The Nouns Acquisition Committee (NAC) was established by Proposal 44, and has successfully acquired Nouns on behalf of the DAO for later distribution to builders as compensation.
The NAC Multisig (0x9298B97dE93784635900163e582A5D9e570f35a5) currently custodies 3 nouns in escrow on behalf of builders with approved but incomplete proposals. They are delegated to the Nouncil as specified in the original proposal.
These Nouns are collectively owned by the DAO. As Nouncil has grown and developed its own culture that is distinct from the greater NounsDAO, this delegation is no longer appropriate.
This proposal instructs the NAC to:
The Nouns Acquisition Committee (NAC) was established by Proposal 44, and has successfully acquired Nouns on behalf of the DAO for later distribution to builders as compensation.
The NAC Multisig (0x9298B97dE93784635900163e582A5D9e570f35a5) currently custodies 3 nouns in escrow on behalf of builders with approved but incomplete proposals. They are delegated to the Nouncil as specified in the original proposal.
These Nouns are collectively owned by the DAO. As Nouncil has grown and developed its own culture that is distinct from the greater NounsDAO, this delegation is no longer appropriate.
This proposal instructs the NAC to: