Thank you to Carlos for adjusting and coming back with a new version of this proposal. Reiterating my vote of support from the last incarnation:
“Carlos is extremely nounish. I first encountered him in the space almost two years ago when he was running an initiative called Web 3 Beach in Honduras, organizing beach cleanups and paying volunteers in USDC (onboarding them to a wallet in the process.)
Since then I’ve watched him bring that infectious energy and passion for (real) onboarding everywhere he goes, and I was very excited when he decided to join Nouns.I have to say that normally I might be skeptical about the potential impact of sending individual ambassadors to these types of conference, even if they might have the best of intentions.
Everyone going to these conferences has limited bandwidth and I’m just not sure how easy it will be to break through and make an impression. But Carlos has an uncanny ability to break through the barrier of attention scarcity and get people excited about Nouns, maybe better than anyone I’ve seen. His success at Metacamp is a great example of this, and I’ve seen it elsewhere recently too, like how he got Elchicodelosplantos excited about collaborating with Nouns Esports in Peru and planting trees for Nouns and Ricmoo excited about hacking on Nounish hardware.
Ultimately, my FOR vote here is a huge “Let him cook” bet on one of the most Nounish people I’ve met. Also I’ve already told Carlos at the Nouncil meeting that since he has already zeroed out the podcast production line item in this version of the prop, TNS will happily share our podcasting tools with him and help him with onchain and offchain distribution as well.