Authors: Arpeggi Labs, Nate Fox & Joshua Fisher.
Noun Tracks are the fully on-chain 1:1 CC0 theme songs of a Noun created using Arpeggi Labs' on-chain DAW with samples and patterns performed and written by Nate Fox.
Together we will develop and launch Noun Tracks. These NFT's are claimable for Nouners plus all the tools will be public and sounds will be compeletely CC0 for the community to enjoy.
Nouns have a stack of visual characteristics that make them unique, with Noun Tracks now they have their own sounds too!
Noun Tracks contain a 1:1 sonic representation of every layer of a Noun.
Each visible layer of the Noun corresponds to a unique component of the song:
Layer 1 - Backgrounds (2) - Key, either Major or Minor.
Key_Background {
boolean major;
Layer 2 - Bodies (30) - Chord Progressions containing unique Bass & Harmony patterns and samples. These correspond to the "body" of the song.
ChordProgression_Bodies {
Pattern bass;
Pattern harmony;
Sample bassSample;
Sample harmonySample;
Layer 3 - Accessories (137) - Drum Loops containing unique snare, hat, percussion and kick patterns and samples. These provide a nice "accessory" to the other melodic components to the song.
DrumLoop_Accessory {
Pattern kick.
Pattern snare;
Pattern hat;
Pattern perc;
Sample kickSample;
Sample snareSample;
Sample hatSample;
Sample percSample;
Layer 4 - Heads (234) - Lead Sample and Sound Effects. 234 Sample + Sound Effect combinations give each Noun.
These custom Lead Samples plus fun FX Sample moments give each Noun Track a distinctive personality. For example, Nouns with the shark head will have a shark chomp sound effect!
FX_Heads {
Sample lead;
Pattern fx;
Sample fxSample;
Layer 5 - Glasses (21 patterns) - Lead Pattern, aka the musical notation of the Lead Sample produced by Nate.
Lead_Glasses {
Pattern lead;
Once an auction is settled and a new Noun appears a new Noun Track is created and minted!
Using a custom "Noun Track Creation Contract" Arpeggi will pull the correspoding Samples and Patterns from the current Nouns features to create each days Noun Track.
Example Noun Track
Noun_Track {
Key_Background key;
ChordProgression_Bodies chords;
DrumLoop_Accessory drums;
FX_Heads fx;
Lead_Glasses lead;
Additional Noun Tracks Samples
(*please note that this was created using a BETA Version of Arpeggi Nouns where Percussion field was used or FX. The final version will have greater flexibility)
Every Noun has a corresponding Noun Track that can be claimed by the Noun owner. A Nouner simply connects the wallet to and they can claim their corresponding Noun Track.
In addtion to the NFT being minted the Noun Track will be simultaneously uploaded w/ it's Noun artwork to the traditional music DSP's and platforms. Using a platform such as Revelator's on-chain IP rights management system the royalties generated will be split between NounsDAO, the Nouner, and the creators at 33.3% each.
Don't worry if you don't own a Noun. All tools are public and the music is CC0 so feel free to have some fun!
Apreggi Studios: Creators of the world's first on-chain music creation platform.
Nate Fox: Grammy awarded producer and songwriter who has worked with artists ranging from Chance The Rapper to Randy Newman.
Joshua Fisher: Creative manager, SharkDAO member, Noun Prop Builder and Web3 enthusiast.
We've broken down the cost into two Phases, with Phase 1 being paid a portion up front and portion upon launch. Phase 2 will be paid upon completion of Phase 1 in order to Launch. For avoidance of confusion Phase 2 would be paid before the backend of Phase 1.
Phase 1
40E - Music Creation: Nate will personally record and produce the sessions at his studio in Los Angeles creating all the custom sounds himself and with musicians in his network.
20 upfront, 20 wen mint
30E - Arpeggi Music Platform: Arpeggi Labs will build a custom DAW that can be used by Nate, and the public after launch, to store the Samples and Patters used to generative daily Noun Tracks and put them on-chain.
20 upfront, 10 wen mint
10E - Project Management: Josh developed the idea, organized the parties and will continue to see the project through development, launch and beyond.
5 upfront, 5 wen mint
Phase 2
10E - Smart Contract Development (Solidity): Arpeggi Labs will implement the Solidity smart contract that allows Noun holders to mint Noun Tracks.
5E - Front End Development: Arpeggi Labs can build the site that allows for minting with connected wallet.
5E - Other Costs: Projected gas fees for uploading Samples and Airdropping Nouners.
Nate Fox:
Joshua Fisher:
We're already hard at work as you can see and once this is approved Nate can continue creating and refining the Samples and Patterns and begin programming the tracks w/ Arpeggi.
We are targeting a launch in 8 weeks.
Passing this proposal is a vote to fund the entire project (100 ETH), the remainder to be paid via an additional proposal when Phase 1 work is completed.
