This proposal adds a new noggles trait: Light browns
Showcase Noun
Trait artwork
Circle crop
Palette: 4 colors
Click here to see auto-generated combinations of the new part with existing Nouns parts.
In germanic languages there is a saying "third timeβs a charm" so here it goes...
AR links:
Zora mint(Can be used as an AR filter putting ββ¨-β¨ in your surroundings if link is opened on mobile)
I, fattybuthappy, hereby waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to this work to the extent possible under the law.
I have read and understand the terms and intended legal effect of the Nouns Art Contribution Agreement, available at, and hereby voluntarily elect to apply it to this contribution.
Contribution name: Light browns noggles
Contribution specification: 
You can verify the signature using Etherscan or any other EIP-191 verification tool
This proposal adds a new noggles trait: Light browns
Showcase Noun
Trait artwork
Circle crop
Palette: 4 colors
Click here to see auto-generated combinations of the new part with existing Nouns parts.
In germanic languages there is a saying "third timeβs a charm" so here it goes...
AR links:
Zora mint(Can be used as an AR filter putting ββ¨-β¨ in your surroundings if link is opened on mobile)
I, fattybuthappy, hereby waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to this work to the extent possible under the law.
I have read and understand the terms and intended legal effect of the Nouns Art Contribution Agreement, available at, and hereby voluntarily elect to apply it to this contribution.
Contribution name: Light browns noggles
Contribution specification: 
You can verify the signature using Etherscan or any other EIP-191 verification tool