Thank you to everyone that reviewed and shared feedback on Prop 624. The team has done our best to incorporate or address it all and remains committed to developing and growing nounspace into the top Farcaster client for web3 communities (not just nounish communities, but also communities that are nounish but don't know wtf that means yet).
While we believe we can get there, we also recognize that we have a long way to go. In light of this, we’ve refocused this prop around the first critical step in this journey: converting at least a handful of communities into power users/evangelists. We’re confident in our ability to deliver this and hope you’ll agree after trying nounspace and reviewing this prop.
Before we dive in, here’s a high level list of key changes:
We hope this revised version is a hell yes from each of you! If not, please let us know what you'd need to see.
Our mission is to build the future of social.
Our vision for the future of social is one that's customizable, open-source, decentralized, and community-owned.
The problem is that social networks are rigid and monolithic. Your toolset for self expression is limited to liking, posting, and commenting. That's it.
The digital world is much more than usernames posting though. So much of the content and functionality that gets created and consumed online happens outside of social. The best that creators or communities can do to bring their external content into social is to post about it, perhaps with a link. Then, they're lucky if they can persuade a % of their audience that hopefully sees it in their feed to leave the social app.
At the same time, AI bots are spreading rapidly throughout social networks, and it's more important than ever for humans to be able to express themselves uniquely and creatively.
nounspace makes it easy to share the vibes, content, and functionality you wish with your audience. While other social platforms focus on creating walled gardens that restrict and constrain, nounspace offers an open and extensible rainforest that gives power back to users, builders, creators, and communities.
The average human spends 2 hours and 23 minutes on social media each day, over 1/3 of the time we spend online.
Our thesis at nounspace is that a lot of the interesting content and functionality already exists online, but outside of social. Rather than create some new, separate app, social is where it makes the most sense to bring it all together. Users, builders, and communities are already using social every day. Why don't we meet where we already are? Thanks to decentralized social networks like Farcaster, this is finally possible.
The same tools that empower you to express yourself on your public Space--Themes, Fidgets, and Tabs--are just as useful on your personal/private Homebase. Rather than bouncing between dozens of apps, you can access the communities, content, and functionality that are important to you as a web3 user/community member from nounspace.
Our solution isn't to build the ultimate social app ourselves, but rather to give users, developers, and the community the platform to build their own ecosystem together.
At least 10 communities (5 nounish & 5 not-yet-nounish) using nounspace as their primary hub.
The $200k we're requesting will cover development and operating expenses for nounspace for a bare minimum of 5 months. During these 5 months, the team will laser focus on crushing this goal as well as extending stablecoin runway as much as we can. Once we've achieved the goal, we'll use our learnings to identify the next goal and continue building strategically towards the mission.
Web3 communities are optimal users for nounspace because they have information and functionality spread across a large number of outlets, such as their website, app, social presence(s), forum, governance platform, blogs, videos, or other apps such as Donation apps, NFT platforms, DEXs, DeFi protocols, or market data. Currently, the only options for communities to unify their content exist outside of social, such as building custom webpages (ie. ShapeShift, Giveth, or Nouns) or link trees.
By enabling communities to aggregate their silos while focusing on the unmet needs they have with existing social apps, nounspace will onboard the world one community at a time.
nounspace is uniquely positioned to serve these needs thanks to our team's experience cultivating, contributing to, and working with web3 communities for a combined 30 years. Combined with the experience, network, and support of Nounish communities and their members, the advantage is frankly unfair.
Already you can the explore the unique, customized spaces of a diverse list of top web3 communities such as Based Nouns, Edunouns, Gnars, NounsBR, Public Nouns, KeepKey, ShapeShift, Giveth, and Skatehive. These communities and more are excited about nounspace and already providing us with clear feedback on what to build next, such as Profile Tabs (launching during this prop), Channels (up next), Mobile (sneak peak below), and ongoing UX improvements.