Authors: Arpeggi Labs, Nate Fox & Joshua Fisher.
Noun Tracks are the fully on-chain 1:1 CC0 theme songs of a Noun created using Arpeggi Labs' on-chain DAW with samples and patterns performed and written by Nate Fox.
Together we will develop and launch Noun Tracks. These NFT's are claimable for Nouners plus all the tools will be public and sounds will be compeletely CC0 for the community to enjoy.
Nouns have a stack of visual characteristics that make them unique, with Noun Tracks now they have their own sounds too!
Noun Tracks contain a 1:1 sonic representation of every layer of a Noun.
Each visible layer of the Noun corresponds to a unique component of the song:
Layer 1 - Backgrounds (2) - Key, either Major or Minor.
Key_Background {
boolean major;
Layer 2 - Bodies (30) - Chord Progressions containing unique Bass & Harmony patterns and samples. These correspond to the "body" of the song.
ChordProgression_Bodies {
Pattern bass;
Pattern harmony;
Sample bassSample;
Sample harmonySample;
Layer 3 - Accessories (137) - Drum Loops containing unique snare, hat, percussion and kick patterns and samples. These provide a nice "accessory" to the other melodic components to the song.
DrumLoop_Accessory {
Pattern kick.
Pattern snare;
Pattern hat;
Pattern perc;
Sample kickSample;
Sample snareSample;
Sample hatSample;
Sample percSample;
Layer 4 - Heads (234) - Lead Sample and Sound Effects. 234 Sample + Sound Effect combinations give each Noun.
These custom Lead Samples plus fun FX Sample moments give each Noun Track a distinctive personality. For example, Nouns with the shark head will have a shark chomp sound effect!
FX_Heads {
Sample lead;
Pattern fx;
Sample fxSample;
Layer 5 - Glasses (21 patterns) - Lead Pattern, aka the musical notation of the Lead Sample produced by Nate.
Lead_Glasses {
Pattern lead;
Once an auction is settled and a new Noun appears a new Noun Track is created and minted!
Using a custom "Noun Track Creation Contract" Arpeggi will pull the correspoding Samples and Patterns from the current Nouns features to create each days Noun Track.
Example Noun Track
Noun_Track {
Key_Background key;
ChordProgression_Bodies chords;
DrumLoop_Accessory drums;
FX_Heads fx;
Lead_Glasses lead;
Additional Noun Tracks Samples
(*please note that this was created using a BETA Version of Arpeggi Nouns where Percussion field was used or FX. The final version will have greater flexibility)
Every Noun has a corresponding Noun Track that can be claimed by the Noun owner. A Nouner simply connects the wallet to and they can claim their corresponding Noun Track.
In addtion to the NFT being minted the Noun Track will be simultaneously uploaded w/ it's Noun artwork to the traditional music DSP's and platforms. Using a platform such as Revelator's on-chain IP rights management system the royalties generated will be split between NounsDAO, the Nouner, and the creators at 33.3% each.
Don't worry if you don't own a Noun. All tools are public and the music is CC0 so feel free to have some fun!
Apreggi Studios: Creators of the world's first on-chain music creation platform.
Nate Fox: Grammy awarded producer and songwriter who has worked with artists ranging from Chance The Rapper to Randy Newman.
Joshua Fisher: Creative manager, SharkDAO member, Noun Prop Builder and Web3 enthusiast.
We've broken down the cost into two Phases, with Phase 1 being paid a portion up front and portion upon launch. Phase 2 will be paid upon completion of Phase 1 in order to Launch. For avoidance of confusion Phase 2 would be paid before the backend of Phase 1.
Phase 1
40E - Music Creation: Nate will personally record and produce the sessions at his studio in Los Angeles creating all the custom sounds himself and with musicians in his network.
20 upfront, 20 wen mint
30E - Arpeggi Music Platform: Arpeggi Labs will build a custom DAW that can be used by Nate, and the public after launch, to store the Samples and Patters used to generative daily Noun Tracks and put them on-chain.
20 upfront, 10 wen mint
10E - Project Management: Josh developed the idea, organized the parties and will continue to see the project through development, launch and beyond.
5 upfront, 5 wen mint
Phase 2
10E - Smart Contract Development (Solidity): Arpeggi Labs will implement the Solidity smart contract that allows Noun holders to mint Noun Tracks.
5E - Front End Development: Arpeggi Labs can build the site that allows for minting with connected wallet.
5E - Other Costs: Projected gas fees for uploading Samples and Airdropping Nouners.
Nate Fox:
Joshua Fisher:
We're already hard at work as you can see and once this is approved Nate can continue creating and refining the Samples and Patterns and begin programming the tracks w/ Arpeggi.
We are targeting a launch in 8 weeks.
Passing this proposal is a vote to fund the entire project (100 ETH), the remainder to be paid via an additional proposal when Phase 1 work is completed.