For: 16 | Against: 2 | Abstain: 0
+for — @carlosjmelgar
+against — @bixbite
+for — @brettdrawsstuff
+for — @loudman.eth
+for — @badhobbit
+for /yellow collective is such a massive boost for artists and builders. — @pramadan.eth
+for In a decentralized environment there are few staples--few places you can go day after day, week after week as a reliable place to keep up and learn. The Noun Square & The Yellow Collective are that for Nouns. First rate, nounish folks that are reliable, helpful, and fun. We need a place we know we can go for all things Nouns. This is the place. — @bradq
+for Without this community there would be no basement5k. — @basement5k.eth
+for — @netnose
+for Okay contentious take here but hear me out, NounsDAO would more or less fade into irrelevancy or would not have this impactful of an online/onchain presence without TNS, point blank period. — @poopiepie
+for I’m part of the team so maybe I shouldnt vote here but ..TNS is dedicated to growing nouns through content,community, and kindness (wish that started with c). That might sound cheesy but having a group to welcome and encourage people who are noun curious is important. There are so many examples of people using TNS & Yellow as the gateway to noundom. Also we make cool videos 😉 — @jackwyldes
Reply to @poopiepie: We can put this to the test. +against — @indexcard.eth
+for — @symbiotech.eth
+for — @lunari
+for I LOVE THIS TEAM SO MUCH and I love the things they do, easily one of the most important parts of my onboarding and understanding of web3 + nouns — @jesscas
+for +for +for +for +for +for +for +for +for +for +for +for — @crpdaddy.eth
+for — @datadanne.eth
+for — @moctezuma3ro