Proposal votes
Poll failed to meet vote threshold.
borg00000 | "looks legit imo"
benbodhi | "Seems like fun. Cool that the group will use prop house - I sense it will be a gateway to further nounish endeavours."
(noun40 voting via agora)
I'm very supportive of this collab since this residency seems to share a lot of nouns' ethos (CC0 / remix in particular).
only thing I would ask is to be really intentional in the prop house voting scheme design. I would NOT give every noun token one vote since it might result in nouns whales potentially wrecking the legitimacy of the round.
if you want to involve nouns voters, I might drop every nouns voter address a 1 GLITCH-NFT (nobody is going to spread their nouns to more addresses to get more voting power in this GLITCH round so it's fine).
I might also consider giving each GLITCH-NFT more votes than one (for example 10), so that a loose form of ranked voting is possible that incorporates ppls' second and third picks rather than just their favorite.
eusoujp.eth | "Voting FOR mainly because of the Prop House. Would be great to see ⌐◨-◨ during the camp, maybe in a Nounish's '3 artists challenge' style."
The confirmed artists work at the cutting edge of technological experimentation and I'm excited for them to bring that to Nouns.
It is a great proposal. I would love to see nouns experimenting more with droposals.
An experiment of art and tech sounds pretty nounish. And utilizes prop house and droposals so worth the reasonable ask to see what's produced.
I really like this~ Seems like a cool experiment and a great way for Nouns to become part of an existing community of artists. Cant wait to see what comes out of this event and the prophouse round. Good luck!
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I attended Glitch last year, and this year I'm helping with some of the organizing (including giving feedback on this proposal). This is Glitch's third year, and it has already curated an incredible community dedicated to new forms of art and public goods.
The biggest gap last year was follow-on funding -- going from idea to execution required budgets that were not always available. Some ideas (including ones that I worked on) were able to pursue more traditional sources of funding, but there was still a gap for public goods in particular. The Prop House round will help ensure that public goods can be brought to life after the event.
Knowing the quality of the artists and programmers in Glitch's community, I'm excited to see what they can do with additional grants. Very excited for Glitch community members to get exposure to Nouns via Prop House and Droposals, and for Nouns to get exposure to Glitch via the dual token voting. Very excited to show more artists and programmers what Nounish work looks like.
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This seems like fun. Would love to see more globally. Good use of prop house as well.
I like the proposal, but would also like some specific nounish outcomes. Maybe some of the funds go to a specific prize for the most nounish project? Also, I feel like this would make a good docu series on youtube