We are resubmitting this proposal with a few adjustments about Noggles allocation, on demand distribution and improved analytics.
Allocation: We will review and talk to all of the high-level Noun builder communities and determine the best allocation and distribution of the LoFi Noggles based on their activation needs. We will determine how to divide up the 25,000 pieces in order to achieve the best possible dispersal around the world. We'd like to gang up shipments (one shipment per geographic area) so that the recipients can disperse smaller shipments to more recipients in the same geographic area.
On demand distribution: Any left over stock beyond what is shipped to Builders will ship to our US warehouse where it will be processed and stored until it is needed by various funded props or people who buy them from us in bulk or in smaller quantities as needed at a discount. This will enable us to ship Proliferator Packs and disperse them around the world in single efficient packages.
Some examples of how the products could be used:
Bundled “Party Packs”
“Passed” Prop welcome bundle includes a case of 10 plastic Noggles, 50 paper Noggles and 50 pins. This is basically a Party Pack that enables a super fun Nouns-themed event and gives the builders an opportunity to share and document their experiences and journey, share info and more with the world as they build their project. $600 + shipping.
Proliferator Packs:
For Nouners and builders planning IRL events or contests: could come in 4 tiers to supply a variety of sizes of events and prize pools:
Tier 1: Single pair of Noggles: $20 + shipping
Tier 2: 50 pack Lo-Fi: $150 + shipping
Tier 3: 1 pair of Noggles, 50 Lo-Fi, 10 pins: $220 + shipping
Tier 4: Case of 10 noggles, 100 Lo-Fi, 50 pins: $750 + shipping
These numbers would be included in the various proposals and made available to all of the builders with passed props, or anyone wishing to supplement their executions.
Improved analytics: Data gathered from the views and clicks of the Nounworks Linktree and the back end of our website and shop have proven the effectiveness of the dispersal of Lo-Fi Glasses at events around the world. Usage of the included QR code (which leads to the Nountown Linktree) spikes around these activations. January 1, 2023 was the Rose Parade where the LoFi Noggles were handed out:
We see similar spikes just after NFT Paris & NFT NYC dates, and the Licensing show in late June had a significant click-through spike because we instructed people to scan the QR code on site. (LoFi Noggles were also handed out at each of those events).
The spikes in Linktree visits directly affect traffic to a variety of useful Nounish links including Nouns.wtf, Nounish.world, plus our informational website, Nouns shop, etc. This is proliferation in action! A really interesting note is that the people who receive the Noggles take them home and interact with the QR codes even more in the week following the event:
About us: As a veteran manufacturer in the Nouns ecosystem, NOUNWORKS has a proven pipeline for delivering quality products. We would like to place Noggles onto the faces of every Nounish person on the planet. We are requesting funding to create another run of Lo-Fi Noggles.
With this production run we plan on outfitting various active members of the global Nouns community so that their IRL events are even more Nounish.
We will survey groups to understand their needs, and we will accept requests and inquiries from people writing props or planning events.
Note that this survey has already begun in the Discourse here and many groups have already confirmed a strong interest in receiving shipments of the Lo-Fi Noggles:
Nouns Running: "As the founder of the Nouns Running Club, I can say that we REALLY need these. We had a small batch of 30 donated by another grantee, and they went like hotcakes. People really liked them and it was a good way for people to feel good after a run and they just GOT the good vibes."
Pizza DAO: "Was incredibly excited to be able to distribute these at our Global Pizza Event. Also, having them at our events offered another layer of experience for our party attendees by offering them as a “prop-for-participation” (it was great for attendees to be able to jump in a photo or video and play “pass the noggles,” etc…while meeting up for some pizza). Enjoy the energy this can bring to events all over! Would love to get a bunch for future events!"
