Nounticias = Nouns + News in Spanish
This proposal is aimed at continuing with journalistic work surrounding the Nouniverse, started in September of 2023. We hereby write and talk about all matters relating to the NounsDAO ecosystem, in Spanish.
In short, the actions to be undertaken are as follows:
Part of this proposal is retroactive (10 months of content) while the other is for purposes of increasing the PlazaNouns content supply, creating original open editions, collaborating with Latin American-Spanish communities and exploring new ways of funding content.
Objetive: To position La Plaza ⌐◨-◨ as a reference onchain media aimed at LATAM and Spanish speakers.
This tower featured in Nouniverse 24/7 is inspired by the actual "Torre Latinoamericana" - a Mexico City landmark.
The emblematic Torre Latinounificada was symbolically chosen as the focal point of our branding.
If we are to create a never-ending project then we need to focus on something that lasts through the ages. It is for this reason that we identify with this tower. Besides being Latin, it is the first anti-seismic tower of its kind in the world, equipped with the capacity to withstand high intensity tremors. It was also the tallest building in Mexico City at least until 1972.
In addition to the pun (described at the beginning of this proposal), Nounticias is a series of threads + spaces that seeks to update the community with regard to what is going on in the Nouns ecosystem.
The weekly newscast takes place every Monday at 18:30 PM GMT-6. At the time of writing this proposal, we have created 39 news threads, which is equal to over 9 months of content.
You can find the threads in the X search engine by entering the keyword "Nounticias", followed by the number you wish to access.
We have mentioned several NounsDAO projects, including: Noundry, CC0-Lib, Meetcuaks, Nounish Friends, The Nominal Hero, Nouns Documentary, Nouns Fest, Lil Nouns, Nouncil, Propdates, Nouns Builder, NNS, Vrbs DAO, Nouns ESports, Nouns Movie, including sections of BasePaint (randomization capsule) and PropHouse, along with Nouner Scouts, Nouns Garden and, more recently, Rounds.
We have also provided BasePaint giveaways, Ledgers- PlayDNA, Warpcast accounts, and CC0 POAPs --all relating to what we talked about in the episodes. And what is more, we had special LATAM builder guests.
This idea has been executed with practically 0 funding from NounsDAO, and with organic engagement. Although aimed at Spanish speakers, we have witnessed interactions with communities of other countries and other languages.
As of today, we have reached:
... and we hope to boost these stats in the course of this season.
Nounish news will be included in other socials, like Instagram. We plan to make short clips of parts of the Xpaces for publication --as designed by Jorge, who is set on building an urban genre media - lajungla.urbana
Additionally, we plan to produce videos in Spanish; open editions; fund content; strengthen relationships with the Latin American-Spanish community; and we also plan to open an Ambassadors program, along with contests. This will be described in detail in the following sections.
Based on the success of the premiere of the Spanish version of Ordinary Folk's ‘This is Nouns’; which reached +17k impressions on my personal account, (dubbed by graphicography_ released by 0xleo via prop retroactiva), we want to realize three audio-visual pieces completely in Spanish that go ‘back to the basics’--starting from the premise that there are creators out there who are still not familiar with Nouns.
We chose a total of 3 videos, which we refer to as ‘epic premieres’. Two of these were winners of the #EnterTheNouniverse contest, and the third is a continuation of Nouns Giants Colombia, the winning proposal in Prop House.
We don't want to spoil the synopsis of the videos for you, so all we can say at this stage is that they are expected to be epic!
As a complement to the epic premieres, we will translate-dub 10 videos of the old @nounish explaining nouns. Like this:
We are open to a collaboration with Youtubers so that they can screen this content on their channels or premiere the videos at an IRL event.
Plaza Nouns comes to the onchain world in the summer of 2024 in two strands: i) minteable-content, and ii) the exploration of funding.
The funding exploration involves more than just giving out grants. It is a tokenised experience where each contributor will receive a token (ERC1155 or ER21) related to the activity in which they collaborate or the contests they win.
Those NFTs will give them access to vote in certain rounds, claim prizes, participate in contests, or simply re-apply to a given program. It promises to be fun!
i) Content Onchain:
All epic premiers may be mined in Zora/Base.
Launch of Open Editions in collaboration with artists.
Content open to other types of formats, e.g. Podcast, gifs, music, animations, photos, etc...
ii) Exploring funding:
(More info on this in the following sections)
As a medium, we seek to strengthen the ties of Nouns with the Spanish speaking community. We will join forces to create Web3 culture by consolidating Nouns as the main driver.
We will carry out more than 8 open editions of local artists who we are looking to onboard on NounsDAO. They are already established, so it's great to give them the possibility to participate in a Nouns proposal through remakes of the Torre Latinounificada.
We will also be looking for creators with the potential to sponsor La Plaza and multiple communities around the world that we are looking to collaborate with.
