Proposal votes
For: 10 | Against: 0 | Abstain: 0
+for 🥌 — @indexcard.eth
+for — @brettdrawsstuff
+for — @monitalan
+for — @wideeyekarl
+for — @carlosjmelgar
+for — @bixbite
+for As a Chicagoian, I’m excited to see something local and fun like this. Sounds like a great way to spread the noun vibes! — @brianmorris.eth
+for such a fun prop with a very reasonable ask and great long term vision! — @datadanne.eth
+for — @moctezuma3ro
+for Give them Curling Head — @0xishal
This is going to make me watch a curling livestream for the first time in my life.
The nouniverse has voted through $NOGS ⌐◨-◨
FOR: 9
31680 $NOGS have been shared among the participants.
🥌 from /nounsfe: 🥌
For: 🥌 | Against: 0 | Abstain: 0
lunari: 🥌
jesscas: OMG
The Nouncil has spoken.
We discuss all Nouns proposals every week in our Discord. The calls are public and all are welcome!
You can find a link to previous call recordings in our Discord "links" channel.
Landslide victory 🥌
For - Wins
sasquatch | "banger"
borg00000 | "wish i could vote for this more than once"
peterpandam | "fund fun"
cheffo | "I hope the outfits are dope!"
robotfishgirl | "reading this prop was the most I have ever learned about curling, and honestly I didn't even need to read the prop to vote yes. happy to find this ask just to be able to say "nouns sponsored a curling team""
sqx.pcc | "🥌"
Small ask to Keep Nouns Weird
Give them Curling Head!!!
Small ask to Keep Nouns Weird
I now know 100% more about curling than I did before
Literally zero downside to this prop
I know nothing about curling but this is just a fun prop and reasonable ask.
this is how we keep nouns weird
keep the weird experiments going!
It was great meeting Blutoshi at BTC Nashville thanks to English... we went from talking about BTC and inscriptions to Nouns & Lil Nouns. I think this is a great initiative and excited to see what comes of it.
I know nothing about curling but this is just a fun prop and reasonable ask.
this is how we keep nouns weird
In favor. Though it seems like there is an open gap in funding process post-Prop House. Rounds are a great way to deploy smaller grants. But there is a gap for medium size requests. Going through a full proposal feels like extra work where it is not needed.
It was great meeting Blutoshi at BTC Nashville thanks to English... we went from talking about BTC and inscriptions to Nouns & Lil Nouns. I think this is a great initiative and excited to see what comes of it.
We need more localized sponsorships with people who have been part of that culture to proliferate nouns in a better more niche way. Would love to see more of these popping up at this scale around the world!
architects make architecture. cults make culture. subcults make subculture. more subcults ⌐🥌-🥌
Embrace Absurdity and have fun.
so down for this. This has the potential to turn a small group of passionate curlers into an onchain community. Would love to see the team come back with a re-up prop with goals to onboard their teams and spectators.
I know nothing about curling but this is just a fun prop and reasonable ask.
this is how we keep nouns weird
Perfect prop imo.
I know nothing about curling but this is just a fun prop and reasonable ask.
this is how we keep nouns weird
architects make architecture. cults make culture. subcults make subculture. more subcults ⌐🥌-🥌
so down for this. This has the potential to turn a small group of passionate curlers into an onchain community. Would love to see the team come back with a re-up prop with goals to onboard their teams and spectators.
As a Canadian who's Mother was on the curling team back in the day I feel it's my responsibility to get this passed or I'll be disowned. Curling is more fun to watch than you'd think, fun idea.
For Semphis's Mother and all Canadians out there
This is what I understand “proliferation” means - supporting individuals and teams to do things they enjoy, every day, forever. Great alone, better together. Love the hyper local impact!
This prop makes me smile.
And as a swede, i actually care about curling (at least every 4 years).
Very exited for this even if i don't now nothing about curling lol ⌐🥌-🥌
As a Canadian who's Mother was on the curling team back in the day I feel it's my responsibility to get this passed or I'll be disowned. Curling is more fun to watch than you'd think, fun idea.
We need more localized sponsorships with people who have been part of that culture to proliferate nouns in a better more niche way. Would love to see more of these popping up at this scale around the world!