1. Get web3 communities
Leverage social media and our existing networks to identify pilot communities in web3 that are the perfect fit for nounspace.
nounspace has already developed the core foundation and building blocks that enable communities to consolidate their fragmented stack with no code: customizable Spaces, Tabs, and Fidgets. We look forward to working closely with our pilot communities to address their feedback and needs until nounspace is their primary hub for sharing content, functionality, and vibes their audience.
2. Get web3 users
One way to onboard web3 users is for me or nounspace to say "Yo you gotta check nounspace out." A much more effective and scalable strategy is to make it compelling for communities and their members to invite eachother. Smart Links (view spec) will enable both users and communities to share any Theme, Fidget, or Tab while earning $SPACE rewards for their creations that get used and for the new users they invite. Smart Links also streamline onboarding for new users and help immediately demonstrate value. We can also use this system to create public leaderboards of not hust referrers, but top Themes, Tabs, Fidgets, which users will be able to add to their Space or Homebase in 2-3 clicks.
3. Get web3 developers
Once we have the users, the next step in unlocking nounspace's potential is empowering the concentrated network of builders on Farcaster to develop, launch, and monetize Fidgets.
This where nounspace can really shine, but we'll never realize this vision unless we can first establish a sufficient userbase to entice developers. Fortunately, the barriers for launching a Fidget are much lower than launching a product or company, and advancements in AI will continue lowering this barrier until it disappears. Last but not least, nounspace can leverage the 20% of $SPACE supply allocated to builders to subsidize and accelerate the development of Fidgets long before reaching critical mass. Believe it or not, the third prong in our strategy is not as far as it seems.
While nounspace is still in its early stages and has a lot to improve before we could even hope to start seeing signs of PMF, it's undeniable that we're seeing some very encouraging momentum. In addition to glowing testimonials from happy, paying users and web3 communities (see appendix), nounspace continues to see increasing usage and activity.
Here are 3 charts that tell the story:
1. Daily Unique Visitors
Visits peaked on the day nounspace launched, in large part due to the pent up hype we'd been building over the prior 3 months. Unfortunately, our young private alpha was not quite ready to go viral, and our usage declined over the following month. Since the beginning of August, we've seen visitors steadily increase as we continue building and addressing feedback.
2. Daily Space and Homebase Edits
After a rapid fall from an exciting peak at launch, activity from users customizing their space literally hit rock bottom at the end of July. Since then, we've seen users customizing their Space and Homebase daily.
3. Total Activity
The most exciting metric is the total events. This chart gives an overview on how much users are using nounspace collectively across all tracked events, including signing up, editing their space or homebase, liking or casting, or viewing a page. nounspace has seen double digit week-over-week growth for 5/6 weeks (wowowowow), with over 500% increase over the past 6 weeks.
For more data, view nounspace's public dashboard of usage metrics
Most startups never ship a product let alone get happy, paying customers. To say the growth that nounspace is experiencing this early is encouraging would be an understatement. Opportunities and validation like this are rare. We have a long way to go, but we believe we're on the right path and well equipped for the mission.
Nouns has already invested $300k in developing 3 nounish farcaster clients. While this was the right amount for developing a proof of concept, it's clear that developing a truly competitive client requires more time & resources. If nounspace succeeds in our mission, the benefits to Nouns will be ongoing and unbeatable.
Beyond providing nounspace with the necessary funding to continue building, the Nouns community has the power to increase the likelihood of nounspace's success by supporting nounspace and/or sharing feedback on what we can build to ensure that your community(s) love nounspace and use it as their primary hub. This is Nouns' greatest superpower, and it doesn't cost anything. Let's leverage this to amplify the ROI of props and demonstrate the strength of our community and networks to the world.
The primary expense at this stage is to pay humans to design, build, and grow the app. In addition to covering operating expenses, the 200k USDC will enable nounspace to pay living wages to the Based Space Foundation Team for a minimum of 5 more months of focused efforts. By compensating contributors with a blend of USDC and $SPACE, we're able to maximize the impact of the funding provided by Nouns while also providing contributors with additional incentive to add as much value as they can.
