Proposal by Noun 22
The Retroactive Funding and Small Grants Pool is running low on ETH and needs to be refilled. Since inception the group has funded a number of project trials, Nouns derivatives, tattoos, ⌐◨-◨s, and other contributions to the Nouns ecosystem. The full list of everything the group has paid out is available here.
This group was formed with an initial pool of 20 ETH and was topped up with 50 ETH in January 2022. This proposal would top up the group's multisig with another 100 ETH.
Proposal by Noun 22
The Retroactive Funding and Small Grants Pool is running low on ETH and needs to be refilled. Since inception the group has funded a number of project trials, Nouns derivatives, tattoos, ⌐◨-◨s, and other contributions to the Nouns ecosystem. The full list of everything the group has paid out is available here.
This group was formed with an initial pool of 20 ETH and was topped up with 50 ETH in January 2022. This proposal would top up the group's multisig with another 100 ETH.