A Very Nounish Gitcoinmas NFT Crossover Event
Written by Noun 12 but he can't propose because there's only 1 Live Proposal per proposing address at a time.
The proposal is for Nouns DAO to become a matching partner to the tune of 169 ETH for the Gitcoin Grants Round 12 starting December 1st. We will also commission the artists behind the successful Gitcoin Moonshot Bot NFTs to make a series of 5 Moonshot Nouns, 1 of which will be auctioned over the course of the round with the proceeds going to Gitcoin general fund, and 4 of which will go to winners that the Nouns community selects from each GR12 category (Climate, Advocacy, Longevity, Ethereum), in a limited edition NFT crossover event.
Discourse Discussion for A Very Nounish Gitcoinmas
What's Gitcoin?
- Gitcoin is a crypto-native public goods funding and open source jobs & coordination platform successfully built and spun out of Consensys into a DAO with its own ERC-20 ($GTC). Gitcoin has raised $40 million for open source and public goods funding in its lifetime. One popular Gitcoin feature has been quarterly funding rounds for grants to public goods and open source projects that are accompanied with quadratic matching by sponsors. That quadratic matching is designed to assess both the quantity and quality of support that a given project gets, creating an effective way of measuring dollar voting without descending into plutocracy. These rounds, the energy and money they incubated for public goods, have been a great success for the Ethereum community in general. Gitcoin has raised tens of millions of dollars through their GRs alone.
- Vitalik on Gitcoin
- Gitcoin GR12
- Vitalik on Quadratic payments
- Radical Markets, an overview of Radical Democracy tools like quadatic funding applied to solve economic and other problems
- Lemonade Stand, A handy guide to financial support for open source
How does Nouns DAO benefit?
- Fund the public goods from which we were created and on which are future depends. Who's going to build the roads? We are.
- Signal to the Ethereum, crypto, open source, and builder communities that our ethos aligns with theirs. We will be the one of largest matching partners, if not the #1. The Ethereum Foundation is giving $500k specifically for the Advocacy category for example.
- Make it normative for DAOs to support both crypto and real world public goods just as part of their DNA. Everyone benefits from this, it's a good seed for open source crypto and decentralized organizations, because we are and always will be all in this together. We're leaders, let's lead.
- Marketing to the types of creators and builders we want to attract for Nouns proposal that we are open for business. Gitcoin projects have huge overlap with the types of projects and creators we would consider funding. It's a large gm to them all.
- Demonstration that business should be sealed with NFT miscegenation and crossover events. In this case, between Noun DAO's NFT and Gitcoin's. Who knows what this type of NFT-rooted relationship could evolve into but there's memetic consistency in sealing a deal with an NFT crossover event. Worst case, we have created more fun symbolically important art. Best case it creates deeper ways to engage and collaborate with fellow DAOs or boomer organizations like Arby's.
Moonshot Nouns
These will be 5 NFTs, made and managed on the Gitcoin side with input from the Nouns side.
Will feature both Moonshot Bot and Nounish elements in some fashion. Obviously, the most distinctive Nounish element are our glasses but there's also the distinctive heads which could be of use. Artist may make a themed one for each category (Climate, Advocacy, Longevity, Ethereum) and then one uber-one.
The uber-one NFT will be auctioned on the 1st or 2nd of the round with an auction set to end on the 2nd to last day of the Round (December 11th). Auction will be promoted on both Nouns and Gitcoin side. Proceeds will go to Gitcoin general fund or multisig.
The category Moonshot Noun NFTs will be doled out to a champion from each category, determined by a process we run on the Nouns side. Likely a small Nouns team will pick the top 10 projects in each category and then put it up for vote to the public. Potentially we can create a polling page on Nouns.wtf to drive engagement directly to our home rather than Twitter. TBD.
This is all subject to change if a better NFT crossover path and strategy emerge in process or it become unworkable.

Steps and Timing
- Gitcoin principals and Nouns principals are spun up and planning. Completed.
- Push Proposal onchain.
- The grant to the Gitcoin multisig is straightforward and there's no execution issues with it other than passing a vote. Late November.
- Prelim NFT sketches have been made and that side is in process.
- We will collaborate on a Gitcoin blog post that will go out at the launch of the round, and in conjunction with starting the auction for the uber-one Moonshot Noun on Opensea. Nouns side will push the voting for projects starting midway through the round. December 6th.
- Voting concludes, Opensea auction concludes, we distribute the NFTs to the winners. December 12-13th.