Our team has experience building, operating, and exiting multiple consumer startups (JustLegal (acquired by DigitalTown), Bitfract (acquired by ShapeShift), and Press Cleaners (9+ years in operation)), building, launching, and contributing to top DAOs (ShapeShift, Giveth, and ATX DAO), building decentralized social (LBRY, Odysee, and SkateHive), and being nounish and gnarly.
Funds will be held and administered in a 3/6 Safe multisig composed of team members.
nounspace is already generating significant revenues and has additional streams going live soon. While our ability to achieve sustainabiity ultimately depends on finding product-market fit, we've validated our ability to generate meaningful revenues and will continue creating and capturing value appropriately to extend runway while being cogniscent of the need to also minimize friction and maximize growth.
For more info, check out our revenue projections.
YOU! nounspace would be nothing without you, our users and community. Check out some of the spaces that have already been customized below:
View these spaces and more on
One of the best available opportunities for the Nouns ecosystem is to double down on the vision for a nounish farcaster client, specifically doubling down on one of the promising clients nouns has already invested in: nounspace. We’re lucky to have a world-class, aligned, and proven team led by nounspaceTom ready and eager to accept this challenge and make the most of this compelling opportunity.
We want to give a big shoutout to the nouners that have gone above and beyond to support nounspace over the past 3 months:
latsko.eth, ccarrella, toadyhawk, bigshotklim, RobotFishGirl, nounishprof, vlad/skateboard, carlosmelgar, brennen.eth, dotnouns, Benbodhi, bob burnquist, jesse pollak, gami, yes2crypto, and many more.
Building something as ambitious as the future of social takes a village, and Nouns greatest superpower isn’t its treasury, but rather its diverse and aligned community of builders, creators, and connectors. We’re prepared to do everything we can with the resources available to build and grow nounspace to the best of our ability. Similarly, we ask that you all do everything you can to support and grow nounspace so we can maximize the ROI and wholeheartedly double down on this timely opportunity of epic proportions.
ICYMI, nounspace v0 opened the token gates to private alpha for nOGs holders on July 2 🚀
After 2 months of testing and iterating, we opened nounspace up to all Farcaster users. nOGs will continue receiving early and premium access to new features.
While we know there's a lot we still need to improve before we could even hope to see signs of product-market fit, public reception to the first nounish Farcaster client has been positive and encouraging. (x2) (x2) (x3) (x2) (x2) (x2)
Check out the 1 minute launch video, and/or visit to see for yourself.
nounspace has been quite busy over the past 6 months, and while we've strived to condense it all into a digestible prop, we understand that not everyone has time to read it all. So, we created a 3-minute video that highlights nounspace's entire journey so far and goes more in-depth on key concepts such as nounspace's mission, the $SPACE token and its fair launch.
As promised in our original submission, we’ve delivered a beautiful MLP of an incredibly nounish farcaster client that everyone can use.
Status of features outlined in the proposal:
✅ Fidgets - open source sandboxed mini-apps that can be used as building blocks for spaces.
Eleven powerful fidgets are live now, with more being added weekly, and we’re working on a full suite of developer tooling to empower anyone to build and deploy their own Fidgets for any nounspace user to use.
The Nounish Governance Fidget demonstrates how Fidgets leverage composability to enable compatible contracts or subgraphs to share the same UI/UX.
The Frame and iFrame Fidgets are particularly magical, and have already opened pandora's box, demonstrating infinite creative possibilities within the platform.
Fidgets live now ߷
We've only scratched the surface of what's possible with Fidgets. Which Fidget(s) do you think should we build next?
✅ Spaces - customizable personal pages where users can layout fidgets and frames
✅ Homebase - a private customizable feed and dashboard
✅ Themes - change colors, fonts, drop shadows, and more (even completely freeform css)
✅ Music - use any youtube video or playlist to give each space its own theme song
✅ Tabs (just launched!) - multiply the power of Themes, Fidgets, and Music by adding additional pages to a space or homebase as tabs.
Beyond the features pledged in our original proposal, we've also launched initial versions of the following core features:
✅ Theme Templates - select from 10 pre-configured theme templates, complete with Fonts, Fidget Styles, and Backgrounds, and (optionally) add your own modifications.
