Recognizing that I have no voting power, I think it’s important for Nouns DAO to honor it’s commitments. To the larger community Nouns DAO is a paragon, around which other DAO’s should be modeled. Among other reasons already expressed by others, I urge this body to honor this commitment.
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This is a fantastic piece of nouns history that should be studied — thanks toadyhawk.⌐◨-◨ for explaining the prop to people who weren't here since the beginning
fiveoceans_dev | "You cant vote against on this! The art piece is amazing!"
toady_hawk | "It is very important to honor our commitments as a DAO. This amount was already promised to Dustin in the original prop on completion. Annoying that this prop is required because 328 included actions that were not onchain and did not get done, but let's get this sorted now."
joshuafisher | "Art Is Amazing"
eltonpenguin | "too much money for marginal benefit"
Follow through on payment to the artist as previously agreed upon.
PS: TYSM to toadyhawk.⌐◨-◨ for the additional context given in the vote reason.
Send this artist his well earned eth and noun as per the previously passed original prop!
For context, this proposal is now the third attempt by the DAO to do what it said it would do and pay Dustin the remaining 50 ETH we agreed to pay him upon completion of his art back in proposal 48.
327 was straightforward and contained an onchain transaction to send the ETH, but was later canceled when someone put up 328– a proposal that instead asked the Nouns Acquisition Committee to 1) Send Dustin his Noun 2) Send him 50 ETH from their multisig funds and 3) Return remaining funds to the DAO, effectively dissolving the committee. But because NAC is just a delegated multisig, none of the above could be executed onchain by the proposal and amounted to a glorified request.
I have often argued that we should not vote YES for proposals that do not do something tangible onchain, and this is a perfect example as to why— after 327 passed, NAC sent Dustin the Noun he was owed, but then returned all remaining ETH to the treasury. Probably they didn’t feel that using the ETH they were given to purchase Nouns for builders to instead pay a builder outright was within their mandate. Whatever the reason, we now needed prop 350 to get the job done.
Hopefully we can learn from this cautionary tale about governance theatre so we don’t waste people’s time with repeat proposals in future and lose the confidence of collaborators by leaving them in limbo.
/onchain rant
Thank you to Max Power and Dustin Yellin for your patience throughout.
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Clear yes because the DAO should follow through on its commitments and it's worth it
sent from
the previous proposals should have handled this better however voting "against" significantly hurts the reputation of the DAO/brand
When I read the title of this prop, I said to myself "wtf, why are we sending this dude 50 ETH?"
Thankfully, I came to my senses once I saw the physical sculpture (the NFT is cool too, but that won't bring any new eyes to NounsDAO (imo.))
My only gripe with this proposal is paying another 12 ETH to Dustin to install this in a place that I've never even heard of. Sorry, but I genuinely think it should go somewhere where everyone can view it, not a social club.
I yield my time.
sent from
This proposal is a continuation of proposals 327 and 328. 328 was not properly executed and all of the NAC eth was transferred back to the nouns treasury. As such, i am proposing that we approve a final 50 eth payment to complete the purchase of this sculpture. As detailed below, we will then submit a new proposal for the first placement of the sculpture at Zero Bond in New York City.
Previous proposal text:
In April 2022 the Nouns DAO voted on and executed Proposal 48 - Nouns Psychogeography Sculpture with Dustin Yellin, wherein the Brooklyn-based artist was commissioned to update the Leviathan image by creating PERSON, PLACE, or THING, a new sculptural portrait layering each Nouns avatar into one fantastic body. For the commission, Yellin hand painted the 402 Nouns minted in Year One, integrating them into a unique glass artwork to forge a record of the history of the Nouns DAO, while branding its newest emblem.
Much like a yearbook, a ship’s manifest, or the signatures under a document, this snapshot provides a freeze frame of the DAO’s founders and builders. This in-all-is-one super-avatar represents the shared vision and trust between all stakeholders, while providing a rallying banner - an art object - that crystalizes how individuals are more powerful when they come together, and how a community can achieve the seemingly impossible by focusing its collective resources and talents around a common task.
