Gift Matt Downey Noun 336 for the discovery of the unicode noggles
Gift Matt Downey Noun 336 for the discovery of the unicode noggles
On January 4th, 2022, Matt Downey tweeted his discovery of the unicode noggles: ⌐◨-◨
From that day on, the unicode noggles have made their way into every corner of the nouniverse. As a way of both appreciation and celebration, Nounders propose gifting Noun 301 to Matt. It is a beautiful chipboard Noun, born on May 8th, 2022, the same year as Matt's discovery tweet.
Thank you Matt!
Gift Matt Downey Noun 336 for the discovery of the unicode noggles
Gift Matt Downey Noun 336 for the discovery of the unicode noggles
On January 4th, 2022, Matt Downey tweeted his discovery of the unicode noggles: ⌐◨-◨
From that day on, the unicode noggles have made their way into every corner of the nouniverse. As a way of both appreciation and celebration, Nounders propose gifting Noun 301 to Matt. It is a beautiful chipboard Noun, born on May 8th, 2022, the same year as Matt's discovery tweet.
Thank you Matt!