ProposalsProposal 351

Compensation for Anniversary Art Inclusion (Prop 348)

Quorum: 109
Proposed by

This proposal aims to compensate Amiyoko, Facu, Goldy, Index, Krel, Solimander, and Tummlin with a total of 88 eth for the collective efforts that went into Prop 348; inclusion of new traits on the Nouns DAO anniversary.

Nouns is truly an infinite work of art. It's a living, dynamic thing that can be upgraded, improved, altered -- or defaced -- via proposal. It is yet another wondrous piece of lore that make up the ever growing nounish cultural landmark.

Adding to the Nouns collection on the Nouniversary is a tradition that we cherish deeply. One that we believe is worth protecting and nourishing until it can stand on its own non existent feet. Only time will tell how this tradition evolves, but we believe in a future where adding art to the Nouns contract is a worldwide event and cause for widespread celebration and recognition.

By compensating our efforts to keep this tradition alive, we hope that it can encourage more people to participate in growing, caring, and tending to the Nouns collection.

There is a non-obvious amount of work and knowledge required to develop new traits for the Nouns collection. The design space of a 32x32 pixel grid is surprisingly large, and its only a narrow band -- a goldilocks zone -- that fits the style and feel of the original collection.

We request 88 eth for the work done over the course of 8 weeks. Funds will be split among Amiyoko, Facu, Goldy, Index, Krel, Solimander, and Tummlin equal to their individual participation and degree of effort in making prop 348 a reality.

In the event of prop 348 failing, this proposal will be cancelled.