✅ Search - search for any Farcaster user by username, FID, or verified wallet addresses.
✅ Explore - a curated selection of customized spaces across a variety of topics, with Nounish projects featured on top.
✅ Notifications - get notified for relevant Farcaster activity, such as likes, recasts, quote casts, replies, and follows.
Beyond shipping a loveable, feature-rich v0, we also launched…
Granting our earliest supporters access to premium features for life.
Nounish community members got to mint their nOGs for free!
Nouns, Public Nouns, Gnars, Yellow Collective, Purple, and VRBS. However, when we announced on September 12th that 2M $SPACE was allocated to existing nOGs holders, and another 1M $SPACE would be dropped to nOGs holders in October, we ended all free sales except the one for Nouns holders.
There will only ever be 11,111, so mint yours before they run out!
a handsome, nounish KOL with over 8k followers and growing
A flourishing community of over 2k followers (up from 1.5k a couple weeks ago)
The governance and utility token for nounspace
$SPACE Resources
nounspace DAO Resources
Disclaimer: $SPACE is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nouns.
To cap off our 3 month sprint to the proposal finish line, we hosted the Onchain Summer Extravaganza in Austin, TX where we brought together over 200 attendees (both longtime crypto lovers and curious novices) to celebrate life onchain, nounishness (or as the locals call it, weirdness), nounspaceTom, and the launch of nounspace. As a result, we were rewarded with a 2 ETH grant from the Onchain Summer Hackathon.
If you haven’t had the chance to check nounspace out, please give it a try and let us know what you think!
nounspace DAO launched on September 12, 2024. While the team that's developed nounspace thus far will continue developing and growing nounspace as an independent entity, the Based Space Foundation, the community of $SPACE holders will be empowered with their own treasury, governance process, and control of the SPACE MOR20 contracts which control the emission allocation. Drawing from our past experience and learnings launching DAOs, The Based Space Foundation equipped the community with the full suite of DAO tooling necessary to discuss, propose, and execute proposals autonomously. While the Based Space Foundation is incentivized to support the community in successful coordination, the community has minimal dependencies and is empowered to carry nounspace forward in whichever direction they collectively choose, with or without the Based Space Foundation.
This synergy results in the best of both worlds: the ability to move nimbly and competitively relative to centralized organizations as well as unlock the infinite potential of an aligned, incentivized, and empowered community.
Further, it ensures that nounspace will be owned and operated by the community, which we believe is critical to our mission to create the future of social.
When building nounspace v0, we chose to concentrate on our key differentiators - the unique features and capabilities of nounspace that set it apart from other clients. Since launching alpha, we've been catching up on the core features that users of Farcaster or any social network come to expect, such as Search, Notifications, and improvements to the Feed and Casting UX. We also addressed user feedback, squashed bugs, and added some key Fidgets: Video, Links, Swap, SnapShot, and RSS.
We look forward to continuing to build upon this solid foundation one step at a time until we achieve our mission.
Ultimately the nounspace team's roadmap will be agile, flexible, and guided by user feedback and the results of ongoing experiments. Here are some of the ideas we're tentatively planning or considering based on the feedback we've received thus far:
First and foremost, we look forward to improving the app based on feedback from nounspace’s growing userbase and community. We’ve already received some great feedback and bug reports from community members and shipped dozens of fixes and improvements, and look forward to continuing this trend.
We’ve already invested a lot of thought into nounspace’s mobile UX, and have clears plans to enable the full suite of nounspace functionality on mobile, including theme customization, fidget configuration, fidget usage, and core farcaster functionality in a cohesive experience that’s easy, accessible, and fun. We have the backend, mockups, and team ready to make this a reality, as well as users that are already attempting to use and requesting nounspace on mobile.
Check out these sneak peaks which demonstrate the smooth UX & awesome power of navigating Feeds and Fidgets from the palm of your hand.