Upon acceptance of Proposal 48, the Nouns DAO compensated the artist with an initial deposit of 50ETH and made a donation of 100,000 USDC to the non-profit cultural center, Pioneer Works.
A second payment of 50ETH and 1 Noun NFT (Noun 252 from the Nouns treasury) was agreed to be paid upon completion of the PERSON, PLACE, or THING sculpture and its accompanying NFT.
Link to images of the finished sculpture:
Link to the NFT: Psychoprogeny -
Upon acceptance of this proposal, the NFT for PERSON, PLACE, or THING will be transferred from DustinYellinDeployer to a Nouns DAO wallet.
Dustin Yellin Studio will then submit a new proposal to Nouns DAO requesting 12ETH to cover the expense of crating, transporting, and installing the 3,000 lb sculpture in the foyer of the main dining room of the Manhattan social club, Zero Bond, and back to the artist's studio at the conclusion of the loan period. The expected loan period will be 1-3 years, during which time Dustin Yellin Studio will work on additional loan placements for the work at museums and relevant cultural institutions worldwide.
The artist will provide an informative label to accompany the sculpture at Zero Bond, including details about the work and its ownership by Nouns DAO.
50 ETH Deposit and transfer of Noun 252 to Dustin Yellin Studio:
This proposal is a continuation of proposals 327 and 328. 328 was not properly executed and all of the NAC eth was transferred back to the nouns treasury. As such, i am proposing that we approve a final 50 eth payment to complete the purchase of this sculpture. As detailed below, we will then submit a new proposal for the first placement of the sculpture at Zero Bond in New York City.
Previous proposal text:
In April 2022 the Nouns DAO voted on and executed Proposal 48 - Nouns Psychogeography Sculpture with Dustin Yellin, wherein the Brooklyn-based artist was commissioned to update the Leviathan image by creating PERSON, PLACE, or THING, a new sculptural portrait layering each Nouns avatar into one fantastic body. For the commission, Yellin hand painted the 402 Nouns minted in Year One, integrating them into a unique glass artwork to forge a record of the history of the Nouns DAO, while branding its newest emblem.
Much like a yearbook, a ship’s manifest, or the signatures under a document, this snapshot provides a freeze frame of the DAO’s founders and builders. This in-all-is-one super-avatar represents the shared vision and trust between all stakeholders, while providing a rallying banner - an art object - that crystalizes how individuals are more powerful when they come together, and how a community can achieve the seemingly impossible by focusing its collective resources and talents around a common task.
Upon acceptance of Proposal 48, the Nouns DAO compensated the artist with an initial deposit of 50ETH and made a donation of 100,000 USDC to the non-profit cultural center, Pioneer Works.
A second payment of 50ETH and 1 Noun NFT (Noun 252 from the Nouns treasury) was agreed to be paid upon completion of the PERSON, PLACE, or THING sculpture and its accompanying NFT.
Link to images of the finished sculpture:
Link to the NFT: Psychoprogeny -
Upon acceptance of this proposal, the NFT for PERSON, PLACE, or THING will be transferred from DustinYellinDeployer to a Nouns DAO wallet.
Dustin Yellin Studio will then submit a new proposal to Nouns DAO requesting 12ETH to cover the expense of crating, transporting, and installing the 3,000 lb sculpture in the foyer of the main dining room of the Manhattan social club, Zero Bond, and back to the artist's studio at the conclusion of the loan period. The expected loan period will be 1-3 years, during which time Dustin Yellin Studio will work on additional loan placements for the work at museums and relevant cultural institutions worldwide.
The artist will provide an informative label to accompany the sculpture at Zero Bond, including details about the work and its ownership by Nouns DAO.
50 ETH Deposit and transfer of Noun 252 to Dustin Yellin Studio: