Partner with ETH global hackathons by providing Noun-Computers for hardware competitions
Showcase Noun-Computers at CES, the most prestigious consumer electronics show
Raise additional capital from investors (Shark Tank etc) and put Noun-Computers into every school, university, and mall
I propose to grow a community of software and hardware developers around Noun-Computers and Noun-Breadbook (aka breadboard). Elegance, versatility, and performance are the three things that make a good single-board computer. Noun-Computers will be much more versatile and convenient than raspberry pi and arduino boards Noun-Computers will enable people to work on much bigger and more ambitious projects thanks to an innovative Noun-breadbook (a reinvented breadboard). The Breadbook is a new type of device that would replace outdated breadboards and allow developers to arrange software and hardware setups more cleanly and understandably. I propose to apply for a few patents and trademarks and later give everyone open access to the inventions if needed.
The Noun-Devices will be available in the $40-$60 price range and distributed strictly using a fixed price policy to ensure that the end users do not overpay. The money from sales will be used to further proliferate NounsDAO by introducing more devices, modules, books, and tutorials. All future products will be branded and aligned with the nounish culture.
NounsDAO can sponsor ETH Hackathons by providing the first 400 Noun-Computer kits. Also, 30% of the supply will be allocated to Nouns-Computer Fund any nouner will be able to request computers for Public Good via an on-chain proposal and send it to developing countries, minority groups, or other purposes.
We can bring NounsDAO to Consumer Electronic Show (CES) where we will have an opportunity to talk with big companies and media outlets about how NounsDAO builds an internet government, growth a global community of talented people, enables multidisciplinary collaborations, and funds cool projects with a meaningful impact on the future such as Noun-Computers. We can show the world innovative devices that will be used at universities, schools, and indie projects around the world.
How can we reach new communities and establish a sustainable proliferation model for NounsDAO? My idea is to grow a community of software and hardware developers around new, affordable, and innovative Noun-Computers. Noun-Computers will win the hearts and minds of developers by improving the software and hardware prototyping experience.
[Price and Availability] Schools and universities do not use a single-board computer in their curriculum due to price inconsistency. For example, raspberry pi 4 boards are advertised to cost $70 but you are never able to buy them at that price. The market price for raspberry pi 4 is over $160. By manufacturing Noun-Computers, we can prevent any price speculations and make truly affordable and widely available single-board computers.
[Versatility & Capability]
The Noun-Computer and Noun-Breadbook would be very intuitive and easy to use. A well-selected combination of features, interfaces and elements placement on the board would allow to free the working space for other elements/modules. The Noun-Computers performance will be enough to run ETH staking node, run deep learning and computer vision applications. The Noun-Computer will be a size of a credit card that can work as a stand-alone device or with a Noun-Breadbook. We are going to fit the following features:
The Noun-Computer will compete in performance and price with raspberry pi and arduino boards. The devices will be sold via a fixed price policy to ensure that end users do not overpay.
The Noun-Devices will cost $40-$60. Similar devices on the market are advertised as cheap but usually sold for $100~$160. The money from sales will be used to introduce more nounish devices, books, tutorials, and sponsor eth hackathons.
All documentation, tutorials, and books will use nouns assets as well as electrical components on the computer boards will be arranged in the form of noggles.
Noun-Computer and Noun-Breadbook are new devices that work together and provide a fundamentally new way to work on software and hardware projects. Noun-Breadbook is a reinvented breadboard and my original idea and I would love to work with NounsDAO to bring this game-changing device to life. The key to success is to make Noun-Computer and Noun-Breadbook complement each other and work together as one modular system. I believe that Noun-Devices will be widely accepted at universities, schools, startups, and indie dev. It is an expensive project but has a great return on investment and will be a sustainable way to proliferate NounsDAO. We can put Nouns to Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas and generate a lot of positive exposure to NounDAO through press and tv.
I have been working in academia for a long time and know that new devices such as Noun-Computer and Noun-Breadbook would significantly improve user experience and inspire people to work on bigger and more ambitious projects.
An interactive book based on Noun-Breadbook will be the most nounish book in academia, period! The design of Noun-Computer and Breadbook would allow people to work on creative projects. For example, users will be able to use blank pages to document their work and development progress. Likewise, users will be able to share their work by sharing printable breadbooks. Noun-Computer and Noun-Breadbook would be appreciated by universities and schools around the globe. It is also possible that in the future the Breadbook would be adopted as a learning platform by Computer Science and Engineering schools.
The money from sales of the devices will be used to support future development and manufacturing.
I have many years of experience working with two great companies KS Technology and Hansaem digitec.
Phase I&II - Prototypes v0.1~1 (4 months)
Nowadays, the development and manufacturing of a single-board computer might be trivial given the available knowledge. However, the challenge is to design a perfect combination of single board computer and breadbook layout that would give people the freedom to build creative circuits and prototypes.
Phase III - Mass Manufacturing (5 months)
Mass manufacturing of Noun-Computer devices would require the development of manufacturing methods, safety approvals, quality control tests, etc. Manufacturing is a difficult process and it would be best to outsource it to a third-party company. There are a lot of companies that manufacture PCBs and electronic devices in Korea. We just need to invest time and money into developing requirements, manufacturing methods, and quality control.
Phase IV - Proliferation
The proliferation phase is the time when the NounsDAO will be able to harvest fruits from its investment. We will bring NounsDAO to CES, where we alongside with most innovative companies. I will personally visit 10+ universities and give guest lectures and master classes on Noun-Computer and Noun-Breadbook. I will write an Interactive book based on Noun-Breadbook that will be used for ages to come.
Twitter: fiveoceans_dev
During my years in grad school, I worked on multiple projects that were published in science journals [1] [2] [3].
Noun-Computer and Noun-Breadbook are my original idea and I would love to work with NounsDAO to bring these game-changing devices to life. I believe that Noun-Computer and Breadbook would be widely accepted in universities, schools, and startups. I will personally visit 10+ universities and give lectures and master classes on Noun-Computer and Noun-Breadbook. It is an expensive project and I do not think it would be possible without support from an open-minded community such as NounsDAO.
Here is a photo of my previous single-board computer that I developed during my ph.d. years.
It is hard to give an exact size of the budget for such a project. However, in my experience, designing embedded systems, necessary software, manufacturing cost, and safety approvals and patents would be around $1.1 million. All excess money will be sent back to the NounsDAO treasury on March 1, 2024.
Phase I - Prototyping Noun-Computer (4 months)
$150,000 - Noun-Computer prototype, stand with ports, and firmware development
$50,000 - 1/2 fiveoceans_dev's compensation (I will use this funds to work full time on Nouns-Computers and offset prototyping expenses.
Subtotal: $200,000
Phase II - Prototyping Noun-Breadbook (3 months)
$170,000 - Noun-Breadbook prototype development and manufacturing methods
$50,000 - 2/2 fiveoceans_dev's compensation (I will use this funds to offset expenses and write an interactive book based on Noun-Breadbook for electrical engineering and computer science majors). The book will be another opportunity to establish a long proliferation strategy for NounsDOA.
Subtotal: $220,000
Phase III - Manufacturing (5 months)
$450,000 - Mass production of Noun-Computer and Noun-Breadbook (3,000~5,000 pcs).
$120,000 - Patent and trademark applications (From my experience, it is best to apply for patents and trademarks and later offer open access to everyone if needed)
Subtotal: $570,000
Phase IV - Proliferation (∞)
$110,000 - Nouns-Computers booth at 2023 Consumer Electronics Show, Las Vegas
$0 - I will try my luck and apply to Shark Tank to raise additional investment and put Noun-Computers in every school, institute, and mall
$0 - Guest Lectures about NounsDAO and Noun-Computers at the 10 best Universities in the USA, EUROPE, and ASIA (MIT, Harvard, etc)
Subtotal: $110,000
Phase I - $200,000
Phase II - $220,000
Phase III - $570,000
Phase IV - $110,000
TOTAL: $1,100,000
gnosis-safe: 0xFA85bcbDcDAE9113E81C8e0eC25DA9600c73a625
Proposed transactions
$200,000 to fiveoceans_dev : 0xDf6e59c6DF1E9500fd35A76FF4C62F9901E90019
$900,000 to Noun-Computers Multi-sig : 0xEC33F935A436d704cB50C4d94aFe49Fa253B53fd
I spend a long time debating myself what is the best option to ask NounsDAO to fund the Noun-Computers project. Some members prefer to fund a proof of concept and request builders to submit proposals for recurrent funding. This option helps to protect the treasury from bad actors who do not keep their promises. To give the members confidence, we request that 82% of the funds be sent to a multi-sig safe with 4/7 well-known signers. Requesting a full amount at once would make it clear how much funds the DAO needs to commit to accomplish the full project. It also would allow me to focus only on execution.
