I wasn't really feeling this prop that much tbh, but I've watched this dance clip a bunch of times and hence feel like slinging a +for.
For: 7 | Against: 0 | Abstain: 0
+for I want to see giant nouns — @yes2crypto.eth
+for good props — @fattybuthappy
+for I see work being put in by claw. Atm is bit of a gimmick and would like to see ar gamified governance or onchain txs etc but seems small enough budget to explore and see what develops. — @pip
+for — @bixbite
+for - it’s a small ask for what could be an internet-scale, publicly accessible and usable good. and it looks pretty fun. let claw cook — @wylin
+for the concepts are really fun and the cost is very reasonable. I think the decision to request a small initial budget + allocating 40% of the requested funds to kickstart virality shows a clear focus on the output being useful and the project being successful. Great prop imo! — @datadanne.eth
+for especially after seeing them in action — @ccarella.eth
I’m not big on AR filters, nor am I a Snap user. However, I AM writing this votewithreason from within a Vision Pro, so I can’t deny the power of augmented reality as a whole.
I’m a yes because I want people who are excited about future tech to also be excited about Nouns, and I think 3 ETH for development and 2 ETH for a Round is a reasonable allocation for this experiment.
+1 drew for emerging tech
Low cost, interesting experiment. Hopefully will help Keep Nouns Weird
I’m not big on AR filters, nor am I a Snap user. However, I AM writing this votewithreason from within a Vision Pro, so I can’t deny the power of augmented reality as a whole.
I’m a yes because I want people who are excited about future tech to also be excited about Nouns, and I think 3 ETH for development and 2 ETH for a Round is a reasonable allocation for this experiment.
Low cost, interesting experiment. Hopefully will help Keep Nouns Weird
Low cost, interesting experiment. Hopefully will help Keep Nouns Weird
I’m not big on AR filters, nor am I a Snap user. However, I AM writing this votewithreason from within a Vision Pro, so I can’t deny the power of augmented reality as a whole.
I’m a yes because I want people who are excited about future tech to also be excited about Nouns, and I think 3 ETH for development and 2 ETH for a Round is a reasonable allocation for this experiment.
AR is a powerful tool, its fun, and gets people engaging with ⌐◨-◨ ... let's be thoughtful around events in how we use the lenses by teaching and inspiring nouners to use them
Kids would definitely love this!
I wasn't really feeling this prop that much tbh, but I've watched this dance clip a bunch of times and hence feel like slinging a +for.
The Nouncil has spoken.
We discuss all Nouns proposals every week in our Discord https://discord.gg/fdjJpMeV6K. The calls are public and all are welcome!
You can find a link to previous call recordings in our Discord welcome channel.
Nouncil has decided in favor of this proposal, with 19 votes for, 6 against, and 5 abstentions. Supporters are optimistic about the potential for the Nouns AR Lab to create lasting impacts on social media and beyond, with hopes for successful results that extend Nouns' reach outside of the crypto community. However, concerns were raised about the reliance on collaboration between different Nouns groups and the need for higher creativity in AR content. Despite these reservations, the majority see value in continuing to experiment with AR to promote Nouns through community engagement and social media.
benbodhi | "I'm voting for this prop in the hopes that this is the AR prop that has long lasting effects across socials with people outside of nouns and crypto. The budget seems ok to start. I really hope this is successful though as it is a hard area for me to continue to support if we don't see some really great results."
peterpandam | *"the success of this prop relies on other groups using these ar filters for their marketing initiatives imo.
nouns groups don't play very nicely together which is why I don't think this will be the case."*
messhup | *"We should keep experimenting with nouns characters and that's really important for the community, but we should raise the bar every single time.
I love the voxel nouns but I think it's time artists applying to nouns really put the time and effort doing something more creative than just recycling assets without giving them a new way of expression. I get it, the budget is low but that doesn't mean the creativity should be the same. Keep tinkering with it and I'm sure it will look better 🫡"*
Its a resonable ask for a proof of concept. I think future props could leverage the assets in their marketing efforts, I also like that they included a marketing campaign into this prop.....Overall I think its a win win to have these assets created.
i dig it. low ask for long term fun and some community engagement. lets see how it goes!
AR is a powerful tool, its fun, and gets people engaging with ⌐◨-◨ ... let's be thoughtful around events in how we use the lenses by teaching and inspiring nouners to use them
the success of this prop relies on other groups using what is being created. adoption feels unlikely but if marketers think otherwise I won't get in the way.
I think this is some fun stuff and the rounds possibilities could be really cool.
I hope this pans out well. Because an expansion pack and bringing AR into the ⌐◨-◨.game world only takes it up a notch.
0x9e0e...57B1 | "AR sounds cool, but 5 ETH for an unproven pilot is risky. Limited budget, unpredictable engagement, and tech challenges might sink it."
