i believe this proposal is an excellent opportunity to support tigris in their creative journey with nouns. while i find the proposal to be on the expensive side, i see it as an investment in a builder who has the potential to grow, develop new skillsets, and learn from this project. my hope is that tigris will continue to innovate and experiment with nouns in the future, ultimately becoming an even stronger contributor to the community.
i believe that in most cases, proposals should be evaluated separately from the builder involved. however, when a builder is directly involved with the proposal, it's essential for me to consider how the project could contribute to their growth and development. fostering the development of our current builders is as crucial as attracting individuals with established platforms, audiences, and products. after all, our existing builders and collaborators are the ones who understand the nouns culture and can directly enrich it. in my opinion, investing in the growth of our builders and collaborators holds more long-term value than simply "buying" our way into high-profile collaborations, such as a mr. beast video.