‘Nouns: Nountown’ will be released in April of 2023, but the size of the print run will be determined by aggregate demand at the end of February. To ensure maximum distribution of the comic, we propose that NounsDAO purchase and warehouse 5000 copies of each issue. Based on the best estimate of industry veteran Adam Fortier, the print run for each edition will be ~20,000 copies, giving the DAO approximately ¼ of the supply. ComicsDAO on behalf of NounsDAO will store the books in a warehouse in Maryland, a hub that can ship books to individuals, groups, or stores as they run out of stock.
Additionally, ‘Nouns: Nountown’ will be presented at Comicon San Diego and New York. These are the two largest events in comics, and we will bring copies of ‘Nouns: Nountown’ for the artist to sign at the convention, as well as copies to sell at the convention.
NounsDAO (via ComicsDAO) will be able to accept orders through Titan Comics for fulfilment around the world, and ComicsDAO will set up an e-mail address for those that wish to use ETH or USDC to purchase books, with the proceeds going back into the Nouns Treasury as the comics are sold. Anyone that wants a book will be able to get one (until the stock is depleted).
Each issue is $5 USD, with 5,000 copies costing $25,000 USD. For 6 issues, that’s $150,000 USD, paid in USDC. Funds will be sent to the ComicsDAO/SharkDAO multisig from Prop 116.
Multisig Address:
‘Nouns: Nountown’ will be released in April of 2023, but the size of the print run will be determined by aggregate demand at the end of February. To ensure maximum distribution of the comic, we propose that NounsDAO purchase and warehouse 5000 copies of each issue. Based on the best estimate of industry veteran Adam Fortier, the print run for each edition will be ~20,000 copies, giving the DAO approximately ¼ of the supply. ComicsDAO on behalf of NounsDAO will store the books in a warehouse in Maryland, a hub that can ship books to individuals, groups, or stores as they run out of stock.
Additionally, ‘Nouns: Nountown’ will be presented at Comicon San Diego and New York. These are the two largest events in comics, and we will bring copies of ‘Nouns: Nountown’ for the artist to sign at the convention, as well as copies to sell at the convention.
NounsDAO (via ComicsDAO) will be able to accept orders through Titan Comics for fulfilment around the world, and ComicsDAO will set up an e-mail address for those that wish to use ETH or USDC to purchase books, with the proceeds going back into the Nouns Treasury as the comics are sold. Anyone that wants a book will be able to get one (until the stock is depleted).
Each issue is $5 USD, with 5,000 copies costing $25,000 USD. For 6 issues, that’s $150,000 USD, paid in USDC. Funds will be sent to the ComicsDAO/SharkDAO multisig from Prop 116.
Multisig Address: