(noun 40 voting via agora)
I'm not sure if we need this change. we had ~10 candidate props so far and I just went through them all and I would only characterize 1 or 2 as spam-ish. so I don't think there's a need to raise it yet and if anything maybe there's value in keeping it low to be more encouraging of submissions.
also even if we start getting spam, I don't know if raising the fee is necessarily the right option. these are "candidate" props. we should want a high volume (maybe 10x the onchain props?). the main issue right now is that we only have gov clients that just list candidate props out in chronological order, but if we start having gov clients dedicated for candidate props then those clients could do much more clever things to hide the noise and present the most relevant / high signal things at the top (similar to a subreddit etc).