Mucho Love: "Lo-Fi Noggles are more than just fun cardboard eyewear for Mucho Love. They serve as a tangible manifestation of the spirit and ethos of our organization. As we engage in our various activations, these Noggles serve as an icebreaker, a conversation starter, and a symbol of our commitment to spreading joy and positivity. They enhance our content’s recognizability, making it stand out and resonate with audiences familiar with Nouns. They are instrumental in fostering community, spreading our message, and enhancing the impact of our work.""
Serpunk: I think this is a good idea. A low budget option to nounify any event should exist and I believe this is it!
Nouns in Rio: "We definitely need those for Nouns in Rio/NounsBR events!
Nouns Amigos: "Noggles set the vibes for any IRL event! Definitely needed for Nouns Amigos community ⌐◨-◨"
Gnars: "Be very keen to reserve 2500 pieces for Gnars and Art Haus related events!"
Nouns Whisky: "this is awesome! We could distribute 3000 of them."
MANY more positive reactions and support / requests for this prop here.
Factory produces what we need to outfit Nounish groups worldwide (we are estimating 25K units).
Cases of Lo-Fi Noggles ship to Nounish groups directly from factory.
The rest of the production run (if there are any extras) will be shipped to our warehouse in USA to be allocated and distributed as needed.
This plan avoids chaos and increases production and logistical efficiency. (End result: better and more accurately planned proliferation of Nouns on a global scale).
These are the high quality cardboard versions of our classic Noggles design, but created in a flat packed / inexpensive format. Each pair comes packaged with an informative backer card and is easily shipped and distributed at events worldwide.
This run will improve with heavier cardstack, a 2-sided full color backer card, and a polybag.
Lo-Fi Noggles come packed in 50-piece bundles and can be produced and shipped in very large quantities to Nounify even the biggest events.
We feel that 25K pieces is a small ask based on the popularity and the huge need for affordable and easily shipped Noggles around the world.
We will survey Nouns community members to find out what quantities each of them may require for their upcoming activations.
Final quantity depends on requests from active Nouns community, event planners and creators.
Below is a list of some of the active communities that we are considering. They are scattered around the world and host / organize frequent IRL events: Wwe will dial these numbers in once the proposal passes for best allocation.
Esports: 3000-5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
NOUNS RUNNING: 3000-5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
Nouns Amigos: 3000-5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
GNARS: 3000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
NOUNS WHISKEY: 3000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
Profwerder: 1000 pcs for ongoing local events
PIZZA DAO: 3000-5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
Nouns Deli: 3000-5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events (USA to Australia shipping is very expensive so this one is great for the team)
Free Glasses For Kids / Vision Van
If anyone else has a need for 1000+ pairs of Noggles for an activation, please DM us.
$1.95 + shipping, minimum 25K units to achieve this pricing, no maximum order size. Previous order costed $2.40/unit.
Worldwide shipping costs average to $350 per carton of 1000, and we'd make minimum of 25 cartons.
• $57,000 in USDC for production and shipping
• $7,200 USDC for 6 months of warehousing, order processing and communications
TOTAL: $64,200 USDC total deposited into the Nounworks projects wallet:
To ensure we can distribute the Noggles worldwide ASAP, we aim to place our order with the printer as soon as possible.
Shipping fees TBD after the remainder gets to the USA, handled on a case by case basis. (See next prop which deals with ongoing funding for distribution of Nouns merch to members of the community).
In general once the unclaimed units get back to our USA warehouse, the cost to turn around and ship them again will be $2 per unit for the Lo-Fi Noggles and $2 more to ship them. They are in packs of 50 so that would be $200 shipped to get a pack of 50 back out to another country. That cost will be covered by the recipients or their props.
10K units were paid for by Nouns DAO (NSFW) and an additional 3K units were paid for by Bigshot. All have since been dispersed globally, sold out and gone. All faces wearing Lo-Fi Noggles were happy faces!
Glad you asked. We will have a follow-up prop that will fund our ongoing supply of our Nounish merch to members of the Nouns community worldwide. This will complete the proliferation machine and will ensure a constant stream of Nounish merch to the doors of the right organizations. Let's go!