Nouncil Vote:
29 Yes, 16 No, 2 Abstain
12 Nouncillors abstained from the decision
Vote Reasons & Discussion
Classic_Craig | "While I love the depth and detail in the proposal, I believe the impact this will have is minimal. It is like VC funding a whisky brand that has very limited marketing potential, imo."
Bigshot Klim | "I love the passion and commitment of this team and the long game will be worth the wait"
Josep | "The liquor sector is a sector with many brands that have been #1 for centuries. This makes them slow and not receiving technology in the right way.
Nouns can leverage the technological and creative talent of the community to cause a major disruption in the sector."
RyanMac ⌐◨-◨ | "Take my money"
0xDariush | "I'm a whiskey guy, it's a professional proposal and i can trust it , or at least i like to give the chance to try their best. proliferation through daily products are super nounish imo"
Mindtoasted | "Have seen this prop since the beginning and seems this could bring some different outcome that related with regards to embrace wishkey or any other booze which can be managed leaning towards web3, I would like to vote yes on this."
For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord: