The Nouncil has spoken.
We discuss all Nouns proposals every week in our Discord The calls are public and all are welcome!
You can find previous call recordings here:
This proposal was created based on a Nouncil poll (any nouncillor can create polls) on whether Nouncil should submit a prop to increase the threshold for forking to 51%. That poll passed and there was no actual written proposal for more context. Everyone in Nouncil had a chance to write a proposal, but no one did, so the prop was created with the information at hand simply because the poll to do so was in favour.
When it came to the actual vote on the proposal, Nouncil landed on a majority against.
imwylin | *"the spirit of the forking mechanism is as a minority protection mechanism. raising the threshold to 51% takes away the only protection the minority has, and lines the DAO up for another nasty spat with a block of No voting arbitragers.
while it is unfortunate that the DAOs smart contracts create an arbitrage opportunity, a better means to rectify the situation, (unless and until the v3 leak is plugged,) is for the Nounish ecosystem to put forward high quality props and spend down the arbitrage
whether the economic majority that controls the culture of Nouns will allow those props to pass is it’s own question. yet, better to attempt a spend down by funding quality props than forcefully locking people into the DAO who don’t want to be here. i’ll take a 51% threshold over literally burning the eth though"*
borg00000 | "More forks = more Nouns for the DAO, why wouldn't we want to collect more of the best art in the game"
benbodhi | "I originally voted FOR in the Nouncil poll to put this prop onchain as it's a parameter that can be changed again if necessary and I was curious about the wider opinion/perspective on the threshold. My initial reaction to the poll was that it should be difficult to fork. However, after more thought, and for the actual vote on the proposal, I think it's fine as is or even a lower threshold would be fine. If we look at honest minority forking, then higher threshold is obviously not good. I think the simplest view of why anyone might support this is just to protect the treasury from being exploited at all. But it isn't that simple. This threshold change is a technicality that's not exciting to me either way and I hope to spend more time focused on the more fun things in nouns. I also think proposals like this could and should have more context. I believe Nouncil will address this for any future proposals of this nature."