↳ leoclark.eth
Throwing weight behind zero weight votes with reason.
am for experimenting with this as a pilot to determine potential for a series of docus
The Nouncil has spoken.
We discuss all Nouns proposals every week in our Discord https://discord.gg/fdjJpMeV6K. The calls are public and all are welcome!
You can find previous call recordings here: https://nouncil.notion.site/30328df718424f17a623859018497fc2?v=806b5234a2a34b619c3d5028bcd879f0&pvs=4
When it came to this proposal, there was majority support as you can see below:
FOR - Wins
fiveoceans_dev | "very curious about this experiment"
peterpandam | "yes, please talk to brennen and sasquatch about nouns esports when you come to the US!"
maty.eth | "i feel like the reach of the first video does not justify funding more videos"
That t-shirt alone justifies this prop. Well crafted builders portraits is something that people can relate to.
(noun40 voting via agora)
I'm in favor of this much reduced budget v2. we've funded a lot of media and animation that targets ppl new to nouns (atrium movie, stoopid buddy doc, nounish, the recent two animation props, etc) and that should be our focus but i think occasionally making stuff for ourselves even if at the end only a few hundred hard core fans see it is good (esp if the production cost is reasonable). supportive!
Too niche a potential audience, need to get out of the echochamber
https://www.lilnouns.wtf/vote/nounsdao/461/votes FOR 47 VOTES 0xa47f60564085b8792BaE197BE7762C7f7930eC67 | "Leo and Benbodhi are both great nounish builders! Big fan of them." 0xEDc1a397589A0236C4810883b7d559288a5Fe7e1 | "⌐₿Ξ🄽 is the 🐐 and it is definitely easy to support" AGAINST 0 VOTES ABSTAINS 54 VOTES 0x9e0e9D25a5ED9bc773f91691f0b45599255257B1 | "I'll only vote on proposals that require explanations once the proposer attends our weekly calls to explain them."
I love to see a second proposal that incorporates the previous proposal's feedback and vote with reasons in a thoughtful way. I believe that highlighting the amazing people within Nouns is a high-impact way to increase the overall network value, both inside and outside of Nouns. Benbodhi is an incredible and inspiring person to feature.
Hey Krel,
I will DM you.
Here is the propdate where I explain that bc of film festivals we can not have the film available online:
(working title)
Ben spent a few months lurking in the original Nouns Discord before saying anything.
Now, he is one of the most devoted and loved members of the community, a funded prop builder, and even co-founder of a fork of Nouns.
We hope this is the first of many films.
If successful and the community is happy with it, we would love to continue telling Nounsfolks' tales in the future.
Short documentary film (20 minutes) | Budget: $22,160 USDC
v2 ✅
This is the 2nd version of this proposal.
We are taking on board the feedback and suggestions from Prop 448.
Most importantly:
The Nouns DAO community is about the passionate individuals behind it.
With this documentary series, we aim to spotlight these inspiring journeys.
First up, Benbodhi.
We'll track Ben's story and his daily schedule, which occasionally includes working 16+ hours a day on some of our favorite Nouns projects:
Gnars DAO
Alps DAO
Prop 218
as part of proposal 218, the largest ⌐◨-◨ in the world were manufactured.
We will deliver the final cut within 3 to 4 months of being funded.
Around April 2024 with filming scheduled for late December 2023 / January 2024.
💰 THE ASK - $22,160 USDC
We have reached out to a few of our favourite Nounish builders, devs and artists and ultimately decided to start small with only one documentary for now.
We will move on to other stories after we deliver Ben’s and the community is happy with the result.
If successful, we will make new proposals for the following stages:
This is a 2 to 3-year plan and the idea is to save on budget and time by having the same film crew shoot more than one story in each continent.
Please get in touch with us if you have suggestions of people/places/projects we should be considering.
Also, since all the material will be cc0, we can think of it as building blocks of a feature-length documentary in the not-so-distant future.
And anything else anyone wants to build with it 🫡
We are essentially the same crew from “Non-fungible Aotearoa”.
Proposal 405 funded us to submit the documentary to 50+ film festivals:
Leo Clark (Director/Producer)
Simon Wade (VFX Artist)
Online editor/color grader - TBD
Thank you for reading 🙏
Let’s make more art in Season 3 🫡
(working title)
Ben spent a few months lurking in the original Nouns Discord before saying anything.
Now, he is one of the most devoted and loved members of the community, a funded prop builder, and even co-founder of a fork of Nouns.
We hope this is the first of many films.
If successful and the community is happy with it, we would love to continue telling Nounsfolks' tales in the future.
Short documentary film (20 minutes) | Budget: $22,160 USDC
v2 ✅
This is the 2nd version of this proposal.
We are taking on board the feedback and suggestions from Prop 448.
Most importantly:
The Nouns DAO community is about the passionate individuals behind it.
With this documentary series, we aim to spotlight these inspiring journeys.
First up, Benbodhi.
We'll track Ben's story and his daily schedule, which occasionally includes working 16+ hours a day on some of our favorite Nouns projects:
Gnars DAO
Alps DAO
Prop 218
as part of proposal 218, the largest ⌐◨-◨ in the world were manufactured.
We will deliver the final cut within 3 to 4 months of being funded.
Around April 2024 with filming scheduled for late December 2023 / January 2024.
💰 THE ASK - $22,160 USDC
We have reached out to a few of our favourite Nounish builders, devs and artists and ultimately decided to start small with only one documentary for now.
We will move on to other stories after we deliver Ben’s and the community is happy with the result.
If successful, we will make new proposals for the following stages:
This is a 2 to 3-year plan and the idea is to save on budget and time by having the same film crew shoot more than one story in each continent.
Please get in touch with us if you have suggestions of people/places/projects we should be considering.
Also, since all the material will be cc0, we can think of it as building blocks of a feature-length documentary in the not-so-distant future.
And anything else anyone wants to build with it 🫡
We are essentially the same crew from “Non-fungible Aotearoa”.
Proposal 405 funded us to submit the documentary to 50+ film festivals:
Leo Clark (Director/Producer)
Simon Wade (VFX Artist)
Online editor/color grader - TBD
Thank you for reading 🙏
Let’s make more art in Season 3 🫡