ProposalsProposal 571

NounSwap v1: Swap Noun 1119 + 0.05 WETH for Noun 418 from the Nouns Treasury

Quorum: 79
Proposed by


This proposal seeks to swap Noun 1119 + 0.05 WETH for Noun 418 from the Nouns DAO treasury.

Noun 1119

Noun 418

Rationale for Swap

This rationale is directly from the creator of the proposal
Dear Fellow Noun Enthusiasts,

Let’s cluck about something important. I’m a proud CHIKN fanatic – some might say I’m a CHIKN maxi. My flock on this AVAX-native NFT community includes 8 chikn, 8 roostr, and 8 farmland (8x8x8). That's a sizable investment that's not ever leaving my wallet.

Speaking of investments that'll never leave my wallet, earlier this year I joined the nounish world and scored a “bitcoin sewer rat noun” NOUN #1083. It speaks to me. LOUDLY. I then tried to add an egg noun to my collection, but got ruffled in the discord and missed my shot. Lesson learned – never chicken out!

Now, with nounswap, I have the chance to hatch my dream of OWNING A CHICKEN NOUN. This combines Nouns and CHIKN for me! I’d use the instant swap if I could, but until then, I’m asking for your support. By swapping THIS pillow noun for a chicken noun, I can proudly strut my nounishness within the strong and farm-tastic CHIKN community.

Let’s make this happen! Bring more than just eggs-citement to our nounish world. Let’s get cracking!

P.S. This proposal replaces my previous; I’ve picked a cooler chicken this time and added the tip I neglected in the original.

Vote FOR the swap and let’s make this a clucking success!


This Prop was created using NounSwap.

NounSwap is a tool built for the Nouns communities by Paperclip Labs. It allows Noun owners to easily create proposals to swap their Noun for a Noun in the DAO treasury. It serves purely as a facilitation tool for proposal creation. NounSwap does not have contracts and does not take custody of any Nouns or tokens at any time.