For: 8 | Against: 2 | Abstain: 1
+against while heart in the right place, prop needs more work — @krel.eth
+for let them cook. solid deliverables from a solid team; there’s room for continued iteration. the standards being asked by krel here did not apply to, e.g. props 450 or 463. why ask for them now? — @wylin
+against, unnecessarily convoluted and confusing for me to believe that they have a coherent plan — @pip
+abstain regional, focused presence could be great just don’t feel up to speed enough to weigh in / less excited about auction idea.. feels like a distraction from core challenges facing nounish dao issuance/security etc — @w-g
+for Austin will become a lighthouse city for the world to see what it means to be Nounish. These builders can help make that possible! — @brennen.eth
+for @atxdao has set the standard for city DAOs. The organization is willing to fundamentally alter its DNA and concentrate resources on making cities Nounish, with the track record to back it up. — @512mace
+for because Willy actually follows through with his work. — @landeck.eth
+for because @atxdao has a proven track record of over-delivering on everything it does. Over 200 members serving as a center of gravity for web3 in Austin, the DAO will be a nounish force — @kenn
+for because we want to take what @atxdao has built and bring it to every city DAO on earth. — @citydaonetwork
+for I am glad to be a member of ATX DAO, an organization filled with enthusiastic, optimistic, and talented Web3 professionals who are thriving to push web3 fundamentals in a physical space to bring the city of Austin, and soon the world, Onchain. — @hotmanics
+for ATX DAO is obsessed with building and expanding the DAO / network state concept across the world. This is a small step in a grand plan and the proposal puts Nouns at the heart of it starting in Austin — @spatializes
via @zeroweight