ProposalsProposal 645

Explore Nouns via

Quorum: 71
Proposed by


Create and maintain an up-to-date Nouns resource center + project explorer to help showcase the successful projects Nouns has funded. Requesting 20 eth for 6+ months of runway to work on the project daily.


Have you ever wanted to share “what Nouns have done” with someone, but end up needing to give them a list of domains or projects to check out, like this?

Have you wanted to send more information to a friend or family member about “what Nouns is,” and how they can get involved?

Currently, resources are scattered, onboarding material is tough to find, and there isn’t ‘one place’ you can send someone new to learn everything they need to know about Nouns.

THE SOLUTION: — A one-stop shop for learning about Nouns, a place to find active resources, by category, and a completed project explorer made up of rich blog posts that let people dive into all the amazing work Nouns has funded in one place.


The site is live in alpha version, and made up of two main pages: The Home Page / Directory & The Project Explorer.


Home Page / Directory:

An exhaustive list of working Nouns resources and custom articles to help beginners dive into Nouns. Explore each of the drop-downs on NOUNS.WORLD homepage and surf your way around Nouns~

The Project Explorer:

For Nouns enthusiasts, newcomers, and onlookers to give a more complete look at all the amazing work Nouns has produced. There is a category system to tag proposals by ‘people,’ ‘places,’ ‘things,’ and other keywords so users can easily filter for posts they might be interested in.

Three proposals have been ‘explored’ so far, giving you an idea of the depth of exploration that takes place, it’s not a simple ChatGPT recap of each proposal…. I am conducting research and interviews with the results being brief synopses, showing details and pictures of completed deliverables, digging up any media mentions, videos, etc., as well as providing info on the team and the funding:

Completed Explorer Posts:


Home Page / Directory:

  • Explainer Posts: I’ll continue to write content based on observed needs. ie: “6 ways to contribute to Nouns” article.
  • Add a Historic Article Database: Good suggestion from the community was to aggregate historic written Nouns media.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: I will continue to add additional categories to parse out information as needed.
  • Thank you to everyone who reached out and provided feedback on this section, resources I might have missed, etc.. If anyone notices something is missing or mis-categorized, feel free to reach out!


  • Continue To ‘Explore’ More Proposals: 30+ proposal write-ups, aggregating research, media, and tagging everything. List of proposals we may explore.
  • Combine Proposal Initiatives: I’ll combine proposals that might make up a larger initiative and give a clear view of the entire project — In many cases large projects are split into multiple props. Two of my examples alone (Rose Bowl and 3D Printed fashion) make up 8 proposals. This will be the first time all of this info is consolidated for readers.


  • Give other people onboarding in Nouns a simple resource to tap into, and share.
  • Have a lasting, up-to-date resource for publishers, and onlookers to reference when exploring or speaking about Nouns.
  • A constant flow of articles that I can share on socials and with the DAO each week, growing the catalog into an incredible resource for Nouns.

The next time someone says, “what has Nouns funded?!” you’ll be prepared with!


  • MikeGood (Noun 1149 & 1213): Passionate Nouns participant and builder for many years now. I love Nouns and the surrounding ecosystem/community. I have worked on multiple projects over the years (some funded, others not) and was awarded a Noun via prophouse ‘Reward the Builders’ round — I’m an active voter and daily active Nouns user. Feel free to reach out about anything:

THE ASK: 20 eth

Budget Will Cover The Continued Development of Nouns.World Including:

  • Continued research and upkeep for directory.
  • Written content (outlined above).
  • Web design/development and server/hosting costs.
  • Some light promotional material for (flyers, merch, and marketing).

Thanks for your consideration, Nouners! ⌐◨-◨