Feed/Infinite Scroll Fidget | Fidget Carousel |
View Fidget | Opening Multiple Fidgets |
Enable channel owners to customize the space for their channel with music, themes, fidgets, and tabs. We have some exciting ideas for how to make nounspace the best place to manage, apply to (see upcoming changes to channels), or participate in channels, but the first milestone is to ship the core MLP feature and bring the power of Fidgets & customization to Farcaster channels.
Proactive Space & Homebase Customization
With each new user that customizes their space, the nounspace network grows in value. Thanks to the rich data available from Farcaster's Social Graph and the corresponding onchain history for each user, nounspace can kickstart these network effects by programatically adding and configuring Fidgets on user's spaces and homebases before they ever log in. This flattens the learning curve and creates a magical onboarding experience for new users by providing immediate value.
Direct Messages
We look forward to implementing Farcaster DMs as soon as they're supported on the protocol.
Smart URLs
By enabling sharing themes, fidgets, and/or tabs via URLs, we can empower both users and their communities to quickly and easily share the magic of nounspace with one another.
Smart URLs serve multiple purposes that are core to nounspace’s strategy to provide the best platform for users and communities to both explore the online universe as well as share the look, sound, content, and functionality they wish with their audiences. Further, we can maximize the virality of this strategy by displaying results publicly and rewarding successful creators, referrers, and communities with $SPACE.
Smart Contract Fidget
Read from or write to any function on any contract. With a simple, no-code UX for creating, customizing, and sharing smart contract data and interactions via Fidgets, nounspace is not only a website builder, but a dapp builder. Not only do we need this ourselves for contract interactions related to $SPACE (ie. approving and staking stETH or $SPACE, claiming $SPACE rewards), but it's yet another infinitely powerful Fidget that can benefit any user or project that utilizes smart contracts.
Fidget SDK, smart contracts, developer experience, review process, and marketplace
Enable developers to quickly and easily build and deploy fidgets in a way that’s both flexible and secure. Because nounspace is basically composed entirely of fidgets, getting this part right is essential. We’ve drafted the architecture as well as the factory contract for deploying, using, and updating Fidgets. We did this in collaboration with Morpheus, who had already started working on a spec for “Non Fungible Agents” when we realized we had the technically-identical goal give users to access to an infinite library of flexible, permissionless, and secure third-party apps. This is a huge win-win, not only enabling interoperability between Fidgets and Agents (ability to use agents deployed in the Morpheus ecosystem alongside fidgets on nounspace), but also saving development costs for both projects and resulting in recurring revenues for nounspace in the form of MOR emissions to code contributors. If you’re a developer excited to build fidgets, stay tuned for the Fidget SDK and join the #fidget-devs channel in our discord server in the meantime.
More Nounish Fidgets
Auction fidgets, Agora/delegation fidgets, fidget where you can easily add ⌐◨-◨ to any image? Yes, yes, and 1000% yes. The Nounish Governance Fidget is live now and features 25 nounish communities (if yours is missing, make a PR or ask Tom!). Let us know which nounish fidgets you’d like to see next! If you're a developer interested in building nounish fidgets, join our discord!
Check out some of the longer-form content we’ve produced over the past 3 months while building in public:
nounspace's Paragraph (10 articles and counting)
Edge of NFT, Hot Topics - Aug 30, 2024
Onchain Outpost - July 23, 2024
From hackathon to Giveth: Origins and more with @willyogo - July 26
Web3 on Fire - Nouns meets Farcaster - July 18, 2024
ShapeShift + nounspace: the future of socials - July 10
Onchain Summer Series: nounspace - July 3
ATX DAO Podcast: nounspace - July 2
Manifest Mondays: nounspace - July 1
Hash Rate Ep. 58: nounspace on Farcaster - June 19
Building Web3 Ep. 12: nounspace - June 16
Tacobytes #661: How to stake with nounspace - June 14
Based builders #18 with Toady and Carlos: nounspace - June 12
Decentralized AI with Morpheus, ShapeShift, and nounspace - June 6
Interview with SmartEconomyPodcast at Consensus 2024 - May 30
Consensus 2024 - Nouns DAO: A $50M Bet on Community-Driven Innovation - May 29