ProposalsProposal 400

Sell Some Treasury Nouns

Quorum: 35
Proposed by


Currently, there are only four nouns available for purchase on open markets. Herein, I propose to sell some treasury nouns at prices above the fork0-BV price. This initiative would provide individuals with the opportunity to acquire nouns from Season 1, offer the DAO a chance to expand the Nouners community, in addition to daily auctions, and generate additional capital for proliferation or burn.
A committee of five trusted members will manage listing of nouns via a 3/5 multi-sig.


This proposal aims to replenish the treasury and secure capital for further proliferation activities. Nouns had historically limited market availability, however there are indications that nouns are in demand; for example, Noun8 was sold for 49 ETH. Now that we have a treasury with lots of rare and beautiful nouns, I propose listing 15 nouns on open markets. This will help the DAO to refill the treasury and also attract new Nouners who appreciate the art, culture, and value of NounsDAO.
The committee members will determine prices based on market sentiment and in the best interest of the DAO. All ETH proceeds from sales and any remaining nouns will be transferred to the treasury after one month, which equates to 30 daily auctions.
Herein, I propose the following tiered pricing for nouns based on their numbers:

ids: 0-99 at 4351 ETH
ids: 100-299 at 38
43 ETH

Requested nouns

The sale of the following nouns should contribute 595~685 ETH to the treasury.

Policy and Rules

1.1 The 15 treasury nouns will be sent to the multi-sig wallet, which is managed by 5 trusted members.
1.2 The nouns held in the multi-sig safe are non-voting, meaning that the committee cannot use them for voting purposes.
1.3 Committee members will determine prices in the best interest of the DAO.
1.4 No treasury nouns shall be sold below the fork0-BV price.
1.5 The candidate proposal feedback section shall be used for suggestions.
1.6 The community is encouraged to propose committee members, and self-nomination is also encouraged.
1.7 All ETH proceeds from sales and any remaining nouns will be transferred to the treasury after one month, which equates to 30 daily auctions.

Multi-sig signers

This is a pro bono position, and committee members will receive a small amount of ETH to compensate for transaction fees only.

Multi-sig Tests

Here is an example of me successfully listing and selling an nft using "Safe", "0xNFTs by Castle", and "Blur".


  • Send 15 treasury nouns with early numbers to multi-sig
  • Send 1.5 ETH to multi-sig to compensate transaction fees (0.3 eth will be sent to each committee member)

The proposer

This prop was ideated by Five