If executed, this proposal approves 10 clients for Nouns Client Incentives. For clients to be able to receive rewards, their client ID needs to be approved by the DAO for withdrawals. This step was added to reduce the risk of bad actors abusing the system.
The reason for batching is to put less governance strain on the DAO. This could've been a prop to only approve Camp (ID 3) but I decided to add more clients that, as far as I can tell, all have good intentions.
If executed, this proposal approves 10 clients for Nouns Client Incentives. For clients to be able to receive rewards, their client ID needs to be approved by the DAO for withdrawals. This step was added to reduce the risk of bad actors abusing the system.
The reason for batching is to put less governance strain on the DAO. This could've been a prop to only approve Camp (ID 3) but I decided to add more clients that, as far as I can tell, all have good intentions.