The NounsDAO would benefit by building a community of developers, onboarding student programmers, helping communities in need, and diversifying/decentralizing the Ethereum network. The first group of users is devs at ETH Global hackathons. I believe many enthusiasts would like to run an Ethereum staking node or develop applications. The second group of users is university students. There is a real opportunity to do a public good by teaching students programming, finding new blockchain builders, invite people to NounsDAO. The third group of users are people who can not afford a laptop. NounsDAO will be able to donate 30% of the supply of Noun-Computers to developing countries and minority groups. The fourth group is blockchain enthusiasts. There are not many affordable single-board computers that are specifically developed to run an Ethereum node. Currently, plug-and-play nodes cost $1,600~$3,500. Or alternative based on a raspberry pi 4 with all the dongles would cost around $360.
It is a very expensive project, and I believe it should have a long-term vision to guarantee a return on investment for NounsDAO. I am always very careful with the promises I make. In this proposal, I promise to allocate 30% or around 900~1,500 units of the supply to the Noun-Computers fund. Any nouner will be able to request the computer by submitting a proposal similar to Nouns Vision noggles. The rest of the supply will be sold and around $650,000 will be used to manufacture the next batch of Noun-Computers and develop new devices, modules, and tutorials. I think with that capital we will be able to continue growing the community around Noun-computers.
It is a great option however, it is extremely difficult to buy a large batch of raspberry pi computers due to unavailability. Also, the prices are often determined by resellers. It is also much more meaningful to onboard new developers with nounish devices. Another big part of the proposal is to bring NounsDAO to ETH global hackathons and CES with new devices such as Noun-Breadbook.
The target users are devs at ETH Global hackathons, blockchain supporters, university students, minority groups, and people in developing countries.
By developing Noun-Computer and Breadbook we will be able to set a new standard for software and hardware prototyping. First, these devices will be affordable and available at a fixed price. Second, the form factor of the devices would allow users to freely bring their setups with them. Third, users will be able to develop good-looking setups that others can easily understand and follow. It is going to be a much more satisfying educational platform to learn coding and hacking. We can provide a solution to millions of people while continuously proliferating NounsDAO.
The main differences are MPUs have a ball grid array that has a high pin count and requires a more complex PCB Routing. Also, MPUs operate at GHz frequencies that require all signal routes to be of the same length/topology. Last, PCB boards for MPUs have more complex ICs and would require at least 6-8 layers. I previously designed boards with MCUs and working on an MPU board is new to me. For me working on projects with Nouns is also a learning opportunity. I think constantly learning, new opportunities, and working with the community are what make NounsDAo so fun. Of course, I would use the help of my peers from academia to fine-tune the designs. I would like to design a Noun-Computer around AM62Ax Sitara MPU with Arm Cortex-A53 1.4 GHz. The SBC will feature the following ports and interfaces.
I would love someday to call myself a nouner! I would definitely try to save some of the money from compensation to acquire a noun (I requested two payments of $50,000 each as my compensation for this project). If this project will be approved I would need to work full time and dedicate myself to making a great Noun-Computer. Monetary compensation would give me the needed freedom to focus and succeed. I also think this project has a good chance to be profitable because the number of potential customers is huge. So it will be possible not only to guarantee the continuous proliferation of NounsDAO but also to return some of the money to the treasury by acquiring Nouns.