(Resubmitted with minor clarifications and higher res images. Sorry to the members of nounish subdaos who've started voting!)
This is a proposal to build an ideas marketplace for Nouns.
- make it easier for ideas and builders to be considered by the DAO.
- make it easier for Nouners to signal what they want to see done and funded.
The marketplace will separate ideas from proposals. This establishes an inconsequential touchpoint between builders and the treasury before the decision to fund or reject.
Doing so will unlock the following for Nouns, and eventually the wider ecosystem:
- More ideas being generated because the process of submitting an idea is less consequential / arduous than a carefully considered proposal.
- Establishes a contribution portal for those who may not want to build, but have ideas.
- Ability to replace Discourse with a Reddit like portal for each idea and its proposals.
- Ideas can be evaluated on their own merit, without bias towards a proposer or execution.
- Ideas can be revisited, refined and developed over time, potentially leading to better proposals in the future.
- Recognition and potentially compensation for idea creators, despite not being involved in the execution of the proposal.
- Larger pool of potential builders to propose their executions, leading to more aligned proposals and better outcomes for the DAO.
- Anyone can submit an idea to Prop Lot.
- Nouners show support for ideas through token weighted up/down voting.
- Ideas with X amount of upvotes (% threshold decided by DAO) are added to Nouns DAO’s Prop Lot page to start accepting proposals from builders.
- Nouners can up/down vote proposals. Nouners can also suggest changes. If not supportive of an ETH ask, Nouners can submit an ETH amount they would support onchain.
- Proposals with X amount upvotes (% threshold decided by DAO) will be able to be pushed onchain at Nouns DAO for funding.
Nouners can also request proposals or a temp-check directly from Nouns DAO’s Prop Lot page.
All Images (higher res)
60 ETH for 4 months of operations (60 ETH for team at 5 ETH p/m pp).
Adelidusiam, Frog and Tob. We built Prop Lot for Lil Nouns.
- Built an instance of Lil Nouns' Prop Lot for Nouns as a POC (for free. not part of this proposal). Submit your ideas at nouns.proplot.wtf
- Idea marketplace released on per feature basis where possible, replacing the POC.
- Working closely with Verbs team to ensure smooth integration with Nouns DAO V3 governance upgrades.
- Expected development time of 12 weeks, with extra time dedicated to actioning feedback, making improvements and feature explorations with the community.
- API so other front end clients can pull ideas to make it easier for anyone to see the ideas Nouners want funded.
- Entirely open source and free for anyone to build on top of (at the discretion of the DAO)
If successful, what’s next?
- Explore features that improve Nouners’ ability to make informed decisions about proposals: Eg, a portal for public sourced sentiment to add context in areas Nouners may not be familiar with (potentially activating Nouns spectators).
- Look to integrate Prop House as a funding destination proposals can be pushed to (eg, Prop House Infinite rounds).
- Submit → Submint: consider moving the marketplace onchain to give the DAO control over it’s Prop Lot page, let other Nounish DAOs self-onboard and create an incentive structure that encourages idea submissions (eg, provenance and idea contribution tip).
(thanks to nouns AI for the lovely generated images and noundation.wtf for Nounish Ipsum!) ⌐◨-◨