The future is built by creators, and there's no better community embracing that ethos than Nouns. That’s why I’m proposing that Nouns become a flagship supporter of the Onchain Summer Buildathon — the largest, global, online hackathon dedicated to bringing the world onchain.
This month-long event offers over 200 ETH in prizes to builders, encouraging them to create innovative onchain apps, frames, and experiences. The hackathon will take place throughout the month of June, and be broken into 8 distinct tracks. This proposal would have NounsDAO sponsor the “Unplugged: Making a difference IRL<->URL” track, aligning with Nouns' spirit and mission to fund ideas that make a global impact and introducing the world to both Nouns and the onchain ecosystem through physical activations. The contribution from Nouns would be 10 ETH towards the prize pool, 100% of which goes directly to builders.
NounsDAO would be included in all Onchain Summer communications, be listed as a primary supporter, receive Nouns branding on the Unplugged track and the ability to run workshops, and have a representative from Nouns as a hackathon judge.
Nouns has already had a significant presence on Base, with noggles being included in Base Introduced, Nouns Builder moving to Base, grant rounds run using Nouns tooling, and Nounish subDAOs like Yellow using Base as their chain of choice.
Now, by sponsoring the Onchain Summer Buildathon, Nouns can continue to be recognized as an important community within our onchain ecosystem, give funding to builders, and encourage a larger Nounish presence onchain. This also is a significant top of funnel opportunity to attract net-new builders to Nouns — every onchain builder going through the hackathon will be exposed to Nouns and have the opportunity to build in a Nounish way.
Let’s make Onchain Summer based and nounish.
The future is built by creators, and there's no better community embracing that ethos than Nouns. That’s why I’m proposing that Nouns become a flagship supporter of the Onchain Summer Buildathon — the largest, global, online hackathon dedicated to bringing the world onchain.
This month-long event offers over 200 ETH in prizes to builders, encouraging them to create innovative onchain apps, frames, and experiences. The hackathon will take place throughout the month of June, and be broken into 8 distinct tracks. This proposal would have NounsDAO sponsor the “Unplugged: Making a difference IRL<->URL” track, aligning with Nouns' spirit and mission to fund ideas that make a global impact and introducing the world to both Nouns and the onchain ecosystem through physical activations. The contribution from Nouns would be 10 ETH towards the prize pool, 100% of which goes directly to builders.
NounsDAO would be included in all Onchain Summer communications, be listed as a primary supporter, receive Nouns branding on the Unplugged track and the ability to run workshops, and have a representative from Nouns as a hackathon judge.
Nouns has already had a significant presence on Base, with noggles being included in Base Introduced, Nouns Builder moving to Base, grant rounds run using Nouns tooling, and Nounish subDAOs like Yellow using Base as their chain of choice.
Now, by sponsoring the Onchain Summer Buildathon, Nouns can continue to be recognized as an important community within our onchain ecosystem, give funding to builders, and encourage a larger Nounish presence onchain. This also is a significant top of funnel opportunity to attract net-new builders to Nouns — every onchain builder going through the hackathon will be exposed to Nouns and have the opportunity to build in a Nounish way.
Let’s make Onchain Summer based and nounish.