the $4M worth of airdrop to Nouns, Lils and Gnars holders during NOGS launch, with the previous six-month mandate of $248k we generated substantial returns and assets for the DAO:
The following goals are designed to benefit NounsDAO significantly and will also be implemented, at a similar scale, across major nounish sub-DAOs, thus multiplying their impact across the Nouniverse:
✅ Evolved NNS into an Open Identity Protocol: Executed a full NNS rebranding. Transformed from a .⌐◨-◨ domain provider into a comprehensive, revenue-sharing identity protocol that directly benefits users and communities alike.
✅ $4M worth of $NOGS airdropped to Nouns, Lils and Gnars during NOGS launch: Launched a dynamic airdrop system linked to the ownership of nounish NFTs and unlock % influenced by the age of the NFTs and their governance activity.
✅ Noteworthy Market Influence ("$NOGS Effect"): Observed substantial ecosystem impact during the $NOGS launch, including a 30% increase in Nouns auction prices, an 80% spike in Gnars auctions, and a 400% lift in Lils floor prices.
✅ $NOGS Transitioned to a High-Liquidity Ecosystem Token: Progressed from a social token tracking nounish activity to a substantial ecosystem token with over 75k holders and $1.4M+ liquidity, integrated with nounish NFTs and providing direct value to the DAO.
✅ Raised 525 ETH for the $NOGS Liquidity Pool: Demonstrated robust market support and stability for $NOGS, creating a solid base for future community-driven growth.