ProposalsProposal 201

Nouns Animated Sprite Sheets and Game Asset Assembler!

Quorum: 72
Proposed by


I will create sprite sheet art for every asset of the nouns collection to make them metaverse integration, content creation and game development ready. They will be accessible through a fun and easy to use assembler. Ask is 24eth for both the art and the builder (+ bonus game integration!).

Project details:

With initial prototype and testing funded with Lil Nouns Prop House, I will create game-ready sprite sheets for each asset of the Nouns collection and make them accessible through an easy to use art and animation assembler (with a bonus Metaverse Game integration included for free!)

Content creators and builders will be able to use the sprite sheets for their own proposals/productions which will fast track development and reduce costs for each of those projects.

The creation of Sprite Sheets for an NFT collection is a massive amount of work in terms of art creation and file management. Having the Nouns collection available as sprite sheets will save future content creators and every 2D game project budget and time, not to mention the value of being able to prototype and launch quickly.

To put it into perspective:

In total, the art for approximately 600 Nouns traits will be animated and/or assembled into sprite sheets (each of which consists of 128 frames), results in drawing approximately 76,800 individual frames.

The Meebits DAO created SpriteSheet assets to integrate Meebits into WorldWideWebb3. The DAO paid $60k for 697 traits (64 frames each/44,608 total) and the collection was completed in a total of 10 weeks. See their proposal below.


That’s $60k dollars and months of production that each further project will be able to save.

Furthermore, anyone will be able to build and animate any Noun they can imagine and export an animations of a them walking and idling in 4 different directions, as well as jumping and talking !

My ask is 24 ETH in funding for approximately 8 weeks of art and animated sprite sheet production (not including 8+ weeks of extended project pre-planning and prototyping with Lil Nouns Prop House 1466) and compensation for a website developer to build, integrate all Nouns assets, test and deploy the final builder website over the same period of time, not including final game integrations and fun extras.

Once the art is complete, I will work in collaboration with Worldwide Webb3 team, with whom I have already worked with before, to have the entire Nouns collection immediately integrated in their metaverse - with no additional cost added to the proposal.

Why WorldWide Web3?

They are a web3 MMORPG and have currently integrated over 160+ NFT projects (over 1 million NFTs total), with 2 years of playtime across all users and 15k trades in-game. For the recent Halloweeb event there were ~5k new players and 10k unique ones.

This Nouns game asset integration will add zero costs to this proposal because the sprite sheets are integration-ready right off the bat (just need to host on IPFS). This will also allow for proliferation of Nouns for free via in-game user engagement and official game integration promotions on social media. All included for free.

The Builder

I like to think of this Nounish assembler website as one of many stepping stones I’d like contribute towards the future of Nounish games, for game enjoyers as well as for game creators. A creative hub where multiple Nouns collections will be accessible (Lil Nouns, Food Nouns, Sound Nouns, Gnars, etc, etc).

I have many things planned for the future of this builder: the ability to add your own traits and having a sprite sheet drawing app baked into the site to make Noun game asset development seamless. Eventually, I’d like to make this site a place where artists can come to draw, host, share, and support Nounish sprite sheet collections.

Sky is the limit with the future functionality of animated Nouns and this proposal represents the first step on the stairway to Nounish Sprite Sheet heaven!


  • Sprite sheet art for every asset of the nouns collection (424) with new traits (159+) , for walking, idle and jumping animations. That's approximately 76,800 individual frames!
  • A website where anyone can easily generate sprite sheets for their games, or preview and download animations for a noun.
  • Easy to use features such as a Randomise button, to generate unlimited animated nouns.
  • Two view modes on the builder: sprite sheet overview and animation preview.
  • Keyboard shortcuts (arrows to move, spacebar to jump) to test animations while in preview mode
  • A video introduction to sprite sheets and how to use them in games.
  • Immediate in Worldwide Webb in collaboration with their team as soon as the assets are finalized. Worldwide Webb team have been contacted and have confirmed that Nouns integration would be a top priority.

Why sprite sheets?

Sprite sheets are used in games to animate the characters on the screen. They’re a collection of single frame animations, laid out like a film strip. The most common animations for sprite sheets are the idle sequence (character moving while standing still) and walking cycles (stylistic walk as the character moves around the map)

This is an example of a pixel art sprite sheet created for Worldwide Web3 integration using a custom Dino Lil Nouns created with a Lil Nouns Sprite Sheet Builder Prototype

Additional Sprite Sheet Benefits:

Assets ready for use in future Nouns Community Game Jams or Hackathons

Assets easily adaptable and integrated into many different game styles: endless runner (Chrome Browser Dino), 2D platformer (Mario Bros.), top-down (old School Zelda), pixel-based NFT/Metaverse integrations (Worldwide Webb/Turf/Nifty League Degens)

Who is Kerimbonia? (3D/Pixel Artist, Nouncillor)

Nouncil Member, Lil Nouns Prop House 1466 ( - funded), Noun Sounds Pixel Art Contributor

I’m a professional 3D artist with over 20 years of experience. Previous clients include Lamborghini, Nintendo, Warner Bros., Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, and Rihanna to name a few.

I created the sprite sheets for all CryptoDickbutts collections and am responsible for their integration into Worldwide Web3. I was also the creator of Escape from Gooch Island Game (CryptoDickbutts) and have also assisted Meebits DAO with early 3D-to-Pixel Art rendering workflows and advised Pixel Shop in getting the Meebits integrated into Worldwide Web3 as well.

I love pixel art, animation and believe in the power of being able to totally embody characters in the metaverse, and the value of being able to socialize, proliferate and play games as our favorite NFTs… in this case, Nouns!

Additional links:

Discord: kerimbonia#5863

Lil Nouns Prop House 1466:
Noun Sounds:

Media and Links:

Proposed Transactions

 24.00 ETH

Thank you in advance for your support and looking forward to building some awesomeness with Nouns in 2023!