I get memorable vibes such as Stay Puft Marshmallow man in Ghostbusters. Nobody who saw the movie doesn't remember it.
I'm voting for this prop in the hopes that this is the AR prop that has long lasting effects across socials with people outside of nouns and crypto. The budget seems ok to start. I really hope this is successful though as it is a hard area for me to continue to support if we don't see some really great results.
has been so fun to use with our new song Happy Friday that features polaroid art of our collective noun 1124. hoping to really lean into this for our campaign. thank you for sparking joy ⌐◨-◨
Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to consider voting for this prop. I just want to highlight an exciting AR feature that was released about a month ago. This new feature allows us to open AR experiences directly on a web browser.
This means you can now activate our AR using just a browser and a camera—no need to download Snapchat. This capability can be incredibly useful for big screens (or just laptops) at physical locations or events, such as Nouns Deli or Nouns events like EDCON, Nouns Fest, or anyone who open a simple nounish booth. It allows people to experience this without a phone. It's a game-changer for enhancing our community's experiences!
Please try it here on desktop:
Even tho the ask is minimal and 40% will be used to generate engagement. I'm not personally excited.
Pilot project introducing 3 AR experiences to the Nouns community, with 3 ETH for development and 2 ETH to encourage community engagement within rounds.wtf. If successful, we'll seek further funding to expand AR applications, enhance web and app development, and diversify with more AR experiences, supporting NounsDAO and its community projects.
Total 5 ETH
AR use cases are often highly specific, requiring creative solutions tailored to particular events and campaigns within the Nouns community. Therefore, instead of requesting a large budget initially, we prefer a kickstart budget. Once the project proves successful, we will seek semi-retroactive funding to continue development (web and apps) and gradually expand our portfolio to include a diverse range of 12+ AR experiences.
Our goal is to create fun and innovative AR experiences that enhance the Nouns community and showcase the Nouns brand. We want everyone to have easy access and enjoy these experiences. By studying the results, we will gather feedback to improve and expand these experiences, making sure they meet the changing needs of the Nouns community
We plan to create the following experiences:
Note: this is work in progress
Users will find themselves surrounded by towering Nouns emerging from a distance. Some of these giant Nouns will approach the user, while others will animate individually, perhaps dancing or engaging in playful interactions. To convey a sense of scale and distance, we'll utilize sky segmentation ML, which will make the 3D models appear as towering giants in the distance.
This concept transforms our reality into a world of Nouns. The AR effect brings Nouns heads' traits into the physical world, adding diverse features to our surroundings.
This AR experience can recognize surfaces like the ground, tables, walls, and ceilings, and adds the appropriate head traits to them. we will updating this experience with adding more dynamic animations, enhance the materials and adding more details.
This Experience designed to put in the desktop + big screen with camera which can be put in the nounish event like: Edcon or upcoming Nouns Fest 2024.
User Journey:
Benefits of this AR Experience:
Engagement: Attracts and entertains attendees, creating a memorable and interactive experience.
Community Building: Acts as an icebreaker, encouraging interaction and conversation among event attendees.
Innovation Showcase: Demonstrates the innovative use of AR technology, highlighting the creativity and forward-thinking nature of the Nouns community.
Snap AR is the chosen platform for its features and accessibilty on web, but we are also open to exploring other than social ar platforms like Google Maps (will available later this year), or Niantic's 8th wall, and Adobe Aero. To reach a wider audience, we will use Twitter and Farcaster to updaing our project. Additionally, we plan to develop dedicated apps for accessibility
AR has immense potential for spreading virality and making a lasting impression. However, to kickstart a chain reaction and amplify the spread of these experiences, we propose initiating a small contest within the rounds.wtf (Farcaster). Participants will be incentivized to share their experiences through the rounds channel or X. This rounds session will be easy to participate in, allowing everyone to join without specific skills. With this low entry barrier, we expect more participants to join and share their AR experiences.
Our plan is to continuously develop and explore cutting-edge AR experiences, and integrating Nouns into our creations. We believe AR can now serve as more than just a marketing gimmick. With rapid advancements from major tech companies, AR now can be utilized as a design tool that enhances and supports proliferating the nouns ecosystem
If this proposal is approved, we will persist in exploring AR applications using a retroactive funding model. which means we complete some projects first and then request funding from the DAO afterwards. This approach allows us to demonstrate tangible results and ensures that funds are well-allocated based on proven success and impact. As an estimate, the budget for each AR experience will range from 1 ETH to 3 ETH depending on its complexity - between 3,600 and 10,800 USD (as of 18/06/2024). Additionally, we also occasionally create simple AR experiences for the community as part of our ongoing commitment.
This is an example how we can utilize AR in various creative ways:
John Hamon and his team successfully launched a remarkable campaign, creating a dynamic collaboration between Nouns and John Hamon as an artist.
