Create the first Noun’s branded Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) that can be sold at almost all types of retail outlets to increase brand awareness. Nouns Wet Wipes will become a permanent item in the market after this initial investment of USD 31,450 + 2 ETH (up from USD 19,050 prop 265).
Nouns Wet Wipes!!
It defends (Against bacteria & viruses)!!
It protects (Against bacteria & viruses)!!
It moisturizes (Dry skin)!!
Now it spreads (The Nouns Brand) !!!
Nothing beats the branding effect of a product that one carries around all day. Using these wipes will remind you of the Noun brand no matter where you are. Having these Nouns Wet Wipes sold near the checkout counters will definitely have an impact on brand awareness. With our custom eye catching wrapper, you just can’t miss it!
In our first prop we left out a lot of information which we thought (at that time) wasn’t really important or just minor details. We apologize and we have added them into this prop.
PACK SIZE 8’s Consideration
Why 8’s?
Marketing Considerations
Initially we weren’t planning on asking for a big marketing budget, however it seems to be one of the biggest reasons for rejection of prop265.
Our initial plan
Sell into retail outlets at cost to proliferate. We know (from sales data, can’t share where from sorry >_<) that wet wipes average sales per month at checkout counters (or POS = Point of Sale as we call it) are around 30 packs per month.
We have (110 cartons x 144 packs) 15,840 packs to sell off.
22 outlets is a very, very doable number just with our contacts alone, but it will take ONE YEAR’s time without any additional marketing funding. As some suggest we sell out in a shorter time frame, we shall therefore request a budget for marketing.
‘Sell Out’ in 1 Month
Ideally, the wipes should be sold out within a month. With our current contacts, we should be able to ‘sell-in’ to 120 outlets nationwide but to further increase exposure, we will be renting prime space within the retail outlets.
‘Renting’ Prime Space - Cost USD 6,000
We will pay for prime POS display space at certain higher volume retail outlets to greatly increase exposure. 3-month’s display will only cost around USD 60 per POS space (thanks to its small size). We plan to ‘rent’ 100 prime POS display spaces which would cost USD 6,000.
The moment we sell 80% of the wipes, we would make another batch. No cost to the DAO as it will be paid for from the sales of the first batch. This Prop is self sustaining and will continue to proliferate the Nouns Brand as long as we sell out and make new batches.
Social Media Marketing - Cost USD 650 + 1 Carton of Wipes
The main objective of the marketing campaigns is to reach the local and online population rapidly and encourage community participation to proliferate the nouns brand.
Like & Share incentive: This campaign will be targeted at our retail partners, to share our content to their network, at a small incentive of $50 per quarter. (Limited to 10 participating partners)
Video creation incentive: We will run an online 10 second video format contest for everyone to submit, and we will pick a winner and reward them with a $50 prize. (One per month for 3 months)
One carton of wipes will be set aside as the prizes for fun contests such as “Spot our Wipes in the Wild”, Fun Photo Submissions for customers who bought the wipes and uploaded in social media, etc.
Design Considerations
Again initially we weren't going to spend much on design since it was going to be a minimum viable product (MVP), design would just increase the initial cost as well as the running cost of the product. Our experience with wet wipes was that as long as it had an eye-catching color and the word ‘wipes’ was visible, it would sell at the POS counter. Packaging design was low on our list of priorities. A quick search on Amazon would reveal that the best selling wipes have a simple and minimalistic design.
The original wrapper’s simple design (F) and single color was chosen with the costing of the print drum in mind. Every color we add to the wrapper increases the cost of the print drum significantly.
However the DAO has spoken. A minimum standard of design must be followed as hot.4156.eth replied in the vote, and so we shall deliver. We shall set a high bar for these wipes and our future product development designs.
We will increase the number of colors for the design of the wrapper from 1 color in Prop 265 to 5 colors. We will be asking for funding for 5 colors, if however the chosen design has less than 5 colors, the extra funds would be sent back to the DAO treasury.
Design Contest Link
We have