wow, super appreciative of all the votes with reason, both for and against.
big congratulations to all of the other artists. the journey of random community member to artist to nouner by way of the index card has been one of the most unique and interesting experiences of my life. happy to see other community members being given a similar opportunity.
Shoutout to Nouns, the Nounders for creating the project and art, NounsDescriptorV2.sol, the original Noundry initiative, Solimander for all the behind the scenes work, Krel for helping refine the curling stone head, whichever nounder made the original heart trait that I remixed, TNS for helping settle all these beautiful nouns, the pseudorandomness of the ethereum blockchain for combining my two traits into one noun, Volky and Noundry Studio where the broken heart trait was created, Keep Nouns Weird party for one of most exciting nouns moments I've experienced during prop 348, the forkers for selling these absolute works of art back to the treasury ;), the 2021 Winter Olympics for trait inspiration, Noun 40 for taking a flyer on this prop as a whole, that art teacher who failed me in 7th grade, MS Paint for the first pixel art I created back when I was 1 years old, my complete obsession over nouns traits/art, and whatever else I may have missed while I run out of time to vote.
Only in Nouns 🙏
Poll failed to meet vote threshold.
borg00000 | "think they probably want some $$ too tbh"
benbodhi | "⌐◨-◨"
supportive of awarding AND would like to see more structured framework.
+1 to noun40 and 4156. These contributions are valuable and should be rewarded.
I understand the desire to have a framework for rewarding Nouns. As someone who has been in many discussions about governance frameworks over the past few years, I don't believe that a framework would succeed.
Nouns should be rewarded for exceptional contributions, but the very nature of them being exceptional means that they will be difficult to capture in a set of rules.
I believe that we have an excellent sensemaking process for the DAO -- the proposal process itself. Instead of trying to codify a framework, we can seek clarity as we go.
The one thing that I would flag is that if we do use proposals as the sensemaking process for awarding Nouns (which is de facto what we're doing right now), future contributors shouldn't expect Nouns based on precedent. Contributing a Nouns head in this case is being rewarded with a Noun, but that does not mean that all Nouns heads contributions should be rewarded with a Noun going forward.
As long as we avoid saying "Oh we rewarded this action in the past, so we should reward it again" and truly evaluate each contribution case-by-case, the proposal process will function well. If votes get rubber stamped based on a specific contribution rather than looking at the whole contributor, then we should reevaluate.
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+1 to noun40 and 4156. These contributions are valuable and should be rewarded.
I understand the desire to have a framework for rewarding Nouns. As someone who has been in many discussions about governance frameworks over the past few years, I don't believe that a framework would succeed.
Nouns should be rewarded for exceptional contributions, but the very nature of them being exceptional means that they will be difficult to capture in a set of rules.
I believe that we have an excellent sensemaking process for the DAO -- the proposal process itself. Instead of trying to codify a framework, we can seek clarity as we go.
The one thing that I would flag is that if we do use proposals as the sensemaking process for awarding Nouns (which is de facto what we're doing right now), future contributors shouldn't expect Nouns based on precedent. Contributing a Nouns head in this case is being rewarded with a Noun, but that does not mean that all Nouns heads contributions should be rewarded with a Noun going forward.
As long as we avoid saying "Oh we rewarded this action in the past, so we should reward it again" and truly evaluate each contribution case-by-case, the proposal process will function well. If votes get rubber stamped based on a specific contribution rather than looking at the whole contributor, then we should reevaluate.
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Easy yes, personally think is ok for compensation to be case-by-case due to multiple variables, would like to see them paid the original 88e + these nouns tbh due to everything going on rn
voting for because I think a Noun is fair compensation for the work and value delivered. at the same time, nbaronia and wilson make a strong argument for setting up some kind of standard for these awards that should be taken seriously
Nouns has typically placed a high degree of importance to the art/traits that make up the collection. All the original artists are well known in their own right both then, and since the launch of Nouns, have gone on to have success in the space.
The ability to design new heads, accessories and the like, for an already launched project is one thing; but making them in such a way that they fit seamlessly into that collection is another. It takes time, skill and a lot of hard work. Mostly though, it takes an understanding of the ecosystem which is built up over time through immersion in all things Nouns. The artists have shown they are Nounish, Nounsfolk, Nouns People and, that they are here for the long haul.
It has been mentioned that the comp in USD terms is significantly higher than previous asks, but the likelihood is that the comp is a really a soul bound token in the shape of a Noun; awarded to the artists who crafted them. Nouns has an abundance of tokens, but very few people as committed as those this prop seeks to compensate.
I strongly agree with wilson's "Against" vote, in its purpose of establishing some kind of rule for rewarding a noun. I think we should absolutely have some kind of formal litmus test or heuristic for what constitutes gifting a noun to someone. That said, I think we can both create a principle, and reward people in this case who have clearly contributed to the community, so I am voting for.
I'm pro retrofunding significant contributions to Nounish Public Goods. The Nouns brand is a Public Good and I appreciate these 6 artists making their work available as CC0 as part of the brand. These contributions are greater then the face value of new traits at auction, they create entirely new cannon for CC0 media.
I know i have signaled FOR in the past, but after seeing Wilson's , 12's and others argument in against I am flipping my vote.
I think establishing a framework of awarding a noun is probably necessary pre-cursor to this and while all 6 here are great contributors likely very deserving the nouns, DAO as a whole will benefit at large having a less arbitrary case-by-case awarding format of nouns?
This will pass but something to consider going forward.
the quality * number of noun traits is a kind of proof of work and base layer of the brand/protocol in the nouns ecosystem. i would expect that it's a sign of health for the dominant nounish dao to have the most interesting, the highest quality, and the largest number of traits. so far, we've been able to under-allocate to this because of the body of work that the protocol was gifted at the outset...but we should not take it for granted. resources will have to be allocated here, and there's nothing more nounish than paying artists in a provenance-backed currency created from their own work.
I love these guys but I am not sure on this prop. Are we awarding Nouns for their work in Nouns, in general, or for this prop? If in general, why just these six grouped together? If for their work on this prop, what about others who have contributed Nouns heads in the past? Unless we decided on a rule like "contribute Noun head = get Noun," I don't see the justification here. I would like to have a clear meta for awarding Nouns and have it be very special. The categories I think of are (1) standout contributors to the DAO (2) uber successful props. I think that these six are possibly all standout contributors, but again then find it wrong to frame it under this prop.
The vote FOR I found most compelling is Seneca's
sometimes in crypto you get rugged for your entire net worth, sometimes your community awards you with a beautiful noun for your contributions.
some very deserving folks in here.
and that perhaps we just want to do something Nounish/generous.
Seems this will pass, and I happy for these people, but need to vote my gut.
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all of these folks contributions extend beyond the art upgrade which is hard to ignore (a number of the people voting for have noted as much with their reasons) - I wonder if folks would feel differently / justified to provide this level of compensation if the artist submissions were completely random people with no engagement with nouns
sent from
Good, well-deserving people, passionate about nouns, and you can feel it. Amiyoko drew almost a hundred traits, Index used his past anniversary compensation to purchase his noun and define his online presence, Krel is actively voting with reason, writing and building, Facu is providing cool pixels all around, Tummlin and Goldy have been creating heaps of fun content… more than just the pixel contribution, we are rewarding people who have helped define nouns. Seems right to compensate them with nouns, and also good for the Dao to get design driven participants
(noun40 voting via agora)
adding artwork to the nouns body of work is such a hard high-bar task that I don't think paying out a noun for the accomplishment is too big of an award. I also prefer it than paying out eth b/c it allows a path for artists that are fans of nouns to aspire to own a noun through submitting their artwork and we'll not only get new art but also new capable artists as voters as well.
like if this path was more visible, would tom sachs have submitted new art to nouns rather than having to draw art and trade for one? I don't know if this prop alone is precedent setting but directionally I think it's actually not a bad one if set.
also in reply to the critique that this is just giving nouns to ppl that already have them, that's not quite the case. krel most ppl think is a nouner but actually have been only a delegate this whole time and this would be their first noun. tummlin co-owns a noun with goldy but this would be their first full noun as well. facu and amiyoko don't own nouns either. so for 4 out of the 6 recipients this is a new step. very excited to welcome them into the dao as voters / nouners.
cardno.eth | "Hell yes"
eusoujp.eth | "While I see the merit, I have concerns about the balance compared to other proposals that have requested Nouns."
sqx10.eth | "I like the prop in principal."
Nouns is a living artwork; it needs new traits. Those additions must integrate seamlessly with an existing collection of hundreds of traits and millions of combinations. There is substantial work to get traits ready to live onchain forever.
For the 2023 art upgrade, I truly believe the artists put in the necessary time to create and refine traits primarily for the joy of having their work included in this unique collection. But, artists must get paid for their work. In Season 1 and 2, that compensation would have been in ETH. In Season 3, these artists can be given a Noun bearing their artwork. The artists will then be able to use their art to represent themselves in the DAO that voted to include their work in the first place.
