is a two-day NFT event, which is scheduled for 27th & 28th of May 2022 in Munich, Germany.
Goal of the event is to offer a platform to a broader audience to empower, educate and onboard the interested public onto the NFT space.
We would ask for a nouns grant of 15 ETH to have nouns sponsor the event and nounify it.
The event will be hosted in Munich but will collaborate with a hackathon in Nuremberg. This way we ensure an inter-regional promotion of NFTs in the two biggest Cities of Bavaria (total population of ~2M people)
The first day introduces the underlying technologies of NFTs such as blockchain and smart contracts through panels and talks. Different areas of application of NFTs and their economic significance will be presented using successful examples from the gaming, fashion and art sectors. A panel discussion will be held to critically examine the technology and its benefits and to take a visionary look into the future of NFTs. On this day, the audience will be introduced to the world of NFTs and informed about the basics and possible areas of application.
The second day will be a deep dive into current topics and trends in Web3 and the world of NFTs. Representatives from Web3 projects and companies will present their NFT journey, current strategies and experiences. Trends, technological developments, as well as tax and regulatory aspects will be covered. The crypto and NFT communities and all interested parties are invited to exchange ideas in an interdisciplinary manner on this day.
The event is planned to attract ~400 people in-person and around the same amount to stream online over the course of 2 days.
Benjabo: Benjamin Bauer (CEO of ZOLLHOF - Tech Incubator) is a long-time fan of blockchain technology. He first invested in Bitcoin and Ethereum in 2016 and went all-in on NFTs early 2021. Fascinated by the new possibilities of the decentralised web3, Benjamin pushes this topic for ZOLLHOF and the German startup ecosystem.
Cairol: aerospace engineer, idea creator and value-based leader in the field of innovation and deep tech.
Aguwiku: architect and urban planner, sustainability and climate protection expert, grew up with art, big fan of tennis.
niftynaut: noun172, building to help others swap their NFTs the safe way with each other.
In general, as the event has an educational approach, we hope also to spread the word about cc0 and convince more builders to think about what kind of license they want to use for their future NFT projects. Moreover, Nouns are not yet proliferating in Europe and sponsoring the conference will help get more attention to the protocol outside of North America.
we are hosting the event at the Haus der Kunst (House of Art) which is a non-collecting modern and contemporary art museum in Munich, Germany.
Date of the event is the 27th & 28th of May 2022.
The NFT event will help to educate the interested public about NFTs. We are sure this event will draw attention to NFTs and blockchain because it is touching the Zeitgeist and there are not many other events to educate the public about this technology in Germany, and so far none in Munich.
There is still a great need for education and information in Germany.
There are a few events, but they differ in their objectives and focus.
So far there are not many events to compare it even with.
Right now it is a right and important time for our, precisely because there are so many different approaches, ideas, areas of application etc… Our approach also stands out above all because of the first day, which focuses on critical observation and informing the broader public. On top of it, Bavaria has developed its own blockchain strategy. The added value of this technology for society, the economy and even for the administration is seen.
Munich is a hotspot for art! The art scene is alive and well. There are many collectors and art enthusiasts here. There is a lot of “old” culture and a lot of tradition. Our event fits right in as there is a vacuum currently we hope to fill.
We are also partnering with Hackbay which organised many hackathons (200+ participants) and now organises its first web3 hackathon (Sponsors: Adidas, Siemens) in Nuremberg (population of ~800k).
Some more info about Munich:
Looks promising to be confirmed soon:
Judith Gerlach, Bavarian State Minister for Digital Affairs
The money from the sponsorship provided by the nouns will be used to partially cover the expenses (expenses > nouns grant). A payout from this grant to the organisers is not included.
what we ask for:
15 ETH for sponsorship of the NFT event.
We are trying to cover costs completely through sponsorships.
