pipe da snowman | "these are definitely a lil nounish"
Not my vibe but I do like the idea of adding other traits than heads!
Green pink multi doesn't look as good on other heads.
Your Olive and Cold designs stand out to me. Pls propose both!
Not my vibe but I do like the idea of adding other traits than heads!
Nouncil has spoken.
We discuss all Nouns proposals every week in our Discord The calls are public and all are welcome!
You can find a link to previous call recordings in our Discord "links" channel.
Nouncil has voted Against this proposal, with 13 votes for, 18 against, and 10 abstentions. Thanks for playing Nouns, please try again.
benbodhi | "my long lost ice cream flavour. probably the only time I would like the multi noggles."
borg00000 | "s/o Roy purdy but he has sunset these glasses already"
not totally sold on the pastel feeling color combo.. as mentioned in the past i think multi-colored noggles are going to be the hardest ones to get consensus on.. a lot of people claim to not like the current ones :shrug: But keep pushing, man~ you'll find a combo everyone supports soon, if its not this one! ⌐◨-◨
This is fun in a vacuum but most nouns just look really bad with them. The rat is probably one of the heads it looks best on, but a selective best case is not a compelling reason to add a trait when the fail cases are abundant (click playground testing link to see more).
This is fun in a vacuum but most nouns just look really bad with them. The rat is probably one of the heads it looks best on, but a selective best case is not a compelling reason to add a trait when the fail cases are abundant (click playground testing link to see more).
It would be nice to add other traits besides heads, I personally like these Noggles
submitted via Noundry Gallery
This proposal adds a new noggles trait: Green pink multi
I love multicolor Noggles and would be thrilled if my first approved proposal is multi color. So based on feedback from Prop 627, I incorporated more complementary colors into new variations, and this version was the most liked off-chain by some Nounders, which brings us to this moment. For those who commented on not liking multicolor Noggles, I completely understand and i’m happy to work on unicolor designs. When having time, I would appreciate it if you could visit my Noundry gallery and vote on your favorite unicolor variation. Fun fact: after creating this variation and showed to friend 0xyezh he told me look similar to Roy Purdys Glasses and it is so gnarly. Also shotout to based nouns helping sponsoring proposal.
Zora Mint (Can be used as an AR filter putting ⌐◨-◨ in your surroundings if link is opened on mobile)
Showcase Noun
Trait artwork
Circle crop
Palette: 4 colors
Click here to see auto-generated combinations of the new part with existing Nouns parts.
I, fattybuthappy, hereby waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to this work to the extent possible under the law.
I have read and understand the terms and intended legal effect of the Nouns Art Contribution Agreement, available at, and hereby voluntarily elect to apply it to this contribution.
Contribution name: Green pink multi noggles
Contribution specification: 
You can verify the signature using Etherscan or any other EIP-191 verification tool
submitted via Noundry Gallery
This proposal adds a new noggles trait: Green pink multi
I love multicolor Noggles and would be thrilled if my first approved proposal is multi color. So based on feedback from Prop 627, I incorporated more complementary colors into new variations, and this version was the most liked off-chain by some Nounders, which brings us to this moment. For those who commented on not liking multicolor Noggles, I completely understand and i’m happy to work on unicolor designs. When having time, I would appreciate it if you could visit my Noundry gallery and vote on your favorite unicolor variation. Fun fact: after creating this variation and showed to friend 0xyezh he told me look similar to Roy Purdys Glasses and it is so gnarly. Also shotout to based nouns helping sponsoring proposal.
Zora Mint (Can be used as an AR filter putting ⌐◨-◨ in your surroundings if link is opened on mobile)
Showcase Noun
Trait artwork
Circle crop
Palette: 4 colors
Click here to see auto-generated combinations of the new part with existing Nouns parts.
I, fattybuthappy, hereby waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to this work to the extent possible under the law.
I have read and understand the terms and intended legal effect of the Nouns Art Contribution Agreement, available at, and hereby voluntarily elect to apply it to this contribution.
Contribution name: Green pink multi noggles
Contribution specification: 
You can verify the signature using Etherscan or any other EIP-191 verification tool