One of the most eagerly awaited collaborations for Onchain Summer 2024 is that with Coco Bay World 🥥
Here are some guestlists, most of whom have confirmed their collaboration...but the list may yet grow! This area will also be tokenized.
The Ambassadors program is aimed at encouraging creators who wish to explore La Plaza environment from the inside, working directly with the core team, and at the same time developing skills that will be useful in a professional domain.
This will be an open application, where 5 Ambassadors will be selected. They will in turn be able to explore the world of La Plaza by performing specific functions.
Some of the activities they may focus on are:
The program has a duration of two months, at the end of which the Ambassadors will then receive a reward of 0.2 ETH + Token each. A total of 1 ETH for this area.
We are going to create three contests that refer to media from previous centuries. This will focus on producing specific content for PlazaNouns, with a specific theme:
These contests can be held on Web2, or Web3 platforms, as uplink, or even Rounds itself. We will choose the platform that best suits the theme of the contests. Total pool: 2 ETH
This section relates to our PurpleDAO prop 8, which consists of a series of meetups in LATAM designed to draw builders and creative people to the Farcaster Protocol.
This proposal is scheduled to be 100% complete by the beginning of 2025, when we shall post all epic premieres; launch open editions-giveaways; approach 70 Nouniverse News threads; and make multiple collaborations. Progress updates to be provided via propdates.
The following table shows an efficient allocation of ETH for this project. It is broken down into four sections: A) Operation, B) Videos, C) Exploring Funding, and D) Others.
The table is a part of an extended version of a spreadsheet where we create a sub-table for each concept, describing the activities to be performed in each item, for purposes of tracking the transactions.
Some further information is as follows:
A) Operation: Responsible for time management of work performed, xpacehosting, and content publishing. Includes 9 months retroactively, and the remainder of 2024 (18 months in total). As founder member, it will be my responsibility to coordinate this project full time.
B) Video production: Responsible for the production of the Epic premieres and nounish videos in Spanish, rendering, motion graphics, text translation, promotional clips, travel, etc...
C) Exploring Funding. These are the Farcaster rounds, the Ambassadors program, and the relationships we plan to establish with the Spanish speaking community, as well as the creation of more than 20 artworks (ER1155 or ERC21) for tokenization of media.
D)Others: Various types of giveaways, domains, fuel expenses, merchandising, unboxing, along with other expenses that may arise during execution.
The wallet where the funds are to be sent is: 0x1953A6AF601b05d9EB8DbE651654347732c23721
For Open Editions drops and content in general, the nouniverso.eth wallet we be used.
Please feel free to contact us for additional details on request.
Core team
leobunster: Founder of PlazaNouns and building lilnounsamigos.eth
artxie: Project to encourage traditional artists in small towns to get in touch with NFTs communities.
daniela: Artxie member, traditional illustrator painting on BasePaint
mart: PizzaDAO member, Nouns Amigos holder & building @lamadriguera
jorge : Building @lajunglaurbana
Video team
graphicography: Graphic Designer / Video Editor / Pixel Animations / Gifs
daniel: Nouns Giant productions, Nouns Amigos member & building filmkilo
For the NounsDAO community, covering all Nouns ecosystem projects in Spanish, and positioning the products created by builders with the Latin American community via giveaways and fun activities.
For Spanish speakers, we provide valuable free educational content and keep them up to date with what is happening in the Nouniverse. At the same time, we are encouraging and onboarding them to build on NounsDAO
+69 threats of "Nounticias del Nouniverso"
+1000 followers on X, Instagram and WarpcastChannel
+30k views on premieres
+100 open editions-premieres minted by the community
A media brand never created before
Warpcast Channel:
I'm saddened to cast a No vote for this because I want to see more LatAm builders grow in the onchian economy. Unfortunately, this prop represents many of the factors that led ecosystems like Gitcoin, Optimism and others to eliminate education and regional efforts from their grant funding.
Although this team has been sharing Nouns related information for a long time, it is not done in am effective or impactful way. Most of the Twitter content is simple retweets that look like there's engagement, but that's the engagement from the content origin - not this teams audience.
These concerns were discussed several times, including the recent Nouncil call. The response "reach is noy impact" doesn't make sense to me because that's their goal - reach and retain a captive audience in the Spanish speaking community.
Impressions on Twitter are not an effective way to measure this teams success in attracting more interest and builders to Nouns. This is mostly bots - not real humans with an interest in Nouns.
We as a DAO need to avoid getting finnessed with buzz words like "education" and "onboarding".
Funding this prop setsa precedent for low effort/ low impact work and positions this team for a follow up prop in early 2025 to proactively fund more of this.
I'm an advocate for supporting builders from emerging markets, but these resources must be allocated based on impact - not the emerging market card.
I don't believe this team has put forth sufficient effort or yielded identifiable impact for the Nouniverse to justify this spend.
