Commit to minting 6 ETH of Nouns Themed BasePaint dailys for three consecutive days (2 ETH per day).
BasePaint is a shared pixel canvas. The community makes art for 24 hours. After which, the canvas locks, and an open edition NFT of the artwork is available to mint for 24 hours.
I propose committing 6 ETH to mint three days of Nouns themed canvases. For three days, the BasePaint theme would be whatever Noun is on auction at the time of which the BasePaint canvas opens. This is a fun initiative would accomplish a few things:
I've been in contact with the cofounders of BasePaint (Zach and WINTΞR) to set the themes for the days on which Nouns would be minting.
We’d be using the BasePaint bot to commit the ETH.
The proposal would be calling Base Portal contract on Ethereum which would both deposit and call the BasePaint bot contract.
We'd be minting 699 each day (at a cost of 0.00286 per mint) for a total of 1.9999 ETH per day (699 * 0.00286).
The mints would be under the DAO's alias address so that the DAO can call it from L1 if it chooses to move them.
There’s a 10% fee that the BasePaint bot takes at mint. Once minted, 90% of the profits of the OE are distributed to the artists proportional to the number of pixels they painted. 10% goes to the protocol.
A big thank you to solimander, backseats and wilson who helped put the tx together
🥌 x FOR
↳ benbodhi.eth
I'm an experiment in throwing weight behind zero weight votes with reason.
nom nom bronze brushes 🖌️
BasePaint is Nounish in so many ways including the actual artwork which often includes ⌐◨-◨
Makes sense to support this great project and get some of our favorite characters represented onchain through this project.
brettdrawsstuff | "🖌️🖼️⌐◨-◨"
borg00000 | "small ask and base paint is based"
profwerder | "very much for this prop — write a bit about BasePaint if you are unfamiliar"
benbodhi | "This is awesome!!!"
(noun40 voting via agora)
a lot of respect for basepaint and excited for this onchain collaboration!
0x2eE0485f71764bcD2062A84d9455688c581B90f8 | "no opinion. paying to mint is always kinda weird IMO. "
0x9e0e9D25a5ED9bc773f91691f0b45599255257B1 | "I'll abstain from voting on proposals that require explanations until the proposer attends our weekly calls to explain it."
Funding artists is excellent. More Nouns art is great. Let’s do it!
sent from
Very excited for this! I've contributed ⌐◨-◨ on many BasePaint canvases! There are many aligned values between BasePaint and Nouns:
⌐◨-◨ amazing pixel art
⌐◨-◨ cc0
⌐◨-◨ community created
⌐◨-◨ a beautiful intersection between art & tech on the blockchain
Wrote a piece about BasePaint a while back for a deeper dive:
What a wonderful idea. I really like the core product and the profit distribution structure that rewards contributions proportionately :)
Since the ETH ask and past artwork LGTM, I’m excited to support this and see what Nouns we get to portrait!
Note to artists:
The link for artists to apply for brushes is broken. The link is
Commit to minting 6 ETH of Nouns Themed BasePaint dailys for three consecutive days (2 ETH per day).
BasePaint is a shared pixel canvas. The community makes art for 24 hours. After which, the canvas locks, and an open edition NFT of the artwork is available to mint for 24 hours.
I propose committing 6 ETH to mint three days of Nouns themed canvases. For three days, the BasePaint theme would be whatever Noun is on auction at the time of which the BasePaint canvas opens. This is a fun initiative would accomplish a few things:
I've been in contact with the cofounders of BasePaint (Zach and WINTΞR) to set the themes for the days on which Nouns would be minting.
We’d be using the BasePaint bot to commit the ETH.
The proposal would be calling Base Portal contract on Ethereum which would both deposit and call the BasePaint bot contract.
We'd be minting 699 each day (at a cost of 0.00286 per mint) for a total of 1.9999 ETH per day (699 * 0.00286).
The mints would be under the DAO's alias address so that the DAO can call it from L1 if it chooses to move them.
There’s a 10% fee that the BasePaint bot takes at mint. Once minted, 90% of the profits of the OE are distributed to the artists proportional to the number of pixels they painted. 10% goes to the protocol.
A big thank you to solimander, backseats and wilson who helped put the tx together