ProposalsProposal 570

Public Nouns-Themed Play Corner

Quorum: 62
Proposed by


  • Fund a Public Nouns-themed Play Corner (180sqm in size)
  • Proposed budget of 99,853 USDC
  • Location: Guangzhou, Nansha district, Huangge Town
  • Lead by Karl and Noun 74 (Nic)

Can Your MEME Do This?

Hey there, Nounish friends! Nouns will be taking over the world and we know it! Nouns are so much more than just on-chain governance. Just to name a few, today, Nouns have transformed into an ERC20 token, a movie, an IG reel (we love Quack & Nounish), an esports team, an on-chain media collective (hello, TNS!), a public art installation, a physical deli (Nouns deli, yumz!), and soon, even a school!

As cliché as it sounds, Nouns' expansion is only limited by our wildest imaginations.

We’re super excited to keep pushing the boundaries of what Nouns can be. Picturing a world adorned with Nounish public installations! Drawing from feedback, we’re back with a scaled-down but equally awesome version: a 180 sqm fully public Nouns-themed play corner. This space will enrich the already vibrant Nouniverse and add a dash of nounish magic into the world.

Quoting Seneca: 'True to its CC0 origins, one consistent motif across Nouns is creative freedom (and ultimately, freedom). All creators desire freedom to do things their own way. Nouns enables people to come in and fulfill their ambitions in a way only they can. People from all backgrounds and skillsets have come to Nouns to build without deadlines, constraints, or limitations. In this sense, Nouns is about helping creators fulfill their ambitions with full creative freedom unlike anywhere else on the internet.'

Why Build a Public Nouns-Themed Play Corner?

Imagine a place where Nouns come alive in a dynamic and engaging way. This Nouns-themed Play Corner will be just that—a vibrant hotspot of creativity and fun that embodies the freedom and open-source ethos of Nouns.

Our existing Nouns installations* have already shown their ability as organic proliferation tools, spreading across social media. This Play Corner will up the game, being a hotspot for social media buzz and driving tons of organic engagement. It will be a lasting touchpoint with the Nouns brand in Guangzhou, sparking curiosity and joy for years to come.

But wait, there’s more! This Play Corner will be perfect for future events. Think school trips where young creatives—future architects and artists, exploring this space, soaking in the Nounish vibe, and getting inspired. They’ll get to learn about Nouns, dive into its CC0 elements, drawn in by it's creative freedom and maybe even sprinkle some Nounish magic into their own work. Plus, with its eye-catching design, this play corner is bound to grab media attention and amplify our reach even further.

*Noggle at Rusutsu, Brazil & Mt. Liupian

Nouns-themed Play Corner:

Based on the actual site (180sqm), below are render of the Nouns-themed play-structure that will be created. A total of:

  • 1x Customed Nouns play-structure (Pirate Ship)
  • 5x Customed Nouns spring-rocker
  • 2x Noggle bench

Why Here?

The Nouns-themed Play Corner will be in Huangge Town, the cultural heart of the Nansha district in Guangzhou. This buzzing area is where tradition meets modernity, creating a super inspiring environment for young creatives—a perfect playground for Nouns.

Sandwiched between Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Huangge Town is ideal for cultural and artistic endeavors. Here, the play corner will not only be a place for fun and exploration but also a nexus for engaging with Nouns brand and sparking interest in its CC0 nature.

The Nansha district authority’s push to improve public spaces aligns perfectly with our vision. And guess what? The local authority’s affiliated developer is on board, covering the site preperation costs and permits, showing their full support and belief in the overall positivity this Nouns-themed Play Corner can generate.


The total proposed budget is 99,853 USDC, with an allocation as follows:

  • 1. Production = 67,073 USDC
    • Noggle bench (2qty) = 6,000 USDC
    • Customed Nouns Spring Rocker (5qty) = 9,250 USDC
    • Customed Nouns Play-structure (Pirate ship) = 51,823 USDC
  • 2. Logistic & Installation = 20,980 USDC
    • Delivery = 7,500 USDC
    • Equipment rental (A) = 2,100 USDC
      *For off-loading Play-structure on-site
    • Installation = 8,580 USDC
    • Equipment rental (B) = 2,800 USDC
      *For installation on-site
  • 3. Landscaping & Safety Surfacing = 11,800 USDC
  • 4. Team Compensation: Will request Noun 164 (Pirate ship) from treasury via subsequent on-chain prop, CONTINGENT UPON the full EXECUTION & COMPLETION of this prop. As retrofund for the time spent liaising pre-prop as well as successful execution of prop.
    • Team compensation is separate because we want the DAO to retain the flexibility to decide on compensation after successful execution. Also to show our resolve and confidence in execution.

*The site preparation and permit costs are being covered by developer affiliated with Nansha District Authority, demonstrating their commitment in supporting this initiative


Meet the Team

Leading the charge are Karl and Noun 74 (Nic). We’ve executed Prop 211, bringing Nouns into China, and Prop 489, creating Nounish public infrastructure now proudly installed at Mt. Liupian.

Our deep love for Nouns, combined with our diverse relationships and networks, sets us up perfectly to connect and expand Nouns to more PEOPLE, THINGS, and PLACES in this region of the globe. We’re confident we can make this vision a reality, using our unique skills to keep adding value to the DAO.

We're all about keeping you in the loop every step of the way as well. We’ll be sharing regular updates and behind-the-scenes content via, Warpcast and X, so Nouns enjoyer will be able to follow us along this journey.

Join Us!

This Nouns-themed play corner is more than just another project - it’s an public art installation, an explosion of creativity, inspiration, and represent Nouns endless possibilities. Together, we can create a landmark that ignites imaginations and deepens the connection to the Nouns brand. Let’s make magic happen together!