I was not aware of Artxie Prop house grant and lack of updates. This raises another red flag for me.
I would welcome another LatAm team doing work for Nouns in the region because it could result in a representation of the region's diversity and provide pluralistic impact and participation funnels.
For now, we should support our winners in the region and help them expand on their work.
My vote does not represent a conflict of interest because I am not a part of Nouns Amigos.
For: 0 | Against: 2 | Abstain: 0
+against — @0xmonografia
+against as i agree with Mono and Carlos that would set a low effort/low impact precedent with unrelieble measure metricts and quote his vwr “I'm an advocate for supporting builders from emerging markets, but these resources must be allocated based on impact - not the emerging market card. “ — @fattybuthappy
@playdna_ - A collective of individuals collaborating on a mission to make Nouns playable.
PlayDNA is AGAINST with a 4-0 vote result. See below for our members' votes with reasons:
eusoujp.eth - First of all, I want to state that I do believe there’s room for everyone. Nouns Amigos shouldn’t gatekeep La Plaza and vice versa. I also want to acknowledge that I went on the show twice and it was freaking amazing! They even ended the show with a Katy Perry song, who is my all-time favorite artist. They hosted a nounish Ledger giveaway in collaboration with PlayDNA, and it was awesome too. Last but not least, they manage to get over 20 listeners on every show consistently, which is very impressive given the niche. However, I’m voting against it because 1) nothing else besides the show made me excited to vote for, 2) I’d prefer to pay more to have other original videos alongside the dubbed ones, and 3) I think the team compensation is a bit overpriced for what's being proposed here.
thebower.eth - I have followed some of the work that LaPlaza has been doing for the past months and I believe they do bring positive value to the Nouns ecosystem. That being said I'm very much in line with Carlos and Mono's feedback. I think this proposal needs more direction and originality.
joaoborges.eth - I love the "WHY" of this proposal in general, especially in terms of bringing more Latin American builders into the ecosystem. However, I don't agree with the "HOW" they have proposed to achieve this.
Additionally, I align with the points made by @carlosmelgar.eth and the PlayDNA team
fabvalle.eth - I would love to see more and more actions for the LatAm, however this proposal needs a stronger argument to be worth the investment. It would be cool if La Plaza and Nouns Amigos were together to strengthen the actions, it is not clear if this is a possibility. Furthermore, I would like to see more concrete actions, aimed at different countries, with each local culture being addressed.
I'm saddened to cast a No vote for this because I want to see more LatAm builders grow in the onchian economy. Unfortunately, this prop represents many of the factors that led ecosystems like Gitcoin, Optimism and others to eliminate education and regional efforts from their grant funding.
Although this team has been sharing Nouns related information for a long time, it is not done in am effective or impactful way. Most of the Twitter content is simple retweets that look like there's engagement, but that's the engagement from the content origin - not this teams audience.
These concerns were discussed several times, including the recent Nouncil call. The response "reach is noy impact" doesn't make sense to me because that's their goal - reach and retain a captive audience in the Spanish speaking community.
Impressions on Twitter are not an effective way to measure this teams success in attracting more interest and builders to Nouns. This is mostly bots - not real humans with an interest in Nouns.
We as a DAO need to avoid getting finnessed with buzz words like "education" and "onboarding".
Funding this prop setsa precedent for low effort/ low impact work and positions this team for a follow up prop in early 2025 to proactively fund more of this.
I'm an advocate for supporting builders from emerging markets, but these resources must be allocated based on impact - not the emerging market card.
I don't believe this team has put forth sufficient effort or yielded identifiable impact for the Nouniverse to justify this spend.
I was not aware of Artxie Prop house grant and lack of updates. This raises another red flag for me.
I would welcome another LatAm team doing work for Nouns in the region because it could result in a representation of the region's diversity and provide pluralistic impact and participation funnels.
For now, we should support our winners in the region and help them expand on their work.
My vote does not represent a conflict of interest because I am not a part of Nouns Amigos.
Appreciate Carlos’s detailed research and thinking here
FOR cultivating more initiatives outside the Anglosphere.
I'm generally AGAINST doing all sorts of things for the sake of "onboarding".
I recently shared my thoughts on "onboarding proposals" in a cast. It's certainly not a conclusive essay, but perhaps some fruit for thought:
The Nouncil has spoken.
We discuss all Nouns proposals every week in our Discord The calls are public and all are welcome!
You can find a link to previous call recordings in our Discord "links" channel.
Nouncil has decided against this proposal, with 2 votes for, 20 against, and 5 abstentions. Concerns were raised about the budget request and the need for stronger differentiation from Nouns Amigos, which already focuses on similar topics. Despite the proposal's goal to broaden coverage to include gaming and Lil Nouns, it did not garner sufficient support in this iteration of the proposal.