Propdates 2.0
“What ever happened to Prop #123?”
“What was the most successful Nouns proposal?”
“Which proposals should we try to repeat?”
“Who are our most committed contributors?”
Propdates is here to answer these questions. With contracts built by Wilson, Propdates is the best way to keep up with Nouns proposals after they pass, and an entirely new design space within the greater Nouns ecosystem. We’ve never had any consistent, onchain way to keep track of contributors’ work, and no way to recommend regular updates. Down the line, one could imagine Propdates as an onchain oracle for proposal progress.
I built the Propdates site and public graph, inspired by Krel’s What started as a weekend experiment has grown into something much bigger: it’s clear that we’ve tapped into something special. In fact, Propdates has already become part of the pre-proposal conversation process - it is expected that a proposer regularly updates the DAO on their work. In just a few weeks, we already have had 17 unique posters, and more coming.
We’d like to move Propdates from an experiment to a fully-featured Nouns app and a key part of the ecosystem, on par with teams like Agora, Federation, Prop House. Our end goal is for Propdates to be a protocol any contract or app can plug into to determine a proposal’s success. It is clear that it could expand further than just Nouns.
We are asking for three months of funding (more on the team below). Martin will be close to full-time, but working on other projects as well (similar to almost all software proposers). We expect Onion to be part time for two months or so. For these months, our priorities will be:
- Contract improvements to expand functionality & data
- New channels to post updates in: prop house entries, user channels, custom channels
- Revamped admin system / permissions + “Super Admin” to unlock proposals where proposer is unresponsive
- Explore contract to update/revoke streams based on a proposal's updates
- Improved editor, claiming and submitting UX
- Easy image upload via Arweave or IPFS (and potentially expand as a public good for Nouns ecosystem)
- In-app markdown editor and previews for better UX
- Farcaster integration for likes & comments on updates
- Open Editions to celebrate Completed Props
Our goals by January 31st, 2024 are:
- 150 proposals marked as completed
- 400 updates posted
- 30 weekly updates on average
Additionally, we want to encourage past proposals to share updates on their work, but recognize it’s often hard for contributors to track down their sponsoring proposers (pre-v3). We are requesting 0.05 ETH to send to each of the first 100 successful props (before prop #363) that posts a non-trivial update as an incentive to kickstart the protocol. At the time of writing there have been 225 successful proposals, so this would go a long way to getting all proposals marked as completed.
- martin worked on Mogu, Explorer Grants, Hack Week
- onnnnnnnion (solidity) worked on BLOCKS, onions renderer, PH Infinite Round Committee
- Team: 30 ETH for three months (via Stream)
- Incentives: 5 ETH (100 * 0.05 ETH)
- OpEx: 2 ETH
We commit to posting updates on bi-weekly to keep the community updated on our progress. If we do not update, our stream can be canceled.