Experiment with Prop House as a way to bring in long-term aligned players by running three rounds where the award is one Noun.
Post-fork, the main goal for Nouns has been to create a stable environment where the auction attracts long-term aligned participants rather than arbitrageurs. The strategy includes increasing thoughtful spending, testing out new mechanisms, and rewarding Nouns to deserving contributors.
To advance this goal, I suggest conducting trial rounds where a Noun is awarded through a Prop House round. The rounds' focus would be to bring in exceptional people who have previously contributed something meaningful in their respective fields. Taking inspiration from Brian Armstrong, the round would serve as an explicit invitation for accomplished and interesting individuals to help steward Nouns.
Round parameters:
After round 1, round parameters will be adjusted if it makes sense to do so.
The nouns would be escrowed in a 2/3 safe managed by trusted community members ccarella, necfas and seneca.
If we stick to a ~20 day timeline, we can run three rounds between November and December with the final round ending on new years day :)
The Chosen Ones:
Army Pickel, Icy Snowman, Fiery Cloud
Nouns Spotlight Art
I've added a 0.25 ETH payment to matascup for making the Spotlight character for the Nouner Scout rounds.
I also added a 2.5 ETH tx to use for discretionary spending to make the experience legitimate. Current line of thinking is to use the funds to get someone to help me build a dedicated Nouner Scout app. If the funds are not used for whatever reason, they will be returned to the treasury.
If the experiment is successful in attracting worthy participants, we could consider running continuous rounds to help allocate the 500+ Nouns in the treasury. Worth noting is that if it is indeed a success, more than helping allocate Nouns, these rounds could be a sort of Nouns-wide celebration akin to noun-o-clock.
Experiment with Prop House as a way to bring in long-term aligned players by running three rounds where the award is one Noun.
Post-fork, the main goal for Nouns has been to create a stable environment where the auction attracts long-term aligned participants rather than arbitrageurs. The strategy includes increasing thoughtful spending, testing out new mechanisms, and rewarding Nouns to deserving contributors.
To advance this goal, I suggest conducting trial rounds where a Noun is awarded through a Prop House round. The rounds' focus would be to bring in exceptional people who have previously contributed something meaningful in their respective fields. Taking inspiration from Brian Armstrong, the round would serve as an explicit invitation for accomplished and interesting individuals to help steward Nouns.
Round parameters:
After round 1, round parameters will be adjusted if it makes sense to do so.
The nouns would be escrowed in a 2/3 safe managed by trusted community members ccarella, necfas and seneca.
If we stick to a ~20 day timeline, we can run three rounds between November and December with the final round ending on new years day :)
The Chosen Ones:
Army Pickel, Icy Snowman, Fiery Cloud
Nouns Spotlight Art
I've added a 0.25 ETH payment to matascup for making the Spotlight character for the Nouner Scout rounds.
I also added a 2.5 ETH tx to use for discretionary spending to make the experience legitimate. Current line of thinking is to use the funds to get someone to help me build a dedicated Nouner Scout app. If the funds are not used for whatever reason, they will be returned to the treasury.
If the experiment is successful in attracting worthy participants, we could consider running continuous rounds to help allocate the 500+ Nouns in the treasury. Worth noting is that if it is indeed a success, more than helping allocate Nouns, these rounds could be a sort of Nouns-wide celebration akin to noun-o-clock.