tl;dr - Honor early founders of nounish communities: gami
This is the second of a set of proposals to gift Nouns to the founders of the first three Nouns forks who proliferated Nouns via unique iterations of nounish DAOs which evolved into the largest nounish communities today.
I feel the reputation of these founders precedes them, so I'll be brief. These three founders were very early builders in the Nouns ecosystem, without them the most active nounish communities today would not exist. Not only were they behind the earliest iterations of the Nouns auction and DAO structures, they have continued to contribute to the ecosystem as time has gone on.
As devoted builders in the nouniverse, they have proven their value and alignment with the DAO and would be ideal candidates to receive Nouns.
These communities far exceed the size of the community of Nouners. The majority of people who are active in the Nouns ecosystem are involved through one of these sub-DAO communities.
Founder of:
Contributed to Nouns Proposals 51, 164, 165, 189, 231, 260, 266, 269, 363, 382, 393, 402
Contributed over 200 ETH to the Nouns treasury via auctions
Coined the term "droposal"
First person to submit a new Noun trait to Noundry
Onboarded Lil Bubble and Mr Seaks and appeared in some of their nounish media:
Coordinated the AO Metaverse Collaboration
Promoted Nouns on popular podcasts:
Author of "Hypercommons: A Manifesto for a Positive Sum World"
Summary of transactions:
Noun 13 to gami.eth: 0x387a161C6b25aA854100aBaED39274e51aaffffd