This is a simple proposal to set the reverse record from the treasury to be nouns.eth. By setting this reverse record, anyone will be able to easily send anything to Nouns by simply inputting nouns.eth.
This is a revised version of The only change is the omission of the 1 ETH payment for proposal submission.
I think this is a good thing to do, but I also think we should reward folks for their contributions. Would have preferred to pass the previous version.
Voting against as I voted for 202: I think we should reward people for their time and ideas and it is a bad look not to do so.
I voted FOR on Prop 202 so will abstaining here. I believe that ideas are valuable and the originator should be given a chance to revise with a more appropriate reward.
We want to encourage builders to suggest improvements to the DAO. If all suggestions to improve the DAO are copypasted into a new Prop without a reward, we are doing ourselves a disservice by discouraging new builders to be rewarded for their efforts.
Nouncil Vote:
47 Yes, 5 No, 1 Abstain
9 Nouncillors abstained from the decision
Vote Reasons & Discussion
Brook | "would have voted AGAINST on Prop 202 had I known this would happen."
0xDariush | "they removed the eth from the prop and problem solved, so YES"
Classic_Craig | "this makes sense as an easy solution for sending and receiving."
Josep | "I believe it will be beneficial for the DAO to have a recognizable ENS."
Benbodhi | "Wen nouns.⌐◨-◨"
kerimbonia | "well, now that you put it like that how can we say no?"
lilpizza.eth | "Easy yes since there is no 1 eth ask included."
For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:
already voted for prop 202 and believe the brand awareness is worth a reward.
This is a simple proposal to set the reverse record from the treasury to be nouns.eth. By setting this reverse record, anyone will be able to easily send anything to Nouns by simply inputting nouns.eth.
This is a revised version of The only change is the omission of the 1 ETH payment for proposal submission.