Here's how augmented reality can further enhance this project with AR:
Community members can also spread John Hamon's poster in their own environments or landmarks and share it on social media only using phone. Users can point their cameras at a wall or the ground, tap the screen and the John Hamon poster, complete with randomized Noggle colors will appear, record it, and have the video on any socials. This interactive AR feature allows for widespread and engaging promotion, with additional rounds.wtf allocation, the reach will be massive.
This full-body tracking technology can be utilized in numerous ways, from just goofing around, enriching your content, to dancing tools (example : for Nouns Breaker) and many more, user can decide that their own body will be appears or hidden in this experiences, using Machine Learning feature that allow 'erase' user.
Great thing about publishing AR is sometime we just amazed how user creatively exploring this experience with their own unique ideas. But most importantly, it definitely can be leveraged to promote the documentary of itself and nounsDAO in general.
3D Printed Fashion collection from Props 26 by Danit has captured considerable attention in the fashion, tech, and design sectors for its innovative and stylish designs.
AR try-on fashion presents an opportunity to enhance this project further. While the 3D printed material may be expensive to produce and difficult to fit, AR fashion allows users to virtually try on these designs using just a camera or a large screen. This accessibility means that anyone from around the world can now experience the 3D printed fashion, potentially sharing their interactions on social media platforms.
User Journey:
Benefits of this AR Experience:
Geolocation AR leverages the user's geographic location to deliver contextually relevant experiences. By combining geographical data with environment recognition, it can accurately track and create immersive experiences that are seamlessly integrated with the user's surroundings.
SnapAR offers ready-to-use template locations at global landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty, and also allows us to create custom locations through 3D scanning. Niantic, the creator of Pokémon Go, has extensive area data ideal for scavenger hunts. Additionally, Google plans to integrate AR experiences with Google Maps this year, with pilot projects expected to be available in Singapore and Paris.
With this type of AR experience, we can offer location-based interactions for our community. For example, we could create a "Noggles Spreading Frenzy" or "Gigantic Noggles" at the Eiffel Tower when paris blockchain week, or making more immersive experience on Mount Liu Pian, Organize a scavenger hunt using Niantic's platform data, or decorate various buildings with Nouns-themed elements, enhancing both engagement and visibility.
Numerous features and use cases for augmented reality also can be applied to:
The possibility are endless.
This proposal will serve as a kickoff for utilizing AR within the Nouns, setting the stage for a series of innovative and fun experiences. This initial effort will pave the way for future developments.
Q: Whats the goal of this project?
A: In the short term, this proposal aims to create 3+ AR experiences, allowing the community to use AR in their environments and share their experiences through two rounds.wtf sessions on Farcaster or X. This exploration has several goals:
In the long term, we aim to become a studio that supports other projects with our expertise in AR and MR (Mixed Reality). We will continue researching this evolving medium while creating state-of-the-art tools for the Nouns community to proliferate Nouns.
Q: Will you only use 3D Nouns, and will you assist us in using our own community (other project) assets?
A: While we have our own 3D artist, 3D Nouns provide a good interpretation of Nouns's pixel art from 2D to 3D voxel. It's lightweight with a small number of vertices, allowing for quick, accurate work and fast prototyping. However, as community members, we are open to using other 3D assets (Nounish friends, Nounies, etc.) and our custom creations. We support and collaborate with other projects to help proliferate Nouns and are flexible if you request similar experiences with different assets.
Q: Will you use influencers to promote this?
A: No, we will rely on community participation boosted through rounds.wtf. However, if someone wants to involve influencers, these AR experiences will always be available for that purpose.
Claw / clawscape, also known as Imam in the web2. I'm a Meta-certified augmented reality creator, member of Snap's AR Lens Network (alpha) and RTFKT Creators. I've been immersed in AR since 2020. Last year, Meta selected me to develop and present an AR curriculum for Indonesia's next-generation AR creators. Additionally, I was awarded 4th highest prize in Meta's global competition in 2022. Currently, I freelance for a London-based agency where my team has collaborated with brands such as Dior, Tommy Hilfiger, Amazon Music, JD, and Hasbro.
The Timeline will be 2-3 months after proposal is approved.
We are requesting a budget of 3 ETH to kickstart this ongoing project. This budget will be used to compensate our small team, which includes a 3D artist, a developer, and a technical artist (claw). Additionally, we are asking for 2 ETH to encourage participation in the Rounds.wtf channel on Farcaster.
Total 5 ETH
A big thanks to 3D Nouns from props 2 by coralorca & 0xFloyd, their collection of CC0-licensed 3D models will be instrumental in bringing this AR experiences to life. We appreciate the ease of use and accessibility they provide.
Thank you, lets build 2024!