ProposalsProposal 651

🎨 Noundry: Add Luggage Head

Quorum: 107
Proposed by

submitted via Noundry Gallery

This proposal adds a new head trait: Luggage

Why do I want to add luggage to Nouns collection?:

The addition of “luggage” to the Nouns collection will expand the diversity of the collection by introducing a new form of baggage to follow the existing bags and backpacks and give it travel symbolism. The pale blue color familiar from the emoji will become iconic. Also, the zipper mouth is very cute.

Nouniversary art(2022): Luggage head was one of the finalists selected by the Noundry Committee (4156, 9999, gremplin, solimander, goldy) to add a trait for the first nouniversary, and although it narrowly missed being included, it showcased its strong potential.

Design process:

Following the results of the final selection, we decided to make further improvements.

From original to completion, three major updates were made.

  • original
  • v1 Horizontal flip, color adjustment of entire bag, mouth moved down 1 pixel
  • v2 Expand the lower jaw
  • v3 Restore a similar atmosphere to the original while keeping the mouth intact.

Collection addition criteria:

  • Simplicity Over Detail, It avoids excessive focus on details, shadows, and textures, keeping the design clean and straightforward.
  • The design is scalable and functions effectively as a Profile Picture (PFP).
  • Design elements do not invade the body preventing conflicts with accessories.
  • It maintains a recognisable silhouette.
  • It aligns with the Noun's values and has a universal meaning.
  • It represents the entire element, not just portions or specific details.
  • The design is built around the glasses rather than merely overlaying them.
  • The official color palette is used, and the number of colours in the design is limited to ensure consistency and simplicity.

Showcase Noun

Trait artwork

Circle crop

Palette: 6 colors

Playground testing

Click here to see auto-generated combinations of the new part with existing Nouns parts.


If this proposal is approved, I would like to receive 2.82eth as compensation for the added head trait. This amount is calculated from the average price of Nouns auction in the last month.

About me:

I am amiyoko, a digital artist specializing in head art. Over the past two years, I have created more than 500 unique pieces, demonstrating my dedication and evolving technique. A selection of my representative works can be viewed in the Noundry Gallery.

I am honored to have already contributed three designs to the Nouns collection:

Nouns Art Contribution Agreement

I, amiyoko, hereby waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to this work to the extent possible under the law.  
I have read and understand the terms and intended legal effect of the Nouns Art Contribution Agreement, available at, and hereby voluntarily elect to apply it to this contribution.  
Contribution name: Luggage head  
Contribution specification:   

You can verify the signature using Etherscan or any other EIP-191 verification tool