The tuba is delightful and a great addition to the current collection.
On the topic of compensation ill try to speak my mind as openly as possible about the issues we're facing and how we as a dao arrived here.
Adding to or modifying the contracts is not a task to be taken lightly. I believe thats as true for art as it is for code changes. This belief greatly colors my downstream thinking and puts me in a position where my goal is to a) protect the dao from watering down the collection, and b) yet add traits that pass the bar for quality and coherency with a wide-ish margin of error (aside: i constantly agonize over whether the fax machine was/is good enough).
Its probably safe to say that i overcorrect on the side of safety, but i think thats good/preferred when the alternative is to do irrevocable harm to nouns as a project (imo, if we were to add a really bad trait, even if we later voted it out, it would do permanent harm).
Now to the touchy subject; most voters have poor taste and poor understanding of what makes nouns traits good. Whats more, most voters seem to lack a "security mindset" around adding traits and treats the entire thing pretty laissez-faire.
Furthermore, i believe nouns works best as a meritocracy. Our VWR culture is strong bc we listen to our peers and subject experts existing in the community. The majority of voters are not experts when it comes to nouns traits.
The list of people i believe the dao should look to for advice and guidance on this topic is rather short: goldy, 4156, gremps. And to a lesser degree 9999, index, facu, amiyoko.
This is the conundrum: With many voters, frankly speaking, falling into the dunning-kruger bucket, how do we make sure the dao steers clear of adding bad traits while also celebrating how fantastic it is that we can actually add traits to this infinite work of art, especially in an ad-hoc manner?
I dont know if this puzzle can be solved, at times i feel skeptical, but this leads us back to the topic of compensation. Rewarding a Noun as comp is an attempt to gatekeep on quality -- basically saying 'look the art is sacred, we should only include traits if we are willing to pay well for it'.
By no means do i think this is a perfect solution, but as of now it is the best tool available and the one i personally will use. If the dao at large gave me more reason to believe it can navigate the topic of trait inclusion, i would not be so adamant about setting a precedent of compensation.
Lastly, and perhaps a different argument altogether, today there are 3 (active) artists who can create nouns traits