- 169 ETH for the Gitcoin GR12 Matching Pool at
A Very Nounish Gitcoinmas NFT Crossover Event
Written by Noun 12 but he can't propose because there's only 1 Live Proposal per proposing address at a time.
The proposal is for Nouns DAO to become a matching partner to the tune of 169 ETH for the Gitcoin Grants Round 12 starting December 1st. We will also commission the artists behind the successful Gitcoin Moonshot Bot NFTs to make a series of 5 Moonshot Nouns, 1 of which will be auctioned over the course of the round with the proceeds going to Gitcoin general fund, and 4 of which will go to winners that the Nouns community selects from each GR12 category (Climate, Advocacy, Longevity, Ethereum), in a limited edition NFT crossover event.
Discourse Discussion for A Very Nounish Gitcoinmas
What's Gitcoin?
- Gitcoin is a crypto-native public goods funding and open source jobs & coordination platform successfully built and spun out of Consensys into a DAO with its own ERC-20 ($GTC). Gitcoin has raised $40 million for open source and public goods funding in its lifetime. One popular Gitcoin feature has been quarterly funding rounds for grants to public goods and open source projects that are accompanied with quadratic matching by sponsors. That quadratic matching is designed to assess both the quantity and quality of support that a given project gets, creating an effective way of measuring dollar voting without descending into plutocracy. These rounds, the energy and money they incubated for public goods, have been a great success for the Ethereum community in general. Gitcoin has raised tens of millions of dollars through their GRs alone.
- Vitalik on Gitcoin
- Gitcoin GR12
- Vitalik on Quadratic payments
- Radical Markets, an overview of Radical Democracy tools like quadatic funding applied to solve economic and other problems
- Lemonade Stand, A handy guide to financial support for open source
How does Nouns DAO benefit?
- Fund the public goods from which we were created and on which are future depends. Who's going to build the roads? We are.
- Signal to the Ethereum, crypto, open source, and builder communities that our ethos aligns with theirs. We will be the one of largest matching partners, if not the #1. The Ethereum Foundation is giving $500k specifically for the Advocacy category for example.
- Make it normative for DAOs to support both crypto and real world public goods just as part of their DNA. Everyone benefits from this, it's a good seed for open source crypto and decentralized organizations, because we are and always will be all in this together. We're leaders, let's lead.
- Marketing to the types of creators and builders we want to attract for Nouns proposal that we are open for business. Gitcoin projects have huge overlap with the types of projects and creators we would consider funding. It's a large gm to them all.
- Demonstration that business should be sealed with NFT miscegenation and crossover events. In this case, between Noun DAO's NFT and Gitcoin's. Who knows what this type of NFT-rooted relationship could evolve into but there's memetic consistency in sealing a deal with an NFT crossover event. Worst case, we have created more fun symbolically important art. Best case it creates deeper ways to engage and collaborate with fellow DAOs or boomer organizations like Arby's.
Moonshot Nouns
These will be 5 NFTs, made and managed on the Gitcoin side with input from the Nouns side.
Will feature both Moonshot Bot and Nounish elements in some fashion. Obviously, the most distinctive Nounish element are our glasses but there's also the distinctive heads which could be of use. Artist may make a themed one for each category (Climate, Advocacy, Longevity, Ethereum) and then one uber-one.
The uber-one NFT will be auctioned on the 1st or 2nd of the round with an auction set to end on the 2nd to last day of the Round (December 11th). Auction will be promoted on both Nouns and Gitcoin side. Proceeds will go to Gitcoin general fund or multisig.
The category Moonshot Noun NFTs will be doled out to a champion from each category, determined by a process we run on the Nouns side. Likely a small Nouns team will pick the top 10 projects in each category and then put it up for vote to the public. Potentially we can create a polling page on Nouns.wtf to drive engagement directly to our home rather than Twitter. TBD.
This is all subject to change if a better NFT crossover path and strategy emerge in process or it become unworkable.

Steps and Timing
- Gitcoin principals and Nouns principals are spun up and planning. Completed.
- Push Proposal onchain.
- The grant to the Gitcoin multisig is straightforward and there's no execution issues with it other than passing a vote. Late November.
- Prelim NFT sketches have been made and that side is in process.
- We will collaborate on a Gitcoin blog post that will go out at the launch of the round, and in conjunction with starting the auction for the uber-one Moonshot Noun on Opensea. Nouns side will push the voting for projects starting midway through the round. December 6th.
- Voting concludes, Opensea auction concludes, we distribute the NFTs to the winners. December 12-13th.
- 169 ETH for the Gitcoin GR12 Matching Pool at