We would be more than happy to welcome nouns in Munich for the event and have an IRL meet-up.
what nouns get: is a two-day NFT event, which is scheduled for 27th & 28th of May 2022 in Munich, Germany.
Goal of the event is to offer a platform to a broader audience to empower, educate and onboard the interested public onto the NFT space.
We would ask for a nouns grant of 15 ETH to have nouns sponsor the event and nounify it.
The event will be hosted in Munich but will collaborate with a hackathon in Nuremberg. This way we ensure an inter-regional promotion of NFTs in the two biggest Cities of Bavaria (total population of ~2M people)
The first day introduces the underlying technologies of NFTs such as blockchain and smart contracts through panels and talks. Different areas of application of NFTs and their economic significance will be presented using successful examples from the gaming, fashion and art sectors. A panel discussion will be held to critically examine the technology and its benefits and to take a visionary look into the future of NFTs. On this day, the audience will be introduced to the world of NFTs and informed about the basics and possible areas of application.
The second day will be a deep dive into current topics and trends in Web3 and the world of NFTs. Representatives from Web3 projects and companies will present their NFT journey, current strategies and experiences. Trends, technological developments, as well as tax and regulatory aspects will be covered. The crypto and NFT communities and all interested parties are invited to exchange ideas in an interdisciplinary manner on this day.
The event is planned to attract ~400 people in-person and around the same amount to stream online over the course of 2 days.
Benjabo: Benjamin Bauer (CEO of ZOLLHOF - Tech Incubator) is a long-time fan of blockchain technology. He first invested in Bitcoin and Ethereum in 2016 and went all-in on NFTs early 2021. Fascinated by the new possibilities of the decentralised web3, Benjamin pushes this topic for ZOLLHOF and the German startup ecosystem.
Cairol: aerospace engineer, idea creator and value-based leader in the field of innovation and deep tech.
Aguwiku: architect and urban planner, sustainability and climate protection expert, grew up with art, big fan of tennis.
niftynaut: noun172, building to help others swap their NFTs the safe way with each other.
In general, as the event has an educational approach, we hope also to spread the word about cc0 and convince more builders to think about what kind of license they want to use for their future NFT projects. Moreover, Nouns are not yet proliferating in Europe and sponsoring the conference will help get more attention to the protocol outside of North America.
we are hosting the event at the Haus der Kunst (House of Art) which is a non-collecting modern and contemporary art museum in Munich, Germany.
Date of the event is the 27th & 28th of May 2022.
The NFT event will help to educate the interested public about NFTs. We are sure this event will draw attention to NFTs and blockchain because it is touching the Zeitgeist and there are not many other events to educate the public about this technology in Germany, and so far none in Munich.
There is still a great need for education and information in Germany.
There are a few events, but they differ in their objectives and focus.
So far there are not many events to compare it even with.
Right now it is a right and important time for our, precisely because there are so many different approaches, ideas, areas of application etc… Our approach also stands out above all because of the first day, which focuses on critical observation and informing the broader public. On top of it, Bavaria has developed its own blockchain strategy. The added value of this technology for society, the economy and even for the administration is seen.
Munich is a hotspot for art! The art scene is alive and well. There are many collectors and art enthusiasts here. There is a lot of “old” culture and a lot of tradition. Our event fits right in as there is a vacuum currently we hope to fill.
We are also partnering with Hackbay which organised many hackathons (200+ participants) and now organises its first web3 hackathon (Sponsors: Adidas, Siemens) in Nuremberg (population of ~800k).
Some more info about Munich:
Looks promising to be confirmed soon:
Judith Gerlach, Bavarian State Minister for Digital Affairs
The money from the sponsorship provided by the nouns will be used to partially cover the expenses (expenses > nouns grant). A payout from this grant to the organisers is not included.
what we ask for:
15 ETH for sponsorship of the NFT event.
We are trying to cover costs completely through sponsorships.
We would be more than happy to welcome nouns in Munich for the event and have an IRL meet-up.
what nouns get: