SharkDAO is looking to create a multi-sig wallet w/ Big Shot Toyworks and requesting 50E from NounsDAO to fund...
FUNctional Nounish Glasses by Bigshot Toyworks:
Google Doc link w/ pics (text below):
Prototype samples are ready. Now we need to start tooling and factory prep for production:
2A: Tooling
Development and production of high quality precision steel molds for the mass manufacturing process.
Sample molds produced by Bigshot in similar materials
Injection molds- ABS and PC (Polycarbonate), plus packaging design/layout, packaging dies & blister tray molds:
Cost estimate: $25-32K (10 ETH equivalent)
Above includes: Paint molds, tampo molds for keychain and any QR codes. Any kind of debugging and pilot run to test viability and revisions.
Notes on tooling: tooling is a one-time charge, unless we need to increase bulk production to meet demand and make X more molds etc. Molds will be stored for reuse as needed.
Deluxe gift box packaging, Satin finish with Spot UV, High gloss printing, Blister tray packaging packed in individual shippers for easy distribution. 5 ps per carton, and 4 cartons to master carton. Notes on package design: The package concept has space on it to showcase approximately 20+ nouns characters. We can chose the most Nounish or pleasing pieces that work in the layout (would love a list and images ASAP if community wants to weigh in)
2B: Production
Cost estimate $13-17 USD per unit packaged as a final product
SRP: $20-22 wholesale, $40-45 retail
The goal of these is to distribute as many as possible so these can be allocated as giveaways to shows and events or sold at a wholesale price giving the event an opportunity to make money.
Sample first order breakdown:
5000 pcs Incl. 500 GOLD NOUNDER GIFTS:
3000 red
1000 blue
500 TBD (Pink ???)
500 CHROME GOLD -exclusive to NOUN holders and only available through our gated shop
IF Noun Holders want one of each of any exclusives we need to consider additional orders
Best to make first order as large as possible to cover any events during the next 6 months to 1 year
Important to consider the Nounish community needs for these Funglasses in the initial order so that there is enough stock on hand to satisfy any and all proposed promotional efforts.
2C: Logistics and shipping
Air shipping for samples and any show exclusives
Sea shipping for mass production
All items shipped to our 3PL warehouse in the USA for warehousing & fulfillment.
Unless otherwise specified, Bigshot will act as a custodian for the physical glasses products and continue to develop new colors and possible tie-ins with other brands.
2D: Maintaining stock & availability in USA
Bigshot will maintain a public-facing web shop with stock. We will make quantities of glasses available to Nouns at the discretion of the DAO for events and promotions and any other purpose. Will allocate specified quantities to Noun holders through our gated web store at no cost.
Should there be event planning for future activities where we would need to manufacture exclusive products in special colors or packaging, or larger quantities, we need about 4-6 months notice at least. Air shipping is always available to expedite delivery but that is much more expensive than slow sea shipping.
Need to create web content for any scans of QR codes or Box scans to launch interactive elements like 3D AR Nouns or animated 3D Nouns.
Nounish community benefit: each Noun holder or friend /family could claim 5 free sets of glasses + shipping and handling worldwide (for example). If there are 300 Noun holders, and each holder gets 5 free glasses, then we need to plan for US stock to be depleted by 1500 units right away.
The rest of the stock will be available in the shop at a $40 USD retail but allocated to the various events and promotions as needed at a wholesale of $20 each.
2E: Sundries associated with creating and selling physical goods
We would need to purchase LIABILITY INSURANCE
Cost estimate: $6-8K per year (or ETH equivalent)
In all instances, when paying for physical goods projects in ETH, we need to address the volatility of ETH. We would need to convert all ETH payments into fiat immediately in order to pay vendors like factories, warehouse, logistics companies etc.
Suggestion to establish quarterly payment to maintain all of the parts moving. Warehouse, logistics/production manager etc
2F: Global Community Engagement Strategies
Promoting Noun glasses & increasing visibility of the brand. Some of our ideas include:
Toy & pop culture conventions around the world (UK toycon/DCON, TTS, Wonder festival Design Fiesta, Shanghai toy show, beijing toy show etc)
NFT-related meetups & events
Sports events Pro and college level - Funglasses giveaways at stadiums
Promotional tie-ins e.g. Bud Light?
Commercial use / brand use of the products Custom glasses frames with unique packaging similar to Bearbricks
Art shows and events like a space at ART Basel (wynwood walls or SCOPE) , a DesignerCon takeover, a booth at NYCC, etc
Active social media placements through targeted giveaways and event appearances documented on social media
DCON TAKEOVER (NOUN-A-PALOOZA) with a 20x30 or larger booth experience with DJs, live art and activities (papercraft, coloring books. DIY glasses projects etc) - featuring all of the current & upcoming Nounish projects sponsored by the DAO presented as a case study for what is possible with Nouns and more.
5000 sets of glasses insert into the VIP bags at Dcon
A NOUNTOWN in a metaverse, a place to hold events, art shows etc. DECENTRALLAND or?
We could use Funglasses in an onboarding package for new community members, both Nouners and newbs. - can have QR codes to easily disseminate info about the Nouns community and what is available to community members - answering the questions who, what and why?
Influencer mailers
Timing of New Production Projects:
Any Funglasses needs / events that the community decides upon that would overrun our available inventory in the USA warehouse would have to be communicated to us within a timeframe that allows us to quote on, produce and ship the required goods. Both air and sea shipping are extremely expensive these days, so a lot of advance planning is required for bigger production projects (ideally 4 months advance notice, can be cut to 3 months if we do air shipping).
Cost estimate: TBD
One way to avoid long production delays is to initially produce an overage of thousands of pairs of glasses in the main colors and store them in our USA warehouse so we have an abundance of stock to ship out as needed.
Warehousing extra units has a cost - our warehousing partner charges by square foot. So we would need to estimate monthly cost of keeping the inventory based on how many units we keep on hand and how long we intend to store them.
Cost estimate: TBD
Due to fluctuating ETH value and the fact that we need to immediately convert ETH into fiat to send to factory, we need to calculate each of the above payments right before it is due.
(not including marketing / community engagement)
Tooling: 10 ETH *Note Small Grants is giving 5E to get this going now
Production @ 5K units: 26 ETH
Shipping / logistics estimate: 5 ETH
Warehousing for 1 year: 4 ETH
Liability insurance for 1 year: 3 ETH
TOTAL ESTIMATE: 48-55 ETH (approx 0.01 ETH per unit)
Expenses for a 2nd order would be lower per unit due to the elimination of the one time costs.
SharkDAO & Bigshot Multi-Sig - 0x6C3A3374f1250597431d4ead59C35FBadf132b40
#1 tooling payment due ASAP to begin - 10 ETH (project is ready to go - there is a 35-45 day process between initial payment to test shots stage)
#2 - 30 days later - production deposit payment 50% of whatever production ends up being
(There may be minimal fluctuations in costs due to the deluxe packaging)
#3 - 45 days later - final balance production due
#4 - 30 days later logistics - costs determined at time of payment due
Still trying to figure out the final cost/process etc on the small details as it is pretty involved and needs to be developed for this and future projects.