ProposalsProposal 486

Meet Quack & Lola - March to 500K Fans

Quorum: 46
Proposed by

Tl ; dr

  • Atrium is seeking Noun 632 (Quack's inspiration) as retro-reward for the work done on Quack between June 2023 - Dec 2023.
  • Scale Quack Ops (Frugally): 36 ETH streamed over 6 months of operations to scale Quack & put fuel to the fire.

How it came to be

We started by looking into what can be universally loved as a character and is relevant to all-age groups. Observing the giants as well as newcomers was pretty critical to this.

After much deliberation, we found a repeatable common denominator that worked over & over.

  • Cute
  • Playful
  • Animalistic feature set >> Inanimate objects (cat ,dog ,frog , ducks ,chicken , pokemon?)
  • Groups OR Pair >> Lone-some (Virality factor)

.. and Quack & Lola were born in June 2023.

Quack was created with following ideas in mind

  • Build a wide top of funnel for an IP that transcends borders and is based on Nouns character primitive (Noggles).
  • Can translate to all types of things for ancilliary markets.
  • Can be used in places like Nouns Movie and get plugged into a lot of existing properties we have for cross-over promos.

Quack stats at a glance

  • 229K Followers on Instagram and climbing.
  • 65% female audience skewing younger (15-34).
  • 15.4mil users reached in the last month.

People Love Quack (all over the world)

Including some frens we have in web3 :)

Where are the funds going

  • Scale production throughput to guarantee 2x output per week.
  • Optimise asset generation.
  • Experiment with Quack & Lola's demeanor and personality for more reach.
  • Introduce more media formats (Sticker packs, GIFs, AR filters) for more proliferation.


  • We want to create Quack mints every time we publish the content. Partner up with future iterations to have a tighter value flow onchain.
  • You can mint some Quack here (Not on bound currently)

Who is working on this

  • 3dprintguy - Creative Supervision
  • Blizzy - Animation swissknife (one man production army)
  • Brianna - Content Ideation