Refill voteRefund balance
The voteRefund function is important for the health and integrity of the DAO as it helps maintain a diverse voter base and combat voter apathy.
The contract was initially funded ~7 months ago with 12 eth. At time of writing ~0.8eth remains, which implies an ongoing cost to the DAO of 1.6 eth per month.
As the DAO continues to grow, with more voters and more proposals, it is likely that the rate at which the voteRefund balance is depleted will also increase.
I propose we top up the contract with another 15 eth.
Recap of how this feature works:
- Vote with Gas Refund allow Nouners and delegates to vote and receive a gas refund.
- Refunds are subject to certain constraints:
- Gas base fee is capped at 200 gwei.
- Gas priority fee is capped at 2 gwei.
- Total gas is capped at 200K, supporting voting reason text up to roughly 9,190 characters.
- If the contract’s balance is insufficient, voter will receive a partial refund.
- This feature requires the DAO to maintain the DAO contract’s ETH balance, which should be done via periodic ETH transfer proposals from the treasury to the DAO contract (this proposal performs the first funding).
- The DAO can choose to withdraw refund ETH back into the treasury at any time via a proposal.
Initially implemented and funded here: