There are currently 264 Nouns sitting in the Escrow Contract ↗. This proposal withdraws all 264 Nouns from that Escrow contract into the Treasury contract effectively bringing those Nouns home and unifying the Treasury and Escrow Nouns. This will further simplify any future Treasury Noun distribution.
Please feel free to double check my work. 🙏
0.5 ETH was added to cover propose, queue, and execute costs.
Some Notes:
This function call has successfully been used in the past by Prop 435: Sasquatch Hunting ↗.
This prop currently includes John Hamon's Noun ↗. Executing this proposal on time could potentially reserve the provenance of the original proposal and allow it to be executed before expiration on May 8th.
This was previously attempted by the team behind Proposal 457: NounSwap: Choose Your Character! ↗.
h/t to Lil Panda for imagining this concept after the original forks on a live episode of Let's Play Nouns.
There are currently 264 Nouns sitting in the Escrow Contract ↗. This proposal withdraws all 264 Nouns from that Escrow contract into the Treasury contract effectively bringing those Nouns home and unifying the Treasury and Escrow Nouns. This will further simplify any future Treasury Noun distribution.
Please feel free to double check my work. 🙏
0.5 ETH was added to cover propose, queue, and execute costs.
Some Notes:
This function call has successfully been used in the past by Prop 435: Sasquatch Hunting ↗.
This prop currently includes John Hamon's Noun ↗. Executing this proposal on time could potentially reserve the provenance of the original proposal and allow it to be executed before expiration on May 8th.
This was previously attempted by the team behind Proposal 457: NounSwap: Choose Your Character! ↗.
h/t to Lil Panda for imagining this concept after the original forks on a live episode of Let's Play Nouns.
The Amigos made a decision: FOR.
For: 14 | Against: 0 | Abstain: 0
+for — @symbiotech.eth
+for keep a clean house — @krel
+for — @brettdrawsstuff
+for it ain't much, but it's honest work — @indexcard.eth
+for — @tudorizer
+for here is a commemorative nft 50/50 splits @nouns / indexcard.eth — @pip
+for bring the boys back home — @sqx
+for take me home, country roads — @wylin
+for — @six
+for — @seneca
+for — @frog
+for ..let’s put this in the protocol — @w-g
+for Let them in. — @maty
+for these nouns need a new home — @0xmonografia
via @zeroweight
voting yes, with consideration from nouns.fe/esports women's team (voting power 0 from the snapshot, but first time testing the camp ⌐◨-◨)
-lunari: nouns in the treasury could make for some interesting uses in the future while making transactions easier (welcome home surprise party soon?)
-jesscas: BRING OUR NOUNS HOME! they have been away for too long ❤️
-ashe: "let's go nouns :3"
Absolutely worth bringing the Nouns stuck in escrow back into the treasury. There are some great Nouns in there, let's get 'em home ⌐◨-◨
The Nouncil has spoken.
We discuss all Nouns proposals every week in our Discord The calls are public and all are welcome!
You can find previous call recordings here:
An overwhelming FOR vote in Nouncil for a bit of housekeeping to unite the nouns in escrow with the treasury nouns. There was some discussion around the cost and necessity. Ultimately all but 2 votes landed FOR, with the 2 abstaining.
borg00000 | "seems expensive"
benbodhi | "makes sense to help avoid any issues with wrong functions being used"
0xae4705dC0816ee6d8a13F1C72780Ec5021915Fed | "how on earth is milad voting no here, reason makes 0 sense? lol"
0x9e0e9D25a5ED9bc773f91691f0b45599255257B1 | "Potential Noun devaluation and unclear cost-benefit of unifying treasury assets"