🎨 Noundry: Add Nountie Hat Head
🎨 Noundry: Add Nountie Hat Head
submitted via Noundry Gallery
This proposal adds a new head trait: Nountie Hat
Showcase Noun
Trait artwork
Circle crop
Palette: 4 colors
Playground testing
Click here to see auto-generated combinations of the new part with existing Nouns parts.
Some words from the artist
This hat was shortlisted in one of the first few rounds of yearly additions. It's based on the Canadian Mountie Hat, which would be a fun addition to the Nouns collection imo.
Submitting initially without any request for compensation, whether ETH or a noun, purely to see if this is a trait that people want to see in the collection. However, I will leave this as a candidate for some time to see if there's any general sentiment on what comp should look like. Without a clear signal, I will propose it without comp and if accepted, I can potentially gauge sentiment on some kind of comp in a seperate candidate. Would love a winter noun such as 184, 709 or 868... or even the psychedelic potato 700.
I'll be stoked to see this in the collection regardless though!
Nouns Art Contribution Agreement
I, benbodhi, hereby waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to this work to the extent possible under the law.
I have read and understand the terms and intended legal effect of the Nouns Art Contribution Agreement, available at https://z5pvlzj323gcssdd3bua3hjqckxbcsydr4ksukoidh3l46fhet4q.arweave.net/z19V5TvWzClIY9hoDZ0wEq4RSwOPFSopyBn2vninJPk, and hereby voluntarily elect to apply it to this contribution.
Contribution name: Nountie Hat head
Contribution specification: 
You can verify the signature using Etherscan or any other EIP-191 verification tool