Individually these artists have been loud, public fans of Nouns and have contributed more to the project than just these traits. Yet, for many it is their first Noun; for others their first wholly owned Noun. And then there's Index who will have the distinction of owning a Noun with each of the 3 traits they have created.
This is a unique moment, a unique story, one that is only possible at this point in the project's history. It by no means sets a precedent other than showing that we appreciate the work of long-time contributors who have transformed Nouns both onchain and off.
Nouns is a new currency, and this could be a promising start to popularize the phrase “I will work/hack for nouns,” similar to how people used to say, “I will work for Bitcoin.”
Nouns is in the post fork price discovery, after a continuous artificial floor. The compensation here might be very well within the previous examples. Also I don't think that any of the recipients are going fork or sell their nouns in near future.
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I like the idea of trait artists owning a noun with their own trait. Something very special about that.
I do hear the argument around compensation for submitting the traits being quite high if we're valuing the nouns in ETH compared to auction prices, but I think all of these people are solid contributors in multiple ways on top of having submitted traits. These are all beautiful additions to the art.
This is substantially more compensation than what was asked for in the previous Proposal, 2.5x as much as it doesn't achieve the distribution goals of adding new people, it just consolidates Nouner distribution in the hands of people who already have Nouns and have already been paid by the DAO.
If there is going to be compensation that is the equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars per person, let's declare that upfront rather than just give it to a few people we like (and we do like these people).
DAO resources are ever scarcer and should be treated and managed as such.
As stated by some in lil nouns; it feels like having your art included as part of the nouns collection is one of the highest honors in Nouns- And I think those contributions should be rewarded. Love that these proposers will get the trait they designed. Good luck!
sent from
As much as I appreciate the artists and their contributions to Nouns, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to set this as a precedent for awarding nouns.
Maybe if this was split into a proposal for each member detailing their contributions beyond the Nouniversary Art might make the reason for the reward clearer.
I would love to give these nouns to contributing individuals, I just don't think adding new nouns heads is a worthy even exercise to do that. I am much more willing to pay them for the artwork. I think nouns should go to folks truly demonstrating nounish values and already growing nounish culture (most everyone on this list has demonstrated that in other ways beyond their art contribution). I am also for giving Sol 1eth for his help, but it's bundled with this one :(
TLDR: I want to give them nouns, but not as compensation for art contributions.
sometimes in crypto you get rugged for your entire net worth, sometimes your community awards you with a beautiful noun for your contributions.
some very deserving folks in here.
i really like this proposal, this is a really special moment for these passionate individuals who some have never had a noun.
Arguably i should abstain from this vote but the other 5 artists are amazing people and some of the best recipients of nouns i can imagine.
Getting nouns into the hands of passionate, engaged and skilled people is incredibly important. Nouns is still a brittle experiment and the people who care deeply today are the ones who make sure the project is alive, kicking, and flourishing in 10 years.
This proposal awards each of the six community artists (Amiyoko, Facu, Goldy, Index, Krel, and Tummlin) who contributed art to the 2023 Nouniversary art upgrade prop a noun with a head that they each designed.
Contributing art to the Nouns body of artwork is a monumental achievement. The act was also proactively done in a fashion that put DAO's interest first (forgoing compensation at the time given the environment hostile to funding such work pre-fork).
Each of the six artists are passionate contributors in the noundry community and are likely amongst the most values-aligned contributors we have, making them welcome voters to add to the DAO. All of the artists were contacted to confirm excitement of this award and the added responsibility as a voter.
In addition to the above, 1 ETH is proposed to be sent to Solimander for the technical support provided for the Nouniversary art upgrade prop.
This proposal awards each of the six community artists (Amiyoko, Facu, Goldy, Index, Krel, and Tummlin) who contributed art to the 2023 Nouniversary art upgrade prop a noun with a head that they each designed.
Contributing art to the Nouns body of artwork is a monumental achievement. The act was also proactively done in a fashion that put DAO's interest first (forgoing compensation at the time given the environment hostile to funding such work pre-fork).
Each of the six artists are passionate contributors in the noundry community and are likely amongst the most values-aligned contributors we have, making them welcome voters to add to the DAO. All of the artists were contacted to confirm excitement of this award and the added responsibility as a voter.
In addition to the above, 1 ETH is proposed to be sent to Solimander for the technical support provided for the Nouniversary art upgrade prop.