Thisproposal is asking to receive 2 Nouns from the treasury, in order to power the Wave protocol (formerly Prop Lot). The aim of the Wave protocol is to unlock the voting power of idle Nouns and to use it to do 3 things:
What is Wave?
The Wave protocol is an autonomous-proposal protocol, designed to introduce a new proposal pipeline for Nouns DAO, and further push Nouns in the direction of scalable, permissionless capital allocation. The current proposal pipeline is entirely governance driven. This requires the small governance layer to identify and support ideas all the way up to an onchain vote. The Wave protocol combines the power of delegation and attention to decide which ideas are presented to Nouns DAO voters for an onchain vote. It does this by taking delegation of inactive Nouns and using them to power a new form of participation for Nouns fans - Proposal Scouting.
How does it work?
At its heart, the Wave protocol functions as a “Nouns proposal creation as a service”. It does this in two parts: Idea minting and Noun delegation.
1 - Support ideas by minting them
2 - Turn ideas into proposals with delegated Nouns
The result, on a technical level is the submission of proposals driven by crowdsourced support. On a higher level, we end up with the increased democratisation of access to Nouns, by lowering the barrier of entry for those with a worthy idea and a desire to contribute.
For a more technical breakdown of how the protocol works go here:
Who is served by Wave?
How does Wave benefit Nouns DAO?
Scalable proposal funnel
To bring an idea to the voting stage with Nouns, you must either own Nouns tokens, find a Noun owner to delegate their Noun to you, or submit a candidate proposal and hope it gets noticed. The latter two require understanding Nouns' social layer and know how to effectively navigate them. Not only is this difficult to scale, it also creates a lack of clarity around getting funding, making it hard for builders to come forward with their ideas and hard for Nouns fans to meaningfully contribute. A fully permisionless pipeline for proposals that leverages crowdsourced support will improve clarity, encourage more participation and fresh ideas.
Additional income source for the DAO
Reports indicate that at its current spending rate, Nouns has 8-14 months of runway before its treasury runs dry. To sustain itself, Nouns can greatly benefit from having more ways to fund the treasury beyond daily auctions. With 560 treasury Nouns sitting idle, allocating a few to the wave protocol could monetise their voting power and generate new funding sources for the treasury.
Provable way of turning Nouns Fans intro contributors
Many people are interested in Nouns but don’t have many ways of meaningfully contributing. This is even harder for those without an existing track record, making it very challenging for them to secure a delegate or be taken seriously in the Nouns community. They can champion proposals and leave VWRs, but these efforts often go unnoticed and unrewarded, when done without voting power. The wave protocol introduces a scouting model similar to traditional VC scouts, where “Proposal scouts" mint and support promising ideas, collect NFTs and build a reputation over time. This new method gives Nouns fans a permissionless way of building social capital and recognition within the Nouns ecosystem.
The ask
This proposal is asking to receive 2 Nouns from the treasury. These 2 Nouns will be kept in a Multisig Safe from which they will be delegated to the Wave protocol. The Multisig Safe will require 2 / 3 signers.
Safe address
The Multisig signers: